Chapter 58: Bonds of Fate and Shadows of the Past

Dao Wei stirred in the warm embrace of consciousness, the distant echoes of soft laughter and playful giggles pulling him from the depths of his uneasy sleep. His head throbbed faintly, and his memories were blurred as if they had been submerged in murky waters.

"Hehe, I know, right?" a familiar voice chimed in, filled with a kind of innocent enthusiasm. "It's almost impossible to believe that the so-called evil Sect has some good people and places. And oh, you should visit the Blood River; it's amazing."

"Ewww! Blood River?" Another voice, equally familiar, responded with obvious distaste. "Honestly, who'd want to visit a place with a name like that?"

Liu Mingxia's laugh was delicate, her joy like a melody. "It's not a river made of blood if that's what you're thinking, Xuner. Honestly, I also don't know why anyone would call it that. But it's a beautiful place, one of the wonders of Jiangling Capital. I always go there when I'm sad; it calms me down."

The girls' giggles only grew louder as Liu Mingxia continued sharing her stories about the Demon Sect. Their cheerful banter danced around the room like a gentle breeze, stirring the still air of the cave.

"God, you girls are loud," Dao Wei groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his vision still blurry. The environment was not entirely familiar, but the presence of these two was unmistakable. His hand instinctively reached up to his throbbing head, trying to piece together his scattered thoughts. "My head..."

Before he could fully orient himself, the girls were upon him, their arms wrapping around him in an exuberant embrace.

"Ah!" Dao Wei gasped, momentarily overwhelmed by their sudden and fierce affection.

"Wei'er! You're awake!" Liu Mingxia trembled as she struggled to contain her excitement, tears streaming down her beautiful face. "I was so worried and scared! Don't ever scare me like that!"

On his left, Xuner tightened her hold around him, her own emotions spilling over in the form of joyful sobs. They clung to him for what felt like an eternity, their warmth seeping into his bones, filling the emptiness that had settled within him during his unconsciousness.

"Okay, girls. I'm fine now," Dao Wei reassured them with a gentle smile, returning their embrace with equal warmth.

'Mmm, he's so warm... And strong...' Liu Mingxia thought, a blush rising to her cheeks as she melted into Dao Wei's arms. 'And stubborn...' She giggled softly, feeling both comforted and flustered by his presence.

"Big Brother, are you okay?" Xuner's melodic voice echoed through the cave, her concern evident as she snuggled up against him, unwilling to let go just yet. The girls finally released him, though they remained close, their eyes scanning him as if ensuring he was truly alright.

Liu Mingxia observed him quietly, her gaze sharp and perceptive. Something about him had changed, a subtle shift in his aura that she couldn't quite place. "Wei, are you sure everything is okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Dao Wei offered her a reassuring smile, though he couldn't dismiss the slight unease in his chest. "Yes, I feel much better now. Why do you ask?"

"There's... I don't know..." Liu Mingxia hesitated, her brow furrowing as she tried to articulate her thoughts. "But you feel different."

"It's like there's a dark energy around you," Xuner added, her expression more certain. She had a body of Darkness, and it was easy for her to sense the Dark God's energy in him.

"But also a warm and calming energy," Liu Mingxia continued, her gaze searching Dao Wei's eyes for answers.

Dao Wei hadn't given much thought to how his body had changed since arriving at Jiangling, let alone after his encounter with Lucid. His powers had been growing at a terrifying rate, and if he wasn't careful, his aura would always slip out. Even more so now that he had absorbed half of the Dark God's essence, his body had fully become half-angel.

"I've managed to tame the Hellblade," Dao Wei explained, his tone measured as he tried to divert their attention. "My aura is still a bit unstable."

"Hellblade?" Liu Mingxia's curiosity was piqued, but before she could probe further, a realization struck her. "Wait, is it that evil sword you got after we were attacked by that... Shadow Jin? Guy? Who are they anyway?"

"Who? Shado-Jin?" Dao Wei's eyes narrowed slightly as he recalled the encounter. "They are an underworld organization of hired assassins. They're not from this world, though. I met one of them when I was younger, but I wasn't that strong back then. The old man took care of him. The one who attacked us just wanted to avenge his brother."

His explanation seemed to ease the tension in the air, the girls nodding as they absorbed the information.

"Wei... When was the last time you ate?" Liu Mingxia suddenly asked, her tone lightening as a mischievous smile played on her lips.

"What?" Dao Wei blinked, caught off guard by the abrupt change in topic.

"When was the last time you had a good meal?" she repeated, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes.

"I..." Dao Wei tried to remember the last time he had a proper meal, but the days blurred together in his mind.

"He doesn't know," Xuner chimed in, her teasing tone earning a soft chuckle from Liu Mingxia.

"That long, huh? Come on..." The girls stood up in unison, their expressions playful as they gestured for him to follow.

"Where?" Dao Wei asked, feeling a bit lazy as he considered the effort it would take to get up.

"To put some food on that skinny body of yours," Liu Mingxia teased, her laughter light and infectious.

"Skinny?" Dao Wei glanced down at himself, surprised by her remark. He hadn't noticed any significant changes in his physique, though there was a noticeable scar on his chest—a reminder of the battles he had fought. The scar was deep, still tender to the touch, but it was just that... a scar.

The girls giggled and began walking towards the other side of the cave's entrance. Dao Wei, feeling a bit more energized, decided to follow them.

To his surprise, the scene beyond the entrance was completely different from the damp, dark cave he had awoken in. It was an open space filled with vibrant vegetation, a tapestry of flowers and herbs that painted the landscape with vivid colors. In the center of this paradise was a small oasis, its crystal-clear waters shimmering under the soft glow of the cave's natural light. Not far from the oasis was a stone table, around which the girls had already begun preparing food. It was a scene that defied expectations, a hidden sanctuary within the depths of the earth.

"You woke up right on time. Lunch is almost ready," Xuner announced with a confident smile as she quickened her pace.

The tantalizing aroma of their cooking filled the air, and Dao Wei's stomach growled in response. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was until that moment.

"You are hungry, aren't you?" Liu Mingxia turned to him with a knowing look, her voice teasing.

"Now I am..." Dao Wei admitted with a smirk, earning more giggles from the girls. Their lighthearted banter brought a sense of normalcy to the surreal surroundings.

"I'll take a quick bath while you finish up," Dao Wei decided, heading towards the inviting waters of the oasis.

With a splash, he submerged himself in the warm water, feeling his tight muscles loosen and the fatigue of the past few days melt away. The thermal vents beneath the oasis provided a soothing warmth that seeped into his bones, rejuvenating him in ways that rest alone could not.

After a few moments of blissful relaxation, Dao Wei climbed out of the water, droplets glistening on his skin as he made his way back to the stone table where the girls were seated.

"Big Brother, come sit!" Xuner called out cheerfully, her eyes bright with anticipation as she dished out the meal they had prepared. Dao Wei smiled and took a seat opposite the girls, his appetite growing with each passing moment.

Xuner served everyone with care, her movements graceful as she placed steaming plates before them. The past two weeks had been busy for the girls, and their efforts had culminated in a feast worthy of a king. They had prepared Earth Dragon's meat, a delicacy that was both tender and flavorful. Though Earth Dragons were not true dragons, they were distant relatives, their meat prized for its rich taste and nourishing qualities.

Dao Wei savored each bite, the flavors bursting on his tongue as he ate with relish. The girls watched with satisfaction, pleased to see him enjoying the meal they had worked so hard to prepare.

"Ah... Just what I needed," Dao Wei sighed contentedly, leaning back in his seat as he patted his stomach. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt truly at peace, surrounded by those he cared about.

"So... What happens now?" Liu Mingxia's voice was soft, but there was a note of uncertainty in her question. She knew that their time together was coming to an end, and the thought weighed heavily on her heart.

"What do you mean?" Dao Wei asked, momentarily distracted by the pleasant haze of post-meal contentment.

"What are you going to do now that I'm almost home?" Liu Mingxia clarified, her gaze fixed on him. "Will you come with me to the Demon Sect?"

"Going with you?" Dao Wei was caught off guard by the question, his mind struggling to process her words.