Chapter 34: First of a Kind

"Yes, you would have. Although, we gods are only able to claim the souls of those who worship or belong to our faith," Ailia replied.

"Interesting. When I absorb a soul, I feel myself become... more. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. I feel stronger, my senses sharpen, and sometimes, I even gain new abilities," Dao Wei explained, his curiosity growing.

"We too gain power as we gain souls, although we don't acquire new abilities like you," Ailia said.

"So the more followers a deity has..." Dao Wei began.

"...the stronger they become," Ailia finished.

Their conversation continued, with Ailia explaining the intricacies of deity worship and the devastating effects of a deity's death. She spoke of the sadness that accompanied the loss of faith and the impact it had on the gods themselves. Dao Wei could see the pain in her eyes and placed a hand on hers.

"I know what it's like to lose someone. I won't press you on the matter," Dao Wei said softly.

"I... I appreciate that," Ailia replied, a spark of warmth returning to her face.

Suddenly, golden sparkles appeared around their hands, and Dao Wei felt a deep connection with her. It was a familiar feeling, one that stirred something deep within him. 'Woah? This feeling... It's... Familiar to me!' Dao Wei felt the connection between them grow. It was something he was clearly aware of since it was a feeling buried deep in him.

"Your skin... it's almost like it's radiating sunlight," Dao Wei remarked, caught in the moment. He quickly withdrew his hand, worried that he had overstepped. "Sorry."

"It's okay. It... it felt pleasant," Ailia assured him with a warm smile.

Dao Wei needed to awaken his true divine blood, a process that required great care and precision.

"Let's change the subject. Why have you sought me out?" She asked. The subject of deities dying was not a pleasant memory for her.

"Honestly, I don't know. I just remember that I died some time ago and woke up in Lucid's place. She said she couldn't do anything. But I could, with your guidance." Dao Wei sighed at his predicaments.

Ailia sighed, "Typical Lucid. Leaving it up to others to clean her mess."

"Please, I know I'm probably asking a lot and that you don't owe me anything. But it's important to me." Dao Wei's worries were evident on his face. He'd left Liu Mingxia alone and if there's anything he could do to return to her he would.

Ailia looked at Dao Wei with eyes of contemplation. "Alright, alright... I can't say no to those endearing eyes." A bright smile graced her godly face.

"I'll help you. But what you're asking me to do... What Lucid wants, has never been done before. I can't promise it'll work. And more importantly... You could potentially seize to exist..."

"Die for the second time? What exactly do I need to do?" These two women only managed to confuse Dao Wei.

"You will need to awaken your true divine blood. But such is usually done in rituals and with both the divine parents with you. It's not intended for bringing back the dead, so we'll have to modify the purification so that it is specific to you."

"Sounds simple enough." Dao Wei had never had any problems learning anything since he was a kid. Grasping some deity knowledge and techniques wouldn't be different.

Ailia looked worried, "Simple? Altering magic is not something to be taken lightly. One error and everything will turn grim real quick."

"When altering magic, it is necessary to practice time and again. And preferably, test it on several test subjects first."

"I'll go out on a limb and presume you don't have a dozen dead people volunteering?"

Dao Wei sighed, "Not quite... But I do have a natural affinity for magic. Given what's at stake, I will only need one attempt."

Ailia remained silent for some moments as she contemplated how to proceed.

"Lie down," Ailia suddenly instructed, gesturing for Dao Wei to rest his head on her lap.

"What? Right here?" Dao Wei was shocked.

Ailia nodded, making space for him. Dao Wei hesitated but eventually complied, leaning back and resting his head on her lap. 

"That's it, close your eyes and open your other senses," Ailia said softly. "Feel the world around you, let your senses absorb everything."

She is a goddess and she wants him to put his head on her lap? If caught he'd definitely seize to exist.

As Dao Wei leaned back and rested, Ailia gently ran her fingers through his hair and caressed his chest, a soothing sensation washing over him. The feeling was the best feeling Dao Wei had ever felt.

Ailia spoke in a soft calm tone, "That's it, close your eyes and open your other senses."

Dao Wei thought to himself, 'I've never felt this relaxed before. Everything about her presence is soothing.

"Feel the world around you, let your senses absorb everything." Ailia continued in her soft voice.

Dao Wei exhaled deeply, letting himself relax completely. Ailia continued to caress him, her touch comforting and warm. "Now, I'll share some of my essence with you. This will allow you to fully awaken your bloodline. Do you accept this gift? Do you... accept me?" she asked.

For some reason Dao Wei trusted her completely and felt at ease in her presence. "I accept your gift, your guidance... I accept you, Ailia."

A purplish glowing light appeared on Ailia's palm, and she gently placed it on Dao Wei's cheek. "I entrust you with my essence, sacred and pure. May you always use it to protect those in need," she whispered.

Dao Wei felt a surge of energy as Ailia's essence merged with his own. His body underwent profound changes, both physically and spiritually, as the pure energy transformed him from within.

"Rest now... I'll watch over you, as I did when you were but a child," Ailia whispered, her voice lulling Dao Wei into a deep, peaceful sleep.

As the changes took hold, Dao Wei's body and spirit were reborn, imbued with the divine power of Ailia's essence.

Dao Wei lay nestled in Ailia's warm embrace, her gentle voice weaving a lullaby that seemed to reach deep into his soul. "Lay down your head, and I'll sing," she began, her words like a soft breeze. "I'll sing you to sleep... I'll sing you to awaken."

Her melodic voice resonated in the quiet space, and as she sang, Ailia's beautiful eyes slowly shut, her song coming from the depths of her heart. "Bless your path ahead..." Her voice was pure, filled with an emotion so tender it made Dao Wei's heartache with an unfamiliar warmth.

"Bless you with love that only a mother knows..." The melody was hauntingly beautiful, each note carrying with it the weight of unspoken promises.

"May you fly... Fly far to the fields of fortune..." Her voice was like the gentle rustle of leaves, lulling him into a deeper state of peace.

Ailia's serene expression radiated love as she continued, "May you find all that your heart desires..." Her voice was a balm to his weary soul. "May you find kindness in all who you meet..."

Her song wrapped around him like a cocoon, soothing away the lingering aches and pains. "May there always be angels to watch over you..." she whispered, her breath warm against his skin as she leaned forward, her well-shaped, soft breasts resting gently on the side of his face.

"To guard you and keep you safe from harm..." The words seemed to carry a divine power, filling the air with a sense of protection and love.

Ailia opened her eyes, and pure, untainted love etched in every line of her face. It was a love so deep, so profound, that it left him speechless.

"My love... My sweet... My everything," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Several hours passed as she held him, her warm embrace a sanctuary of peace that soothed Dao Wei's troubled thoughts.

'She's so warm. And gentle,' Dao Wei thought, the tranquility of the moment washing over him like a gentle tide.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, feeling a profound change within him. His body had undergone a complete transformation; his senses were heightened to the extreme, and his body radiated warmth. His eyes had turned a brilliant baby blue, and his facial features had matured, giving him a look of youthful vigor and terrifying handsomeness.

"Hnh... Was I out for long?" Dao Wei asked as he slowly awoke, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Ailia greeted him with a smile that could defy the heavens, a smile so warm it could melt even the coldest of hearts. "It's been a few hours since I shared my essence with you," she said, her voice filled with pure, unfiltered happiness.

Dao Wei returned her smile, though a bit sheepishly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that," he said, clearly embarrassed. "I just feel so... calm? I don't know."

Ailia's laughter was like the chime of silver bells. "I forgive you," she said, her voice the most beautiful Dao Wei had ever heard. It was a voice that made him forget all the worries of the world.

"Why do I feel so tranquil near you? Is it one of your abilities?" Dao Wei asked, trying to make sense of the extraordinary connection they shared. "I feel completely at peace..."

Ailia's smile widened, and her eyes sparkled with the memory of a time long past. "I feel it too. It's exactly the same as when I watched over you as a child," she said, her voice laced with nostalgia. "I was never allowed to interact with you, but I watched over you for the first five years of your life."

Dao Wei's eyes widened in surprise. "You watched over me for five years? Why did you... stop?" he asked, the disbelief evident in his voice.

Ailia's expression darkened slightly, and she sighed deeply. "Your father," she said, her voice tinged with sadness. "He... he forbade me to continue watching over you."

Dao Wei's mind raced as memories from his childhood flooded back to him. "Why?... I remember now. Sometime around my fifth birthday... It was the first time I felt cold," he said, his voice filled with a quiet realization. "Like... like there was something missing. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. But now, being close to you... This is the feeling that disappeared back then. A warm, soothing presence."

Ailia sighed again, sharing in his sorrow. "My connection to you grew too strong. Your father thought it would be a problem..." she explained, her voice heavy with regret. "Thus, the one who had ordered me to look over you... was the one to take me away."

Dao Wei struggled to process this revelation. 'My father... He's the reason I lost that warmth in my life? Ailia is clearly upset about the situation too. She also lost something dear to her that day,' he thought, his mind a whirlwind of emotions.

"Ailia, thank you... for watching over me," Dao Wei said softly, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Ailia's face brightened once more, her smile radiant. "Oh? You don't have to thank me. I... I just did what was required of me," she said, though her tone was playful.

'Heh... That must have been how it started, but it obviously meant more to her than just a 'task',' Dao Wei thought, seeing the truth written all over her face. "No matter what you say, I'm still grateful," he said, his voice firm with sincerity.

Ailia's smile widened further, and she blushed slightly. "What am I to do with you? You are not supposed to make a goddess blush..." she teased, her voice light and full of warmth. "Come, time to get up! I still have to teach you how to harness your powers."

They both stood, facing each other in the soft glow of the divine garden. Ailia's demeanor shifted slightly, her voice becoming more serious. "Okay, pay attention now. Harnessing your true powers is a demanding process," she began, her tone one of careful instruction.

"I'll show you how to create the first connection. Then it will be your turn to try," Ailia said, demonstrating the process.

She brought her palms close together, and a golden sphere appeared between them, glowing with an ethereal light. "Like this! You have to gather enough energy in each of your palms. Then you need to activate it and merge it together with your hands."

Dao Wei watched intently, absorbing every detail. The golden sphere radiated warmth, and ancient runes ran in perfect bands around it, their meaning lost to time.

"Each angel is unique. That's what the runes are for; they guide you to ensure the best effect," Ailia explained, her eyes fixed on the glowing sphere. "This one will be specific to your situation, rebuilding your destroyed body."

Dao Wei nodded, understanding the gravity of what she was teaching him. "What exactly will this do? Will it bring me back to life?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of trepidation.

"In a way, you were never dead—both your body and cultivation base were destroyed, but not your soul," Ailia explained, her voice calm and reassuring. "As a Nephilim, your life is completely different from that of humans and the likes."

"You were always meant to transcend mortality," she continued, her voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom. "Your mortal body was destroyed so that you could build a divine body. Your previous body was limited and could only hold a bit of divine energy. It was full of impurities, too, defiled with so many foreign energies."