Chapter 22: He's so cool

The rogue lunged forward again, his sword slashing through the air with deadly precision. 

Dao Wei met him head-on, their swords clashing with a force that sent sparks flying. The rogue attempted to break through Dao Wei's defense with a flurry of rapid strikes, but Dao Wei's movements were too precise, and too controlled. He parried each attack with ease, his blade a blur of motion.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Drawing upon the Ethereal Step technique, Dao Wei moved with a speed and grace that left the rogue struggling to keep up. He seemed to vanish and reappear, his form flickering like a mirage. The rogue swung his sword wildly, trying to land a hit, but Dao Wei was always a step ahead, his movements almost otherworldly.

Liu Mingxia could hardly believe her eyes as she watched Dao Wei in action. His movements were a perfect blend of power and elegance, his techniques were honed to perfection. Each time the rogue thought he had an opening, Dao Wei was already there, his sword meeting the rogue's with unerring accuracy.

Rogue guy's sword carried the weight of raw power, while Dao Wei's sword danced with unparalleled grace.

Their movements were a testament to their training and skill, each strike was executed with precision and intent. 

The clash of their energies echoed through the forest, captivating Liu Mingxia who watched with bated breath.

Clang! Clang!

"He's so cool," Liu Mingxia fluttered her eyes, and her pale cheeks turned peach.

A swift strike disarmed the rogue, sending both his arm and his sword clattering to the ground. 

The rogue stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock and fear. An excruciating pain almost knocked him unconscious.

Dao Wei stood before him, his sword pointed at the rogue's throat, his expression unwavering. He looked like those anti-heroes from the movies everyone loved.

"You... you won't get away with this," the rogue spat, his voice trembling.

Dao Wei's straight face turned to a villainous smirk, "Ehh, are you threatening me?"

The rogue guy trembled and felt an icy chill down his spine. The guy he met was truly a maniac.

In an instant, Dao Wei's gaze turned icy. "Leave now, and tell your employers that Liu Mingxia is under my protection. If they value their lives, they will cease their pursuit."

The rogue swallowed hard, the reality of his defeat sinking in. He turned and fled, disappearing into the shadows of the forest.

Dao Wei sheathed his sword and turned to Liu Mingxia, who was still standing in awe. "Are you all right?" he asked gently.

She nodded so quick that you'd think her head will fall off, however, her voice was shaky. "Yes, thanks to you, Dao Wei. I've never seen such skill before." Her eyes reflected admiration and fear at the same time.

Dao Wei smiled faintly. "There's more to cultivation than power alone. Control and understanding are just as important."

Liu Mingxia looked at him, her eyes filled with even more admiration and a newfound respect. "I have much to learn. Thank you for saving me." Her fear had completely disappeared and she playfully took a pose.

"Let's keep moving," Dao Wei shook his head, offering her his hand. "We need to find a safe place to rest."

As they walked deeper into the forest, the events of the battle lingered in Liu Mingxia's mind. 

Dao Wei's strength and composure had not only saved her life but had also given her hope. For the first time, she felt that the internal struggles of the Demon Sect might have a chance to be resolved, with someone like Dao Wei by her side. She needed to keep him no matter what the cost.

Liu Mingxia nodded, her eyes filled with admiration and gratitude. "Dao Wei, that was... incredible. I've never seen anyone fight like that."

"I've had a good teacher." Dao Wei simply replied, his demeanor humble. 

Liu Mingxia agreed, and they continued their journey, their bond strengthened by the battle they had just faced together. 

As they walked, Liu Mingxia couldn't help but feel a growing respect and admiration for Dao Wei. His strength, skill, and unwavering resolve were qualities she deeply admired, and she felt grateful to have him by her side.

The path ahead was still fraught with danger, but Liu Mingxia felt safe in the presence of Dao Wei's guidance and protection, they would overcome any obstacle that came their way. And as they pressed on, she couldn't shake the feeling that their journey together was only just beginning.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the mystical forest as Dao Wei and Liu Mingxia continued their journey. The air was thick with the scent of blooming flowers and the chirping of unseen creatures. The forest was unlike any other they had traversed, filled with towering trees whose leaves shimmered with an otherworldly glow and vibrant, luminescent flowers that seemed to hum with a faint, magical energy.

As they walked, Liu Mingxia's thoughts kept drifting back to the battle with the rogue cultivator. The memory of Dao Wei's fluid, powerful movements, and his unwavering determination left a deep impression on her. She had seen many skilled fighters in her life, but there was something extraordinary about Dao Wei. His martial prowess was unmatched, and his calm, composed demeanor in the face of danger was something she admired deeply.