Chapter 57: Another Breakthrough?

"He found the seven strongest among them, then corrupted them into twisted versions of their former selves. Using their own greatest faults to craft their new personalities. The strongest of them all is Pride. Although he may look weak compared to the deities, there is no greater power in the three realms than him, right now. The smartest of them all is Lust. With the power to seduce every living thing. And while not as powerful as Pride, she is far more smarter. All this while being the second strongest of the devils."

"Okay, okay... I really don't have all day to be discussing devils, can you tell me what this got to do with me?" Dao Wei didn't know how long he's been out, and was worried about Liu Mingxia and Xuner.

"Fine... Fine... Your loss, I'm an exceptional storyteller." Sloth smiled and his expression changed to that of amusement. "So... Let's talk about you then."

"Like I was saying, after creating the Devils, the Dark God tainted his brother and goaded him into a massive fight. And they fought. Each trying to force the other to finally give in." As Sloth narrated the fight, visions of the same fight appeared in Dao Wei's mind. It was as if he was in the fight himself.

"But neither would. They fought for what seemed like eternity. All their energy and power was spent, each trying to crush the other. Until finally in one desperate attack, they annihilated each other."

"What happened next?" Dao Wei couldn't wait to hear the next part.

"The Dark God, as a way to return again, spread his essence in the world. His essence entrenched all living things in the world. Eventually he started to combine his power and regain his mind, possessing even more powerful beings, one after the other. Constantly looking for the strongest vessel."

"Shit..." Dao Wei could tell were all this was leading.

"However, anticipating his brother's actions, the God of Light also did something. He created what you would call... Soul Stones, to imprison the most powerful Evil God. Which certain friends of yours used to do just that."

"That means... The Soul Stone contains the Dark God's essence?" Dao Wei was getting unsettled with each passing moment.

"Yes... Not all of him, but most. But that's not all the Light God did, he also helped arm the intelligent races. His body, shattered to pieces, was sent hurtling to the world. These pieces are what you call Allesterium."

"What? But they say it was a meteorite... So it was actually him..." Slowly, things were beginning to make sense to Dao Wei. "That's why demons and devils gets weak close to it."

"Exactly! And mortals gets stronger and even a chance to cultivate, it was, what you would say. His last act of love towards the creatures he had loved so much. Gave them his power to defend themselves and weaken their foes."

"Wow... I would have never imagined... Wait, what about me?" Dao Wei still didn't understand were he fit in all these.

"What do you feel near Allesterium? Why do devils call you Father? Why do you have memories of things you never did?" Sloth pointed at Dao Wei.

"I..." Dao Wei didn't even know the answer.

"Oh... Looks like we're out of time... We'll continue this later." Sloth suddenly changed his expression

"What do you mean?" Dao Wei asked, but after he blinked he was now standing in his own Sea of Qi. A huge imposing Soul stood at a distance. It looks exactly like Dao Wei, but it's skin was a mix of all colours it the world. It looked like a Starry Galaxy. This was Dao Wei's Sword Soul. It had the essence of the Dark God and that of the Azure Origin Dragon.

Dao Wei checked his physical health and found out he'd fully recovered. His body had also become almost immortal, his Sea of Qi also expanded ten times more. It was a vast ocean filled with raw and pure energy.

At this time, Tian had fully merged with the Soul Stone and became one. Most of the Dark God's essence in the sword and Soul Stone had been absorbed by Dao Wei when he was on the verge of death. One could say they Dark God was almost resurrected.

Dao Wei was now at the Completion of Peak Nascent Spirit Realm. His near death experiences had been a great twist for him as he managed to advance realms without even trying. However, it was not a method advisable for anyone to try. 


In the dim light of the cave, flickering shadows danced along the stone walls as Liu Mingxia and Xuner sat cross-legged beside Dao Wei, who lay still on a bed of soft rock. The scent of herbs and damp earth filled the air, a reminder of the two weeks that had passed since his fall into unconsciousness.

Liu Mingxia brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her voice soft as she began, "When he wakes up, we should take him to The Crystal Lake. It's said the waters can heal even the deepest wounds."

The Crystal Lake was one of the wonders of Jiangling Capital. The water of the Lake not only soothed the body but could also cleanse off impurities and demonic energies. It was protected by the Red Turban Guild, one of the Royal guilds spread through the entire Qishu Continent. However, access to the Lake was free for all citizens of the Capital.

Xuner nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with hope. "And we must have a feast under the stars! I can cook the moonflower stew he will love it. It will be perfect for the occasion."

Liu Mingxia smiled gently, her thoughts drifting to the memories they shared. "Yes, and we can gather the luminous fireflies to light up the night. It will be enchanting."

Xuner giggled, imagining the scene. "He'll awake to a world of wonder. And we can tell him how we waited and stood by him all this time. He needs to know how much he means to us."

"Agreed," Liu Mingxia said, her heart swelling with affection. "Let's make his awakening great. Hopefully he will consider being careful and not just act reckless in the future."

They both sat in silence, the cave seemed to pulse with their unspoken hopes, a promise of joy waiting to be fulfilled.