Chapter 24: Death Eyes

Shadowtrace is one of the most deadliest techniques used by the Shado-Jin.

"AHH. Took you long enough to figure out, whelping." The man smiled as he spoke

"I've encountered one of you before. You're an elusive bunch." Dao Wei's reply was calm.

"Most people don't know we exist, for good reason." The dark cloaked man had so much confidence.

"Is the Shadow King really that relentless? Shado-Jin's usually don't go out unless it's major." Dao Wei enquired.

The conversation between the two was so friendly and casual that one would think they've been faking it all this time.

"Shadow King still harbors hatred towards you, indeed. But my reason for being here is more... Of the personal sort."

The man began to walk forward, approaching Dao Wei, "you see... The other Shado-Jin you said you encountered... Happened to be my brother."

"So killing you is a matter of settling scores. Now, killing the little girl hiding up in the bushes will b a kill I'll savour." The man began sprinting at full speed.

'he's aware of Mingxia.' Dao Wei thought.

His smirk grew even more sinister, the divine and demonic eyes exhuding an even terrifying aura. "Threatening her? Bad choice, buddy."

"Threatening someone I care about is the last mistake you'd ever make" Dao Wei's voice sounded more serious this time around.

With a burst of speed, red glow coated his feet enhancing his speed to at least 10 times that of light.

The world seemed to stand still as Dao Wei progressed forward.


The first punch sent the cloacked man flying.


Dao Wei's smile gre even more.

Disappearing into thin air, he reappeared beside the flying man.


Dao Wei kicked the dark cloaked man sending him even higher in the air.

Dao Wei looked casually at the man flying up with a trail of blood oozing from his mouth.

"Pathetic... Just like his brother."

Doa Wei felt a burning sensation in his eyes, yet it didn't hurt.

His eyes glowed into two beams that went through the dark cloaked man, disintegrating his whole being into nothingness.

"Eye... Eye Beam..."

Those words lingered on as the dark cloaked man saw his last light.

"Yes! Don't mess with my Wei'er" Liu Mingxia was clearly excited.

Of the man, what was left was a spatial ring and the sinister and malevolent sword he used in his initial attack.

Dao Wei picked the spatial ring and stored it into his.

He then turned his attention to the 'really' black sword. It felt as if it was calling out to him.

Dao Wei reached his hand to grab the hilt that was wrapped in black leather and designed for a firm, two-handed grip. The pommel is adorned with a dark ruby, that looked like crystallized blood that seemed to contain a flickering flame.

His fingers trembling as they closed around the hilt. The moment he touched the sword, a surge of dark energy coursed through him, threatening to overwhelm his senses.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain inside his head, unlike anything he'd ever felt before. The excruciating pain lingered for some moments before his body lost all its strength.

"Wei'er!" Liu Mingxia called out as she noticed he was in pain.

Dao Wei's body felt totally weak as he collapsed to the ground, before coughing out some blood.

"Wei'er!" Liu Mingxia was clearly worried, "I'm coming!"

She dashed to his side without even thinking twice.

At this time Dao Wei was completely on the ground.

"No! No! No! Don't you dare!" She cursed as she approached him.

"P-Please be okay! Please be okay!" Liu Mingxia caressed Dao Wei's cheeks.

She picked him up and laid his head on her lap. "Thank the Heavens he's still breathing!"

She looked at him with teary eyes, "his breathing is so weak, though. I need to do something."

"Think, Liu Mingxia! Think!"

She closed her eyes and tried to figure a solution.


All of a sudden, Liu Mingxia reached her storage pouch and took out a purplish glowing pill.

She fed him the pill, "please, Wei'er. You need to take this, please!"

"When the Liferoot pill is in your system, it will heal you slowly but effectively."

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you till you wake up."

Liu Mingxia had a beautiful smile on her beautiful sun kissed face, "please be okay." She whispered.

The black sword floated majestically above Dao Wei's Sea of Qi. It's malevolent aura had covered about half his Sea.

Dao Wei approached the sword but there seemed to be an invincible barrier preventing him from even getting a hundred feet close to the sword.

"Dao Wei," Chaos stood close to Dao Wei, her eyes fixed on the evil sword.

"This... Where did you find this sword?"

For the first time Chaos seemed to be serious, her eyes never leaving the sword.

"Find? I guess it found me." Dao Wei clearly had no idea what was going on.

"What do you mean, Dao Wei?" Chaos was a little bit annoyed by his response.

Shrugging his shoulders, " as I said, it is or rather it belonged to that Shado-Jin guy who wanted revenge for his brother. As for why it is here I don't know."

Sigh, "Dao Wei, do you even know the meaning of all this?" Chaos began.

"This is the Hell blade, Tian. The Demon Sword. It has been lost in time and yet it appears in your Sea of Qi."

The Demon Sword Tian, is a weapon of unparalleled power and dark majesty. Forged in the fires of the underworld and tempered by the wrath of fallen deities, Tian is a blade that strikes fear into the hearts of gods and mortals alike. It is said to possess the ability to shatter the very heavens and bring destruction to all who oppose its wielder.

This sword has the power to corrupt and dominate the minds of those who are weak-willed, bending them to the wielder's will. It can also drain the life force and souls of those it slays, empowering its wielder with their stolen vitality and strength.

Hellblade is also known as the Heavenly Relic Devourer, apart from devouring souls it also devoured other weapons for its own growth.

"It is one of the 9 Divine artifacts that were born during the birth of the universe."

Dao Wei was paying full attention to Chaos as she narated the ancient history.

"The Nine Divine artifacts disappeared after the second era. It has always been legend that anyone who can find all the nine artifacts can be the ruler of the three realms."

"However, the artifacts chooses their masters and therefore it is almost impossible to take control of all of them."

"Tian is one of the twin divine swords and has always been in the hands of the Demon Lord since."

"Dao Wei, you have to reach Nirvana soon and take ownership of the sword. With your current cultivation, I'm afraid you won't be able to subdue the sword's spirit and that will only mean death for you."

As soon as Dao Wei heard the last part he immediately stopped his effort and sighed.

After all, he still had enough time to understand the mystery of Tian before he could get into anything.

For now Dao Wei was contented by the fact that Tian had chosen him, at least it gave him a slight hope to recover his damaged soul.

Dao Wei was born with half a soul. His other half had been taken by some dark Sage when he was still an infant. His parents had left him in the Lower Asura World in search for solution and hoping to keep him out of danger.