Chapter 35: SkyTower

Dao Wei listened, the realization dawning on him. "So, this will guide me to my new body and life?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and resolve.

"Yes," Ailia confirmed, her voice gentle yet firm. "Your soul has been purified and made whole again. However, the memories and secrets that were lost when you were attacked could not be retrieved."

Dao Wei's heart sank slightly at the mention of his lost memories, but Ailia continued. "Your abilities, strength, speed—everything has been enhanced at least a thousand times that of a mortal. You won't lose control over yourself anymore. But you still need to deal with your demons," she said, her voice carrying both hope and caution.

"You are one of a kind, Dao Wei. The only one since the dawn of time," Ailia said, her voice filled with a quiet pride. Dao Wei could sense the deep connection she felt with him, and it bolstered his determination.

"I like the look of determination in your eyes. Because now it's your turn to try," Ailia said, her voice filled with encouragement. "It should be rather intuitive for you, now that you've absorbed some of my essence."

Dao Wei took a stance, his palms coming together as he concentrated on the energy within him.

"Remember, just let the energy gather in your palms." Ailia's voice directed him.

'Hmm, I can feel the energy, but nothing seems to be happening.' Dao Wei could feel it, a pulsing warmth that flowed through his veins, but nothing seemed to happen. His thoughts began to scatter, doubt creeping in.

"Trust your instinct," Ailia spoke gently, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of his thoughts. "When performing divine magic, your mind needs to be in a state of tranquility."

Dao Wei took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. Ailia's hands gently covered his, her touch warm and soothing. "Search within you for something that brings you serenity," she said, her voice a soft whisper in his ear.

Dao Wei closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling of Ailia's touch. "Do you feel this?" she asked, her voice tender.

"Yes," Dao Wei replied, feeling the chaotic energy within him begin to calm, his mind clearing like a fog lifting. Her touch alone brought him peace, a sense of calm as the sea on a bright sunny day.

"That is the feeling you are looking for," Ailia said, her voice like a gentle breeze. "When you find it, focus on manifesting it."

Dao Wei concentrated, letting the warmth of Ailia's touch guide him. A tingling sensation began to build between their hands, and he could feel the energy gathering, forming into something tangible.

Ailia's breath hitched in anticipation as a golden sphere, similar to the one she had created, appeared between Dao Wei's palms. It radiated warmth, as bright as the sun, with runes as deep as the deepest trenches. The sphere exuded a calming and overbearing sensation, one that Dao Wei had never felt before.

Ailia's face lit up with excitement, her expression a mixture of shock, amusement, and complete happiness. "Yes! That's it! Good job!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with pride. "It's beautiful. I'm so proud of you, sweetie!"

Unable to contain her excitement, Ailia jumped straight into Dao Wei's embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck. She looked into his eyes, her own filled with pure joy. "I can't believe you were able to manifest it that quickly!"

"You were just wonderful! You've grown up so... so fast," Ailia said, holding him tightly, her soft breasts pressed against his chest.

Dao Wei's thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions as he held her close. 'She's hugging me tightly... I'm being hugged by a literal goddess...' he thought, his heart racing.

'She's not letting go either. Not that I want her to...'

As they continued to hold each other, Dao Wei looked into her eyes, and time seemed to stand still. Her beautiful rainbow eyes glowed with warmth and love, her smile charming and pure.

Moments passed, each one feeling like an eternity as they stared into each other's eyes. In that silent exchange, a thousand words were spoken without a single one uttered.

Dao Wei broke the silence first, his voice calm despite the tumult of emotions stirring within him. "I take it I did well?"

He wasn't quite sure what was more difficult: keeping his composure around Ailia or resisting the temptation her closeness stirred within him. He certainly didn't want to find himself crossing any lines with a goddess, but then again, who could resist the allure? The dilemma was enough to give anyone a headache.

"Mhm-hm," Ailia responded, her smile widening as her eyes sparkled with pride. "Extraordinarily well! It takes years for even the most gifted clerics and priests to reach this level. I'm... very impressed."

Dao Wei's smile turned slightly mischievous. "Is that why you're holding on to me so tightly?"

Her bright expression suddenly faltered, replaced by a blush that spread rapidly across her delicate face. Ailia's eyes darted away from his, and she bit her lip, clearly flustered by the realization of how intimately she was clinging to him. She quickly released her grip and stepped back, holding a trembling hand to her cheek. "Heavens! What am I doing!?"

"P-Please forgive me," she stammered, still reeling from her embarrassment. "It was highly inappropriate for me to do that!"

Dao Wei couldn't help but chuckle softly, finding her reaction unexpectedly endearing. "It's okay. You didn't do me any harm. In fact, it felt... nice. You're incredibly warm."

His attempt to comfort her only seemed to fuel her embarrassment further. Ailia's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and she struggled to find the right words.

"I enjoyed it," Dao Wei continued, his voice gentle. "If I hadn't, I would have asked you to stop."

Ailia finally found her voice, though she still couldn't bring herself to look directly at him. "Dao Wei... thank you. It's kind of you to say."

For a moment, she seemed to regain some composure, though the faint blush remained on her cheeks. "I... I'd better send you back now. You have everything you need to proceed with the awakening."

"Thank you for your guidance, Ailia. I hope I haven't caused you any trouble..." Dao Wei said, noticing the conflict evident in her expression.

"You're welcome," Ailia replied softly, her voice regaining its usual grace. "But now, you must leave." She took a deep breath and composed herself, gesturing for him to follow. "Here... I'll make a portal for you."

At her command, a blue spherical cloud began to form, its diameter spanning nearly ten feet. Within it, six golden circles, each adorned with a golden flame, appeared and converged at the center, connecting to another circle etched with ancient runes around its circumference. This circle, too, bore a golden flame at its core.

"This portal will take you back to Zara World," Ailia explained, her voice steady but tinged with an unspoken emotion.

"Okay... once more, I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention," Dao Wei said as he approached the portal.

Without another word, he stepped into the swirling energy, and as the portal closed behind him, he vanished from sight.

Alone once more, Ailia pressed her hands to her face, stifling a sob. "You could never make me feel uncomfortable," she whispered to the empty air.

She slowly walked to the edge of her garden, her eyes gazing out at the vast, open sky. "All these years... how you've grown. Strong, willful, beautiful," she sighed heavily, her heart heavy with sorrow.

"I won't forgive this. Forcing me to... part with him for the second time," Ailia murmured, her tears falling freely as she wept, her grief mingling with the bittersweet joy of seeing Dao Wei's growth.

Elsewhere, Dao Wei materialized within a radiant blue cloud, his vision blurred as he slowly adjusted to his surroundings. When everything came into focus, he found himself standing in the heart of an unfamiliar world, far removed from the one he had just left.

He was surrounded by a breathtakingly beautiful grassland, a scene that seemed to have sprung straight from the pages of a fairy tale. Tall, otherworldly forests loomed in the distance, their leaves shimmering with a mysterious light. Majestic mountains reached toward the heavens, their peaks blanketed in eternal snow. A vast river wound its way through the landscape, its waters clear and sparkling, seemingly endless.

The air was thick with the energy of heaven and earth, more potent than anything Dao Wei had ever encountered, even in Lucid's or Ailia's realms. The very essence of the world seemed to pulse with life, every element in perfect harmony.

Dao Wei began walking along a jade path that stretched out before him, marveling at the vibrant scenery. "What is going on? Where exactly am I?" he wondered aloud.

Ailia had promised to send him back to Zara World, but this place was nothing like the Zara Ruins he remembered. This world was teeming with life, a tranquil paradise where the energy of the heavens and earth mingled freely. The animals here were mature and vibrant, and the flora was unlike anything he had ever seen.

As he continued down the path, a piece of information suddenly surfaced in his mind.


Dao Wei furrowed his brow. "SkyTower? Is that the name of this place? Is this the world inside the dome? Did I really break the seal?"

His thoughts raced as he walked for hours, the path winding through the breathtaking landscape. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he spotted something at the end of the path—a towering structure made of gleaming silver, reaching high into the sky.

The sight left him in awe. This place was beyond anything he had imagined—a world of lush vegetation, fields of vibrant flowers, and towering mountains. The rivers seemed to wash away all weariness, and the air itself was invigorating, as if infused with the very essence of life.

Before he could take another step, a sharp voice rang out. "STOP RIGHT THERE, DEMONIC SCUM!"

Dao Wei turned quickly, his eyes narrowing as he searched for the source of the voice.

A figure emerged from the shadows—a man with the body of a horse, clad in silver armor and wielding a slim sword. His skin was brown, and slender, curly horns adorned his head. Beside him stood a light-skinned girl, her golden armor gleaming in the sunlight. She, too, had horns, but hers were large and moose-like, sparkling with a golden hue.

They were centaurs, living embodiments of myth.

The male centaur glared at Dao Wei, his voice low and menacing. "You demons should know better than to set foot here!"