Eighth day

On the terrace of Ethan's room, I sit while relishing the warm breeze, I close my eyes and sigh. I flip the page of the book I'm reading subconsciously—IT ENDS WITH US, one of my favorite romance books.

Giving in to the relaxing wind against my bare skin, I close the book completely and just let it sit on my laps. I lean into the chair and close my eyes.

It's been a week now and so far it's been good. Ethan's been treating me nice and all that, he provides my research materials, feeds me every now and then, teases me a lot plus his habit of watching me before I sleep is still ongoing although recently I've been waking up to his sleeping face and not his intense gaze.

In all these, I can't say that I'm in love anything like that. He's good-looking, charming, caring, protective and over all wealthy but I haven't felt that "feeling" yet, you know, the feeling of your heart pounding hard against your chest when you see the one you love or the desire to touch or be touched by that person.

 I don't feel any of that that towards Ethan. Maybe I'm wrong, perhaps my perspective of love is wrong. I pretty much like him but I don't love him, perhaps he's my type but not my heart's. 

Either way, no way I'm rejecting him, life with him this past week has been a trip to nirvana. I've even gained some weight. 

I exhale and reach out to my chest and mutter quietly, "just fall for him already".

"You're here..", Ethan's voice startles me and I open my eyes. I watch him in his casual outfit walk and squat in front of me, I sit up.

He keeps my book on the floor and rests his head on my laps. I'm wearing shorts so I feel his soft sigh on my thighs.

"How's work?" I reach out to his hair and run my fingers through it—soft and silky. He looks up at me with tired hazel eyes.

I tilt my head at him, it feels like I'm patting a puppy.

He takes my hand from his hair into his, and I let our fingers entwine. He rests his head on my thighs again, "let's go to the gym together" he says, I feel his hot breath on my thighs—its giving a weird sensation.

Back to his request, "you mean we should exercise together?" I rephrase his words.

"Yes, I think you're getting fat" he gives my thigh a squeeze.

Wait! What!?, My lips twitch at his reason. He's the one who feeds me almost ALL the time and wouldn't let me go till I've been full, now he says I'm fat??? 

What kind of man tell his woman that!?

I fight the urge to pull his hair but he's so hopeless. Since day one here, I've been hearing maids and servants gossip, apparently this is his first ever serious relationship. He's a workaholic and rarely involves in anything romantic whatsoever.

Although him and I are practically the same, I've experienced love thanks to amazing authors and webtoon creators out there, and the knowledge I've gathered permits me to conclude that Ethan here is a hopeless romantic.

A smile creeps unto my face, "okay let's exercise". He stands up and I do so too but my balance is thrown off as he suddenly lifts me up and carries me bridal style.

"hey!" I shriek, his sudden move shocked me so I hold on to his neck and shoulders from fear of falling. He holds me firmly and my senses return. I narrow my eyes at his conniving smile.

"What is this?" I ask, he stares down at me. I try to speak but I can't find my words, I feel recessive under his gaze, in a way it frightens me...

He averts his eyes and walks out of the terrace into the room.

"I can walk on my own, I'm fat not crippled!" I argue, "you don't need to carry me"

"I want to carry you" he says and exits the room.

My voice elates, "I don't need you to, I can walk on my own Ethan!" He ignores me and the smile on his face only broadens.

I frown as he ignores me more, I'm throwing a tantrum and he's just smiling. My eyes roam his neck and collar bone, I don't think he knows I can just strangle him here and now....

We move further from the room and the maids can see us, I lower my voice "Ethan please, they're watching us, let me down" I plead desperately but he ignores me still.

We arrive in front of the elevator and he stops, I watch him contemplate—he's probably wondering how he'll hold me like this till we get up.

The elevator door opens, he enters and pushes the button but he's still relentless.

"I'm fat remember? You're arms will get tired", I pull my last thread with hopes that he'll drop me.

He sighs, "you're right" he drops me.

I straighten out my clothes while seething, I felt really embarrassed being watched like that by the servants and maids, soon I'll become their subject of gossip.

"You don't...really mean it right?" I ask


"That I'm fat, I merely just gained a little weight", it wasn't even a big deal

"pfft!", He laughs

I stare at him with unbelief, he does think I'm fat, I'm not!. I pout and fold my arms across my chest, being chubby or fat isn't bad in the slightest but this? This is wrong, I'm still in the slim ladies category.

He pats my head while smiling "don't worry, I'll shape you up".

I never thought I'd be this comfortable with a total stranger I only met last week, perhaps it's the fact he makes it feel like we've known each other for decades even though I barely know him.

For some odd reason, he knows my favorite color, food and favorite restaurant to eat at, and lots more...and I know practically nothing about him. It's not fair on his side.

I'll need to do stuff for him too, maybe teach him how to be romantic..

The elevator goes ding! And I'm swept off my feet—literally— for the second time but this time I let him, he won't listen even though I squeeze his throat.