
We get to the door and he drops me. He opens the door and I enter before him. I'm greeted by the many workout equipment, I sigh.

I haven't been here since that day and I also haven't laid eyes on the androgynous being, the door to the other gym right now is closed and to be candid, I'm too scared to ask Ethan about the other person living here.

I watch Ethan walk up to the lockers and pull out some clothes, he hands me them. So he's serious?, he even prepared my workout clothes, or maybe they belong to the "woman" who was training that day.

I inquire "this...", I give him a hint by looking at the clothes

"Got it prepared just for you" he smiles—guess I thought wrong.

He turns away while I change and I do the same for him also.

I glance down at my peach coloured gym clothes, for the past week I haven't worn any clothe that is either too big or too small. They're always so fitting.

I turn to face Ethan, I tilt my head at him. Maybe this is his usual work out clothing, black shorts and bare chest—what an alluring combination .

I avert my eyes. He offers his hand, "come, we'll start with weightlifting". I accept and he leads me to the part of the gym where the weights are kept.

There's a bunch of 50kg dumbbells, different kilograms of kettlebells, a huge 100kg barbell and some others—they all have this intimidating feel.

Ethan walks up to the 100kg barbell, he looks up at me with a smirk. I stare at him, not sparing my skeptical look. No way he'll lift that—but his body though...

He smiles, "you look like you're doubting", his hands akimbo

I quickly correct "me? Nah", I wave him off "you do you, I'll watch". I struggle to keep a straight face, of course I'm doubting.


His upper body muscles tense up as he crouches, I watch him keenly with both my hands on my hips.

The space he creates between his legs give him balance and his calf muscles pop up. The Barbell gradually leaves the ground.

The veins in his arms become more visible, I can literally see his biceps and triceps contracting. He lifts it up above his knee and the weight is now on the same line with his waist.

I bite my lower lip nervously and my brows creased. This is getting intense.

He grunts while lifting and balancing it on his shoulders.

My whole being tense up as he finally lifts it above his head. I feel like his hands might give in and it'll fall on him.

He smiles at me before leveling it and dropping it freely to the ground. It makes a Thud sound after colliding with the hard floor.

My shoulders relax, impressive! I nod, but I won't give him any credit.

He exhales, still smiling. "Well...." He says, arching his eyebrow, probably waiting for my praise but it's a shame cause I've got none to give.

"I've seen better weightlifters, you're just an amateur", his expression shows that he indeed wanted me to praise him—sorry hubby to be.

Will I be lifting that also? My eyes trail to the Barbell. In a way, it didn't look so hard when Ethan did it. Just lift it gradually till it's above your head, seems pretty easy.

"I think I'll give it a go" I walk closer while Ethan leaves. I hear him scoff but it only elates my confidence.

Cracking my knuckles and necks gently, I take my position. I look over to Ethan leaning onto a metal pole, his face...was that how I was looking at him earlier? With so much doubt that it's spilling out.

I ignore him and focus on the Barbell, I need to shame him. I exhale.

Squatting just like he did, I reach out to the bar with both hands, lifting with all my might, strength and will.

I shut my eyes tightly and pull.

Minutes later, I'm still lifting and it hasn't budge since. I hear Ethan trying so hard to subdue his laughter but I ignore him.

Fatigue washes all over my body, I stumble back and sit on my butt, panting. That stupid thing didn't even leave the ground once and I'm panting like this, plus my arms are numb now.

Ethan's laughter grows wild, echoing throughout the room. The sound is annoying.

Dammit! My cheeks turn rosy red and I pout angrily, I feel embarrassed—why have I done this?

Who am I kidding, thinking I could lift weights like Ethan.

Finally, his laughter dies down. He empties a black bag on the floor, "you're not ready for that one just yet, you'll try these first''

Annoyed already, I stare hard at him and then at the small pink barbells on the floor. 25kg, I notice.

I stand, "I'm no longer interested in weightlifting"


Standing on the treadmill, it's my first time being on one.

From behind me, Ethan reaches out and squeeze my exposed belly "I kinda love your squishes" he says

My eyes twitch, seriously? Squishes...

"You created these squishes". Gosh when did he become so unbearable?

With a chuckle, he lets go and stands in front of the treadmill.

After he pushes a button, I feel the vibration of the machine at the sole of my feet.

The movement of the belt is leisurely so I take slow and steady steps while walking on it, it feels really comfortable under my feet.

Suddenly my pace quickens and I furrow my brows at Ethan, he just increased the speed.

Increasing my walking pace, I soon adapt to the velocity of the belt.

this bastard— he increases it again, forcing my pace to quicken. I fail to adapt this time as he, yet again, increased the speed.

Next minute, I'm running and panting loudly with no guarantee of stopping.