Chapter 6: Journey

"The leader of the Dragon-Protectors, my Lord." Zhang Haoran replied, "We will be here on the day of the coronation, my Lord. So you don't need to worry yourself about anyone who'd dare cause an uproar in the Dragon City. I was dedicated to be your personal guard, my Lord."

"You are at Peak Nascent Spirit," Dao Wei acknowledged as he sized up Zhang Horan. "You follow me to the sect and I'll have you a Supreme Saint before the coronation."

Dao Wei's words did not just amaze the elders, Zhang Horan who had countless years of cultivation, yet was unable to reach the Supreme Saint. The young prince did not just see through his cultivation, he also had an intimidating aura, and Zhang Horan couldn't see his level at all. Due to the Chaos Scripture, all those under Supreme Saint couldn't measure Dao Wei's cultivation.

With his hand behind him, Dao Wei left for the Dragon Mountain, where the sect was located. The five elders, Liu Yan, and Zhang Horan followed behind. Arriving, Dao Wei took the runes from his spatial ring, they were time-inscribed runes, with a ratio of 6:1, 6 months in the cultivation chambers were equal to a month

 outside. He then ordered everyone to enter the chambers. They were all awed as they noticed the time difference in the chamber, all required cultivation material was already provided. There were 50 saints and 200 disciples in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Dao Wei guided Zhang Horan and Liu Yan to a different chamber. Zhang Horan was given the most expensive pills and materials to help him advance to the Supreme Saint Realm. Dao Wei gave him two Saint Souls that he had taken when he was still in the Asura World. Zhang Horan knelt with gratitude as he was now convinced he could make it to the Supreme Saint Realm.

Dao Wei and Liu Yan left, and Liu Yan was given her own cultivation chambers with a time ratio of 12:1. Her cultivation materials surpassed those of the other cultivators. Liu Yan's admiration for Dao Wei grew evident as her face flushed red when Dao Wei handed her the materials and Supreme technique scrolls. "I will definitely work hard to achieve Saint Realm, Young Master," her voice was a symphony of majesty.

Dao Wei then turned and went to the Grand Hall, where the Sect Leader was supposed to be. He studied the scroll depicting the history of Jiangling.

Western Sea Uproar:

Meanwhile, in the Western Sea, uproar erupted when they received the letter of invitation. 

"Who is this person who might have gotten the Legacy?" one dragon adorned in royal regalia spoke.

"The Eastern Dragons have always been inferior," a younger dragon sneered. "Perhaps they've fabricated this story to gain favor and power."

"We should ignore this invitation," another elder suggested, his eyes filled with contempt. "They have no right to call us."

But their leader, an ancient dragon with scales like molten gold, silenced them with a wave of his claw. "If the Dragon Heir has truly emerged, the days of our oppression might be coming to an end. We must return to our ancestral home. However, this is also an opportunity to show our strength."

The younger dragons grinned, their eyes filled with ambition. "We will go," the leader continued. "And if the Legacy is real, we shall see who is worthy of it."

Jiangling's Reaction:

Jiangling was in unrest as the news of the Dragons made waves. People knew the dragons were superior and had been oppressed for many years, and now that their leader had emerged, the Dragons were going to rise again. Some were scared and envious, and some even thought of creating an alliance with the dragons.

In the Royal Empire, Wang Yanchen, a beautiful young ninth princess, was with her father, "Father, who is this Dragon Prince that everyone is talking about?" she asked, seemingly unconvinced of his significance. "Does the Royal family really have to honor such an invitation?"

The old man laughed, "The dragons are superior beings, Princess. If they decide to rebel, the entire Eastern Kingdom might not be able to survive. Now that a leader is born, the dragons are destined to rise again. As the Royal family, we have to ensure the safety of our people, and the dragon clan are the last people we want to offend." The Emperor explained. He continued giving lessons to his young daughter.

As preparations for the coronation ceremony progressed, Dao Wei felt the weight of his responsibility. He was not just the leader of a sect but the beacon of hope for the Dragon Clan.

The Dragon Sect was not just a sanctuary for cultivation; it was the birthplace of a new era. An era where the dragons would reclaim their glory, and Dao Wei would lead them to heights unknown.

The young Dragon Prince stood at the precipice of destiny, his journey far from over, but his path clear and his resolve unbreakable.

For the next week and a half, Dao Wei prepared for an important mission. The Dragon Prince had decided to journey to Qinshu Creek to hunt savage beasts, aiming to enhance the protection of Qingling.

As the city faced rapid growth, Dao Wei knew this mission was crucial for their safety and his growth as a leader. If he'd ever dreamed of leaving this place, he at least had to leave them well protected.

Dao Wei stood with a determined expression as he spoke to Elder Liang, "Elder Liang, I will be going to Qinshu Creek. We need to strengthen the protection around Qingling."

Elder Liang looked at Dao Wei with concern. "Qinshu Creek is a dangerous place, Prince. It is known for its treacherous terrain and ferocious beasts. Many have ventured there and never returned. The beasts there are powerful, especially those at level 7 and above."

Dao Wei nodded, showing his understanding. "That's precisely why I need to go. We need the best protection for Qingling, and I must lead by example. Apart from that, I need to test my resolve."

Elder Liang sighed, knowing he couldn't change Dao Wei's mind. "Very well, Prince. Qinshu Creek is a dense forest, with ancient trees that reach the sky and rivers that flow with crystal-clear water. But don't be deceived by its beauty. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes. The Misty Glade is where you'll find level 7 and above beasts, but it's also where the terrain becomes the most treacherous. There are hidden pits, quicksand, and poisonous plants. The beasts there are cunning and deadly."

Dao Wei listened intently, absorbing every detail. Elder Liang continued, "I am worried about your safety, Prince. Perhaps I should accompany you."

Dao Wei shook his head. "No, Elder Liang. I need you here to run the affairs of the Dragon City. Your presence is crucial."

Elder Liang reluctantly agreed but then called out, "Liu Xu, come here."

Liu Xu approached with a respectful bow. "Yes, Elder?"

Elder Liang looked at her sternly. "Liu Xu, you will accompany the Prince to Qinshu Creek. Ensure his safety and assist him in any way possible."

Liu Xu nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "Yes, Elder. I will protect the Prince with my life."

Dao Wei smiled at the care and loyalty his people showed him. "Thank you, Liu Xu. We shall leave at once, then."

Without further ado, Dao Wei and Liu Xu set off towards Qinshu Creek. As they left the city, Xiao Mei watched them from a distance. She bit her lip, determination burning in her eyes. "I must become stronger so I can venture with the Prince one day," she vowed silently.

The journey to Qinshu Creek was long and arduous. Dao Wei and Liu Xu traveled for almost six hours before they reached the mouth of the creek. The cries of savage beasts echoed through the dense forest, and an eerie vibe sent chills down Liu Xu's spine.

Dao Wei noticed her unease and smiled reassuringly. "Let's camp here for the night. It's best to be well-rested before we venture deeper."

Liu Xu nodded, her fear subsiding slightly. She began preparing dinner while Dao Wei sat cross-legged and began practicing. A golden halo enveloped him, making him look like a young god. Liu Xu watched in awe and admiration as the Prince practiced.

As Dao Wei meditated, a golden dragon soul emerged from him and stood imposingly behind him.

The level 5 and below savage beasts fled or hid, paralyzed by his powerful aura. Since receiving the Dragon's Legacy, Dao Wei's power has multiplied significantly.

Liu Xu's culinary skills were top-notch, and soon a divine fragrance filled the air. Dao Wei opened his eyes, drawn by the delicious aroma. He didn't need to eat food anymore, but Liu Xu's cooking made him crave it.

Seeing the Prince awake, Liu Xu blushed heavily as she presented the food to him. "My Prince, dinner is ready."

Dao Wei took the food with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Liu Xu. Your cooking is exceptional."

Her face turned fully red, and she quickly moved away, feeling flustered by his praise. Dao Wei enjoyed the meal, savoring each bite. "This is truly delicious, Liu Xu. You have a remarkable talent."

Liu Xu's blush deepened, and she bowed her head. "Thank you, My Prince. It is an honor to serve you."

Dao Wei finished his meal and set the bowl aside. "Rest well tonight, Liu Xu. Tomorrow, we face the dangers of Qinshu Creek together."

Liu Xu nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Yes, My Prince. I will be ready."

As the first light of dawn broke through the canopy of ancient trees, Dao Wei and Liu Xu prepared to venture deeper into Qinshu Creek. The morning air was crisp, filled with the scents of earth and foliage. Liu Xu packed their supplies, ensuring they had everything they needed for the treacherous journey ahead.

Dao Wei stood at the edge of their campsite, his gaze fixed on the dense forest ahead. "Liu Xu, stay close and remain vigilant. We don't know what dangers await us."

"Yes, my Prince," Liu Xu replied, her voice steady but her heart racing with anticipation.