Pigs gat wings

I give a lengthy pause before replying "it's an interesting choice of tattoo. Why did you choose this?" I ask

"It represents me" he responds and we both step into the elevator.

I ponder, so it means he's not just rich but powerful, wise, and posses longevity and health, at least so he thinks.

In the case of wisdom, abducting a woman cause you want her to bear your children isn't so wise on my part—rather it's hinting on obsession.

He chuckles, "does it scare you?"

I deny, "not really no, I mean I was startled when I first saw it but I'm not scared".

With nothing more to talk about, we both stand in silence. I'm trying so hard to focus on something else other than this itching awkwardness. I take a step back and study his side features.

I can't help but feel I just stepped into something I might not be able to come out of.

Minutes later, we're both standing before the master's bedroom door. In other words, we're standing before "our" room door.

"Wait here for me, I'll be back" he enters and closes the door behind him.

Unlike myself who took several minutes to prepare, Ethan takes not less than a nanosecond—hyperbolically speaking, not literally—

He opens the door, dressed in a lavender t-shirt tucked in black pants with gold embroidery. The suit he's holding has the same embroidery designs.

He smiles at me and offers his hand. He leads me by hand to the dinning.

Once we arrive, an unfortunate maid passes by us—i deem her unfortunate because Ethan frowned at her—

"Why isn't breakfast served yet?" He frowns

She bows with her hand folded in front, "right away master Hades" 

That title again, master Hades. Wait a sec, isn't Hades like..like a synonym for Hell? What kind of family would want a cursed last name? Ruler of the underworld.

My mind clicks as I realize that I'll soon carry that last name also....I guess it can't be helped.

He sits right next to me but he's facing me. A pie is placed in front of me, a traditional one at that—commonly known as quiche, a combination of pastry crust, chopped beef, vegetables, eggs and cream. Quite the delicacy.

I notice they only serve me, I throw my questioning look to Ethan, "you're not hungry?" I ask

"I'm feeding you" he says with a small smile.

Ah, so he's feeding me. I guess one of his many methods to make me fall head over heels for him, but isn't this cliche? Feeding is fine, yeah but he'll have to up his game if he wants this gal falling anytime soon.

"I can do that myself" I refuse him feeding me

"I insist", his words follow action and he lifts the quiche filled spoon to my mouth.

After five spoons, my future flashes before my eyes. A future partner who has self control and is good at pampering, he's currently feeding me pie.

I reach out to the water but he beats me to it and lifts it to my lips. I drink slowly while staring into his hazel eyes, he seems satisfied with feeding me.

comparative, wouldn't you say? His fiery hazel eyes and his last name meaning hell.... convenient if you ask me—

"I'm full", I hold down his hand which was already holding the spoon to my mouth.

I look to the plate, I'm not particularly a fan of keeping left overs, my family wasn't that rich and taught us to respect the food and those who prepared it by finishing every morsel.

But in this case, I'm not at home, besides I don't want Ethan thinking I'm a glutton.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay. I'll drive you" he adds.

He leads me while walking in front. His commanding presence and bossy demeanor belittles me, makes me feel like an ant following behind a handsome Titan.

Getting to his car, I feel a sudden piercing gaze and I turn around swiftly. I catch a glimpse of a shadow at the top floor window, possibly the gym room. It moved away quickly, must have been the androgynous being.

"Isabella!" I turn back to my former direction, Ethan's already by his car. I sigh before joining him.

Getting to peace college, Threp, Australia....

I alight the vehicle. Passerby, students, lecturers, all eyes on me as I walk towards the entrance. I'm body conscious and these stares are not helping at all.

A girl approaches me out of nowhere, panting softly "I'm sorry, did you just come out of THE Ethan Hades car?" She asks

I look behind at his car and then at her again, "I...I guess so, yeah"

She squirms, "oh my gosh, I'm a fan of his, you have to be the most lucky woman. I'm jealous", she doesn't even hide her shameless excitement.

She's jealous? Jealous she didn't get abducted or what?

She taps me vigorously while pointing behind me, "look look, he's waving at you" she says excitedly

I turn around and wave him back and he leaves.

"My name is Peike, I'm from the philosophy department. I've been thinking for a while now, can we be friends?" She asks politely.

I stare at her, half amused. I forgot how conniving some humans are. She says she's been thinking for while....since forever, I've been practically invisible to everyone and now I come in a BMW a random girl says she wants to be friends.

I smile at her, my smile wider and more genuine than hers, "that sounds fantastic, we can be friends" I tell her and her joy elates.

I narrow my eyes and my smile cease, "when pigs fly" I walk past her.