Chapter 7: Void Serpent

The pair moved cautiously, navigating the winding paths and dense underbrush of Qinshu Creek. The deeper they went, the more the forest seemed to close in around them. Ancient trees towered overhead, their branches forming a thick canopy that filtered the sunlight into eerie patterns on the forest floor.

As they approached the Misty Glade, the atmosphere grew even more foreboding. The ground became uneven, with hidden pits and patches of quicksand lying in wait. Poisonous plants with vibrant, alluring colors dotted the landscape, a deadly beauty that could easily deceive the unwary.

Suddenly, the silence of the forest was shattered by a guttural roar.

A massive beast emerged from the underbrush, its eyes glowing with a predatory gleam. The creature resembled a cross between a tiger and a dragon, with scales covering its muscular frame and sharp claws ready to rend flesh.

Dao Wei stepped forward, his golden aura flaring. "Liu Xu, stay back. I will handle this."

Liu Xu nodded, her hand on her weapon but respecting the Prince's command. She watched with bated breath as Dao Wei faced the beast. The creature lunged, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision.

Dao Wei met the attack head-on, his movements a blur of speed and power. He dodged the beast's strikes with ease, his golden dragon soul adding to his formidable presence.

With a swift, precise strike, Dao Wei unleashed his Dragon's Palm technique. A beam of golden energy erupted from his hand, striking the beast and sending it crashing to the ground.

Bang! Bang!

The creature roared in pain, struggling to rise, but Dao Wei was relentless. He moved in for the final blow, his blade shimmering with golden light.


With one swift strike, he ended the beast's life, its body dissolving into motes of Qi that dissipated into the air.

Liu Xu approached cautiously, her eyes wide with awe. "My Prince, that was incredible."

Dao Wei smiled, though his expression was thoughtful. "Thank you, Liu Xu."

They continued deeper into the Misty Glade, encountering more savage beasts and overcoming each challenge with skill and determination.

After several hours of relentless battles, they finally reached the heart of Qinshu Creek.

The area was breathtakingly beautiful, with a crystal-clear river flowing through the glade and ancient trees casting long shadows over the water. But despite its beauty, the place was teeming with powerful beasts, each more formidable than the last.

Dao Wei and Liu Xu set up camp near the river, preparing for the final leg of their mission. As night fell, Dao Wei sat by the river, his reflection shimmering in the water. Liu Xu joined him, her presence a comforting reminder of their shared purpose.

"My Prince, do you ever doubt our path?" Liu Xu asked quietly, her eyes reflecting the moonlight.

Dao Wei shook his head. "No. Every challenge we face strengthens our resolve. One must be strong to protect what they hold dear."

Liu Xu nodded, feeling a deep sense of loyalty and determination. "Then I will stand by your side, no matter what."

Dao Wei placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze steady. With a smile, "Rest now, Liu Xu."

As they settled down for the night, the sounds of the forest around them, Dao Wei and Liu Xu knew that their journey was far from over. But with each challenge they faced, they grew stronger, their bond deepening as they fought for the safety and future of Dragon City Qingling.

Dao Wei and Liu Xu ventured deeper into Qinshu Creek, navigating the dense forest with skill and determination. The cries of savage beasts echoed around them, but Dao Wei moved with purpose, his every step a testament to his unwavering resolve. His sword flashed in the dim light, cutting through the dense undergrowth and dispatching any savage beasts that dared cross their path.

Liu Xu followed closely, her admiration for the Prince growing with each display of his prowess. His lack of emotional intelligence at times marveled her, but she remained steadfast in her resolve to stay by his side.

After hours of trekking through the perilous forest, they finally arrived at the Void Serpent's hideout. The air grew colder, and an oppressive aura filled the surroundings.

The entrance to the hideout was a massive cave, its mouth surrounded by a thick cloudy fog, jagged rocks, and overgrown with ancient vines. Inside, the cavern walls were lined with luminescent moss, casting an eerie glow over the space. Divine herbs grew abundantly, their soothing fragrance filling the air and creating an almost surreal atmosphere.

"Liu Xu, stay hidden and do not reveal yourself until it is safe," Dao Wei instructed, his voice steady and calm.

Liu Xu nodded, finding a secure spot behind a large boulder. She watched as Dao Wei approached the heart of the cavern, where the Void Serpent lay coiled.

The serpent's scales shimmered with an otherworldly light, and its eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence. It was massive, stretching the length of the cavern, and its mere presence seemed to chill the air around it.

The Void Serpent hissed, sensing the intruder. It uncoiled its massive body, rising to its full height and emitting a menacing aura that made the very ground tremble. Dao Wei stood firm, his expression unwavering as he faced the formidable beast.

With a sudden lunge, the Void Serpent attacked, its fangs bared and venom dripping. Dao Wei dodged with incredible speed, his movements fluid and precise. He retaliated with a swift slash of his sword, aiming for the serpent's vulnerable underbelly. The blade struck true, but the serpent's scales were tough, and it barely left a mark.

Clang! Clang! CLang!

The battle was fierce and relentless. The serpent lashed out with its tail, sending shockwaves through the cavern and shattering stalactites from above.

Dao Wei danced around its attacks, his sword a blur of motion as he struck at the beast from all angles. The serpent's venomous breath filled the air, but Dao Wei's ethereal steps allowed him to evade the deadly fumes.

As the fight dragged on, Dao Wei's strikes became more precise, targeting the serpent's weak points. He channelled his Qi into his sword, enhancing its power and striking with greater force. The serpent roared in pain, its movements growing more desperate and erratic. Dao Wei seized the opportunity, launching a powerful attack that sent the serpent crashing to the ground.


But Dao Wei didn't want to kill the Void Serpent. He needed it to become one of the guardians of Qingling. He continued the battle, using his superior skills to wear the serpent down without dealing a fatal blow. After four hours of intense combat, the Void Serpent finally submitted, its massive body lying motionless on the cavern floor.

Liu Xu emerged from her hiding spot, her eyes wide with awe and admiration. "My Prince, that was incredible! Your skill and power are unmatched. You truly are a Dragon Prince."

Dao Wei approached the subdued serpent, his expression one of calm authority. "Stupid Serpent, I offer you a chance to follow me. Become one of my guardians, and I will definitely not kill you." A menacing smile appeared on his face.

The Void Serpent's eyes flickered with fear and submission. It hissed softly, its massive head lowering in a gesture of acceptance.

Dao Wei nodded, reaching out to touch the serpent's head. Ancient words floated in the air and streaks of light enveloped the serpent as the bond formed between them.

Dao Wei turned to Liu Xu, a rare smile on his face. "We will spend the night here. The Void Serpent's hideout will provide us with the protection we need."

They set up camp within the cavern, the divine herbs providing a soothing atmosphere. Liu Xu prepared dinner, her culinary skills once again creating a delicious meal. Dao Wei sat cross-legged, entering a meditative state to restore his energy. A golden halo enveloped him, making him look like a young god. Liu Xu watched in awe, her admiration for the Prince growing with each passing moment.

As the night wore on, Dao Wei and Liu Xu rested in the Void Serpent's hideout, knowing that they had taken a significant step in securing the protection of Qingling. The bond with the Void Serpent marked a new chapter in their journey, one filled with promise and potential.

Dao Wei, still seated in meditation, spoke softly, "Liu Xu, our journey is fraught with danger, but with a savage beast like the Void Serpent, we are not alone."

Liu Xu nodded, her resolve firm. "Yes, My Prince. Together, we will protect Qingling."