Chapter 33: Goddess

"Ehh… Celestial?" Dao Wei's confusion only deepened. He'd never imagined there were beings above the gods.

Shaking her head, Lucid was exasperated. "By the Inferno! You really don't know anything about the deities, do you?"

"I suppose we should continue with the lesson. I'll give you a quick rundown of the hierarchy of gods."

"You really should know, given who you are…"

"Who I am? Anyway, thank you. I haven't exactly studied any historical stuff on the matter," Dao Wei admitted, his mind clouded with confusion and curiosity. "I've spent most of my life on the road, training to keep going. Didn't leave much time for studying deities and the cosmos."

"Yet here you are, sitting with one. Okay, listen carefully!" Lucid began her explanation of the hierarchy of gods. "Hmh… I suppose I'll start from the top. With my siblings and me."

"It starts with the twins, the 'Old Ones,' Ather and Vogan. Mortals know them as the Dark God and Light God, respectively. They also believe Vogan is responsible for magic and cultivation, while Ather is the Dark Lord of the Abyss. They also refer to Vogan as 'The Golden One'…"

"Uhhhm… Let's skip those two. There's Horwan, god of wealth. He rules a Realm known as 'The Golden Deserts,' a vast desert filled with riches hidden beneath its sandy dunes."

"Sounds fancy," Dao Wei couldn't help but remark.

"Meh! It's overrated, if you ask me. Besides… What does he even need all that wealth for?"

"Okay, let's move on to Gurzok. He's a bit grumpy. He's known as the 'Guardian of the Deep.' His Realm is a vast network of interconnected caverns with thousands of passageways known as 'The Deep.' It's also said that crystals from his realm contain potent energy."

"Next, we have… yours truly! Cute as a button, right?" Lucid batted her eyes playfully.

"Definitely," Dao Wei agreed, admiring her curvy figure.

"Hee-hee… Anyway, as you know, we're in my Realm, 'The Inferno Isles,' where I reside. And the title I'm often given is 'Mother of the Damned.' Tsk! Mortals have no taste."

"Somehow, they find my children frightening. But I don't see it! I think they're cute."

Honestly, Lucid was a real she-devil. Who else would find those imps and creatures cute? Some could assume human form, but their true appearances were hideous, to say the least.

"Tell me, aren't they cute and cuddly?" Lucid made a cute face, waiting for Dao Wei's response.

"Uhm… Sure?" Dao Wei was caught in a tough spot with this one.

"I knew you'd see it my way! Okay, let's move on."

"Next up, we have Razek, 'Lord of Chaos.' He's the black sheep of the family. I might be a little mischievous at times, but he revels in chaos and disruption."


"Very annoying, he lives in 'The Sunless Realms.'"

"Following up is Azir, 'The Eternal.' He rules the Realm known as 'The Beyond,' a vast cosmic realm that's constantly moving. The River of Time originated from there, but since it's always moving, the starting point has been lost."

Lucid giggled, closing her eyes. "Next, we have my dear sister! Naerine, 'Mistress of the Moons.' Her Realm is a cosmic wonder known as 'Arcanium,' filled with glinting stars, brightly-colored nether clouds, eternal night, and pure arcane energy. She's my favorite sibling! Kind and understanding, she always has my back when Razek gets annoying."

Snickering, she continued, "One time she bound him with a star and kept him there for a century! All because he was being mean to me."

"A century?" That got Dao Wei a bit scared. "Remind me not to get on her bad side."

Lucid's laughter was contagious. "Fear not, she doesn't have one. Only a protective side! And with that, you know a little about 'The Pantheon of the Divines.'"

"But that was just six, though? Aren't there supposed to be seven of you?" Dao Wei's question was valid.

Ather and Vogan had been gone since the dawn of time and couldn't be counted among the Divines.

Lucid looked away, clearly avoiding Dao Wei's gaze.

"Who's the seventh?" Dao Wei asked.

"I can't… It's not for me to tell." Lucid kept her eyes down.

"Huh? Well, it's okay… I'll probably find out some other time." Dao Wei had already made peace with the fact that he was dead and this was his heaven… or hell, whatever it was.

"Yeah, he doesn't want you to know just yet… Even me talking to you like this… will be frowned upon." The whole situation was clearly weighing on her.

"Frowned upon? Why wouldn't you be allowed to talk to me? Aren't you an almighty Divine?" Dao Wei couldn't grasp why or how someone could hold sway over Lucid.

Some time passed as she collected her thoughts. "Yes… but there are rules. He… He doesn't think you're ready yet."

With that, Lucid had only managed to confuse Dao Wei further. However, his curiosity grew. Who in all the realms was she talking about? And why was she obeying him? Weren't they supposed to be siblings?

"Sorry, I've tried to tell him you should be included. But no luck." Lucid could see the confusion on Dao Wei's face. "You're not mad at me, right?"

Dao Wei gently caressed her face. "No, I'm not mad. I'm definitely curious and disappointed about the secrecy… but I don't hold it against you. You've been welcoming to me."

"Of course! We're fam… friends! We're friends!" In her excitement, she almost let something slip, but she quickly corrected herself.

They talked about a few more things as Lucid cleared some of Dao Wei's doubts. Both lost track of how long they had been there.

Lucid stood up and placed a warm kiss on Dao Wei's forehead. Her lips were soft, and as they touched his skin, Dao Wei felt a wave of warmth that lulled him into a peaceful sleep.

Dao Wei woke to find himself in a serene, otherworldly place. The sky above was a clear, tranquil blue, and everything around him radiated a pure, divine light. The entire landscape was pristine white, accented by lush green vines that wrapped around towering pillars with meticulous precision. Fountains lined the path, their gentle waters enhancing the feeling of wholeness and peace that permeated the air.

At the end of a grand staircase, on a raised patio, stood a woman of striking beauty. Her golden hair was nearly tied, cascading down her back, and her white dress was adorned with intricate golden embroidery. Dao Wei, still disoriented, tried to gather his thoughts. 

'Urgh... I'll never get used to that. Where am I?' he wondered, shaking off the lingering effects of his transition to this new place. As he rose, his gaze settled on the woman, who seemed to be lost in her contemplation of the sky. 

'Huh, someone's here? Must be her, Ailia.' The name echoed in his mind, and he was certain this was the Celestial Lucid had instructed him to seek out. The woman's beauty was otherworldly, her skin flawless, her body perfectly shaped, and her presence exuding a quiet, powerful grace.

Dao Wei cautiously approached, captivated by the elegance with which she moved. As he got closer, she turned, revealing a face as enchanting as the rest of her. Her legs flowed smoothly as she moved, and her small, rosy lips formed a slight smile. Her eyes, shining like a rainbow, seemed to hold the wisdom of ages.

"Ailia? I've come to—" Dao Wei began.

"Lucid sent you," she interrupted, her voice as heavenly as her appearance. The moment she spoke, Dao Wei almost stumbled, overwhelmed by the sheer power in her tone.

"Yes. How did you—" he started, but she cut him off again.

"Her mischievous scent is all over you." Ailia's words were calm yet firm. "Approach, and I'll cleanse you."

Dao Wei hesitated for a moment but knew better than to resist. He needed her help. With a sigh, he moved closer, and she gently placed her hand beneath his chin, lifting his face to meet her gaze.

"There's no mistaking it," she said softly, "you are his son."

"Who are you talking about? Whose son?" Dao Wei asked, confusion clouding his thoughts.

"We've met before... the day you came into this world," Ailia replied, her tone gentle.

"You... you were there? What? How? Why?" Dao Wei's mind raced with questions, none of which seemed to have answers.

"I was there at your father's request. He wanted me to confirm that you were pure of heart. He was pleased when I affirmed that you were the purest soul I'd ever encountered," Ailia explained, her voice soothing.

"But today, standing before me... I sense turmoil within you. You are conflicted, torn between what must be done and what is right. Whether you remain the child that was promised... or lose yourself to the darkness that enshrouds you... remains to be seen." Her voice held a hint of worry, and her eyes reflected a deep concern.

"The child that was promised? I don't follow," Dao Wei admitted, his confusion growing with each passing moment.

"The child of prophecy. The one who is destined to either save the world... or bring about its end," Ailia explained.

"That's ridiculous. I'm just here to... I don't even know why I'm here, other than Lucid saying I need your help. After all, what can a dead man do?" Dao Wei was skeptical, struggling to grasp the gravity of her words.

"For now, let's focus on why you're here. Come, sit with me," Ailia said, turning towards a nearby set of seats.

Everything about her was heavenly—the way she walked, her curvy figure swaying with each step, her presence exuding an ethereal grace. Dao Wei followed her, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity. He sat down beside her, trying to calm his racing mind.

"Where are we? It's clear we're not in Lucid's Realm," Dao Wei asked, finally voicing one of the many questions swirling in his head.

"You are back in Qishu Continent, the Highlands of the Qishu Empire, to be specific," Ailia explained. "Currently, we are floating above the Highlands in one of my gardens of purity."

"You don't have your own Realm like Lucid?" Dao Wei's curiosity was piqued.

"Heavens, no. Only the Divines have that luxury. The rest of us must make the three realms our home," Ailia replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. "It's not all bad. I like it here, and it allows me to be closer to my followers."

"Lucid told me your worshipers call you the 'Maiden of Purity'?" Dao Wei asked, trying to piece together what little he knew.

"That is one of my titles, bestowed upon me by those who follow my teachings—priests, clerics, and healers, mostly," Ailia explained, sensing Dao Wei's lack of knowledge.

"I've never really been taught about deities and such. Lucid gave me a quick lesson about the Divines, but nothing about other deities and gods. So forgive my ignorance, but how does it work?" Dao Wei admitted.

Ailia smiled gently, "It is most surprising, given who you are. I'm afraid it's more complicated than one conversation can convey. But the basics of godhood... mortals put their faith in us. They pray to us, believe in us, and devote themselves to us. And when the worshipers die, the gods claim their souls?"

"Their soul? I've absorbed souls before..." Dao Wei asked, intrigued.