Chapter 23: Mystical Forest

"Wei'er," she began softly, testing the new, more intimate way of addressing him. "How did you become so skilled? Your techniques are unlike anything I've ever seen."

Dao Wei glanced at her, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I've been training since I was very young. My master taught me the Heavenly Techniques, and I've spent years honing my skills. But there's always more to learn, and I strive to improve every day."

Liu Mingxia nodded, her eyes filled with admiration. "It's amazing. You're amazing. I feel... safe with you."

Dao Wei's smile widened slightly, and he gave her a reassuring nod. "I'm glad to hear that, Mingxia. I'll do everything I can to protect you."

They continued walking in companionable silence, the sounds of the forest enveloping them. As they ventured deeper into the mystical woods, they began to encounter strange and wondrous creatures. A family of luminous deer with antlers that glowed like moonlight watched them curiously from a distance. Tiny, winged sprites flitted about, leaving trails of sparkling light in their wake.

At one point, they came across a glistening pond with water as clear as crystal. As they paused to rest and drink, Liu Mingxia noticed something glimmering beneath the surface. She leaned closer, her curiosity piqued.

"Look, Wei'er," she said, pointing to the shimmering object. "There's something down there."

Dao Wei knelt beside her, peering into the water. "It looks like... an artifact of some sort. Hold on."

He reached into the pond, his fingers closing around the object. As he pulled it out, they saw it was a small, intricately carved stone with ancient runes etched into its surface. The stone pulsed with a soft, blue light, its energy palpable.

"This is an ancient relic," Dao Wei said, his voice tinged with awe. "It must be very old. These runes... they might contain knowledge about the martial arts or other powerful techniques."

Liu Mingxia's eyes widened. "That's incredible. Do you think it could help you on your journey?"

"Possibly," Dao Wei replied, slipping the stone into his pouch. "I'll study it when we have more time. For now, let's keep moving."

They continued their journey, the forest gradually giving way to a series of enchanting ancient vegetation. The remnants of crumbling stone structures were covered in moss and vines, hinting at a long-forgotten civilization. 

"You seem worried, Wei. Is everything okay?" Liu Mingxia asked.

Since the time they met, Dao Wei had been on High alert as if someone was after him. He'd stop midway and look around as if there was something, but all the time there was nothing.

She had been able to dismiss it most of the way, but now he really looked worried.

"Yes." Dao Wei's response was just so-so.

He knelt on the ground and placed his palm on the ground.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I've had the sense that someone has been following me ever since I left the City."

"It's a feint feeling but my instincts has been on high alert lately and I just can shake the fear that we might encounter some danger ahead. Sigh"

"What danger could it be that we cannot handle?" Liu Mingxia's confidence was indeed shocking.

"This... This is different, Mingxia... I jus--"


At this point Dao Wei and Liu Mingxia had no idea who attacked or what or who protected them.

In a blink of an eye, a sinister power attacked them, yet an even more overbearing entity leaped straight from the thin air and neutralized it.

As if it was nothing, the entity had vanished into thin air, as quickly as they appeared.

"What was... What just happened?" Liu Mingxia's eyes were wide open as she couldn't figure out what in the gods name had just happened.

"You saw that too, right?" Dao Wei's calmness was more worrisome than the out-of-this-world voodoo or whatever that just happened.

"Huh?" Liu Mingxia was even more confused.

Was he expecting any of this to happen? Did he knew what just happened? Where they really being followed by a terrifying being just like he thought?

She couldn't keep herself calm at all.

Dao Wei on the other hand seem to be in his own world. He remained kneeling, but his focus was now on the demon wings shaped guard made of a dark, glossy material that seems to absorb light. Ancient runes, glowing with an eerie red light, are inscribed upon it.

This was the 'thing' that had just attacked them a few moments ago.

It exudes a palpable aura of malevolence and power.

"Mingxia, stay hidden and don't make a sound." Dao Wei's tone was serious and all his muscles tensed.

She could see that at this moment he wasn't joking but dead serious, "okay."

Without making a sound, she leaped behind the bushes and concealed her aura as best as she could.

"Stupid, Dao Wei. Why does he always want to do things by himself."


"But I kinda like it... Mmm it's really cute when he's being all bossy and protecting me."

"I feel... I feel safe with him."

Without even noticing, Liu Mingxia's pale cheeks had both turned rosy and she just couldn't help but feel a sudden tingling in her tummy.

This feeling... She had never felt like this before, well not like she knew any boy to have such a close relationship with anyway. Dao Wei was actually the first boy who seemed not to give a damn about her status. This alone made her comfortable around him and could even live her life on his hands.

"Are you going to keep hiding or are you going to show yourself?" Dao Wei's voice was calm, yet it could be heard miles and miles away.

Just before the impact moments ago, he had felt a subtle change of Qi and was able to pinpoint the person.

"Hahaha, I've got to give it to you. You are the first to actually sense me."

"I would have been disappointed if you didn't though, Freak!"

The man launched forward at a breathtaking speed, he was atl least twice the speed of light.

"He's fast!"

Dao Wei quickly reacted by pushing himself back a bit just to avoid the deadly attack.


A mile wide open hole appeared on the ground were Dao Wei was just a breath ago.

"Haaa, good reaction speed son. But it's all useless since you are about to die!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In less than ten breaths, the two had already exchanged over 100 blows. Dao Wei was just struggling to keep up.

The man had strange powers and it seems as if natural Qi didn't impact him at all. What was more terrifying was that he did not use any martial arts or spiritual powers associated with this world.

His powers were malevolent, raw, and… arcane.

They didn't seem to fit into any of the cultivation system or technique that existed in this world.


The man punched Dao Wei's lower abdomen so hard that it knocked the wind out of his lungs.

Without hesitation, the man grabbed Dao Wei from the back of his neck and banged his face on the hard ground.


Thean had an accomplished smile on his face as if he had achieved one of his greatest desires.

As Dao Wei struggled to catch his breath, he could feel pulses of raw and untamed energy surging through his veins.

It was a feeling he had not felt in a long time.

"He's stronger than I anticipated. I won't be able to hold back with this guy." Dao Wei thought to himself as the power surge grew even more violent.

Anger... Pain... Desire... Hatred...

All these emotions stirred within Dao Wei, and his eyes suddenly glowed, one a divine yet intimidating golden azure, while the other a sinister and chaotic red.


A blinding light hit the man so hard that he was thrown a hundred feet away.


Dao Wei got himself up, with a sense of calmness that sent shivers down the spine of the dark cloaked man.

"Tell me..."

Dao Wei lifted his head, looking at the man's face with a somehow unclear expression. One knee remained on the ground, "are you brave?"

"Or just incredibly dumb?"

Each word sent shockwaves that tore apart trees around. With each word, the man was pushed at least three steps back.

"I'm guessing it's the latter."

Dao Wei finally got up and sprinted towards the dark cloaked man.

The dark cloaked man readies himself taking a pose ready to strike.


The two fists collided causing ripples that almost knocked Liu Mingxia away.

"They-They are running in the air?!"

She couldn't believe it, after all, for someone to walk in the air they needed to at least be a Supreme Saint, something Dao Wei was far from achieving.

"Dao Wei is not using any of his powers like before... And the other guy..."

Liu Mingxia couldn't understand anymore what was going on. How is it possible to keep up such a fight without the use of Qi? Talk more of flying in the air, this was really confusing.

"I hope Dao Wei is going to be fine"


The man aiming to kick Dao Wei's face but missed to only receive an overbearing sidqe jab from Dao Wei's right hand.


The man tried to block the blow but was sent up a few feet.

Dao Wei's smirk was not just sinister, it was unsettling as well, "hah, gotcha!"

"You've still got a lot to learn. Too bad you'll die soon." The dark cloaked man retorted.

Not giving Dao Wei time to move, the man channeled some sort of arcane powers to his feet, hitting Dao Wei and pushing the man away to safety.

At this point Dao Wei could clearly see the man's face as he flew back. He had dark skin and his head was bald, at least in his 30s.

He wore a black headband and had black lines outlining his eyes.

The dark cloaked man released a spherical shaped item with black and golden lines.


The item exploded and suddenly a smoke covered the man.

Dao Wei moved back a few steps, clear from the smoke and tried to locate the man.

A kunai flew towards Dao Wei at an amazing speed.

As it approaches, it suddenly divided into three.

"Fuck! Another shadowtrace!" Dao Wei was taken aback by the attack.

Performing his best footwork, he evaded the daggers aiming for his head with ease.

Touching his cheek as it was to close to get cut, "Shado-Jin."