Chapter 67: The Sky Python Submits!

The Ancestral Lands are a sort of vault left behind by the Sect's ancestors and founders. As for what was to be received in each Land was different and one could only know once they've entered. It was rumored that the Sword God Sect Ancestral Lands holds a relic of unparalleled power, although no one has been able to confirm the news, most have tried but failed to get it.

"The Ancestral Lands?" Dao Wei's curiosity was picked.

"Yes, you can then get a chance to get some Supreme Swords if you are lucky." Began the Supreme Elder. "There are also divine swords, but those are even difficult to get, aside from the God Sword, Skyfall."

"God Sword?!" Dao Wei couldn't keep his composure any longer, "you are trying to tell me that if I become this Sword Childe, I'll get a chance to own a God Sword?"

The Supreme Elder laughed warmly, "Of course, what do you know about the seven divine swords?"

Dao Wei kept quiet for a moment trying to recall his knowledge of the Seven Divine Swords. "I think they belonged to the Divines and we're gifted to the mortals after the first fall?" He wasn't too sure, after all his entire life had been turned upside down lately and it was difficult to tell what the truth was.

"Haha, yes! They did belong to the Divines, or so it was said. But they hold a secret to the world and that's why they have been lost in time. Apart from the Seven Divine Swords, there were also two God Swords that are believed to be even older than the divine swords. Those are Skyfall and Tian, the Hellblade."

Hearing that, Dao Wei became unsettled. He had used Tian just moments ago and he was worried that the Supreme Elder might have noticed the sword.

"Haha, if not that Tian is a completely dark and evil sword, I would have said that sword you used was Tian. But it hasn't been seen since even before the Divine Swords came into the picture." The Supreme Elder continued his story.

Dao Wei sighed, obviously relieved. It would be a disaster if someone was to know the truth about Tian. "So you are saying that one of the God Swords is in the Ancestral Lands and if I'm the Sword Childe I can claim it? Won't the Sect want to take the credit? After all, it's the legacy of the Sect..."

"Haha, no, son. Anything anyone gets from the Ancestral Lands is completely theirs and the Sect has no rights whatsoever over them. And if you get that sword, son, I promise to get you the Nirvana Spirit-breaking Pill." The Supreme Elder promised.

"Wait, the legendary Spirit-breaking Pill?" Dao Wei was dumbfounded, not like he couldn't find it, but it was super rare, and getting it like this was probably the easiest. "Okay, old man, I'll participate in this your coronation."

"Hahaha! Perfect, by the way, as a welcome token and congratulations on passing the Sword Peak trials we gave you the Sky Python Robe and a Grade six Soul Stabilizing Pill. Hope you will make great use of it." The Supreme Elder got up and began walking out of the hall, "don't forget to be at the Martial Arena in ten days." 

"Okay, I guess this is my cue to go." Dao Wei got up from his throne and made his way to his room. This place was so huge it took him almost an hour to find his room.

Entering the room was like he was in the King's quarters, the room was spacious and elegant. it had a study, a small bath, a tea table, and an abnormally large bed which looked really comfy.

Dao Wei's laughter echoed off the grand walls of the Dragon Cubs' Residence as he admired the luxurious quarters that now belonged to him. Every detail in the room spoke of elegance and power, from the finely carved furniture to the shimmering silks that draped the windows. The spacious study held an array of ancient scrolls, and a small bath steamed gently in one corner, filling the air with the scent of jasmine. The tea table, set with delicate porcelain, invited relaxation, but it was the enormous bed that drew Dao Wei's attention.

The bed itself was a marvel, large enough to accommodate several people with room to spare. The sheets were woven from rare Heavenly Ice Spider Silks, their softness beyond anything Dao Wei had ever felt. And on top of it all, resting neatly at the center, was the Sky Python Robe, its fabric a deep, shifting silver that seemed to shimmer with a life of its own. Next to it lay an ornate box, which Dao Wei quickly recognized as holding the Soul Condensing Pill, a treasure so rare that even the wealthiest sects would fight for it.

Dao Wei approached the bed, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "This must be the Soul Condensing Pill the Supreme Elder mentioned," he mused, opening the box to reveal the pill nestled inside like a precious gem. A rich, intoxicating fragrance filled the room, the pill's aura radiating immense power. "Haha, the Sword God Sect is too generous."

He turned his attention back to the Sky Python Robe, reaching out to feel its smooth, almost liquid-like texture. As his fingers brushed against the fabric, a sudden realization struck him—the robe's spirit was still intact. Normally, relics of this caliber had their beast spirits removed during the crafting process, but this one still held the soul of the mighty Sky Python within it.

The room darkened as a colossal spiritual python materialized before him, its eyes glowing a fierce red, and its scales reflecting an ethereal aurora. The creature was both magnificent and terrifying, its presence filling the space with an oppressive weight. It towered over Dao Wei, coiling and uncoiling as it regarded him with a sneer.

"Haha, puny human," the Python's voice was a deep rumble, dripping with disdain. "You think you can just put the robe on without checking it first? It seems like I've really found the best vessel—dumb and naïve."

Without warning, the Python lunged forward, its massive form rushing towards Dao Wei's glabella with the intent of taking over his body. The air crackled with energy as the Python's spirit sought to overpower Dao Wei's will.


Dao Wei's expression remained calm, his gaze cold as he froze the Python in mid-air, trapping it within the force of his own spiritual power. The Python roared in pain, its massive body writhing as if it were being physically tortured.

"Just a spirit and you dare act presumptuous?" Dao Wei's voice was like a blade, cutting through the Python's arrogance.

"Please! Master, I was just joking!" The Python's earlier bravado evaporated in an instant, replaced by a desperate plea for mercy. Its once powerful voice now trembled with fear. "Master, I promise to be obedient to you! I can help you in fights, and since my spirit remains, the functions of the robe are endless!"

Dao Wei's eyes narrowed as he considered the Python's words. "What can you do?" he asked, his tone sharp.

"Master, apart from unparalleled speed, the robe adapts to any situation you're in. But those are just the basics for ordinary robes. Yours can also enhance healing, provide camouflage, and even turn invisible! And as I grow, my abilities will also be transferred to you!" The Sky Python was practically groveling now, its fear of being obliterated palpable.

Dao Wei paused, contemplating the Python's offer. The spirit's potential was indeed vast, but he knew better than to trust a beast that had once sought to dominate him. "Give me half of your soul," Dao Wei demanded, his voice brokering no argument. He wasn't willing to take any chances with a creature as dangerous as the Sky Python.

"W-What?!" The Python recoiled in shock, but one look at Dao Wei's determined expression told it that the young man was dead serious. Reluctantly, the Python relented. A bluish orb of light, the Python's soul, flew out from its glabella and merged with Dao Wei's Sea of Qi.

From that moment on, the Sky Python belonged to Dao Wei, bound by the very essence of its soul. The robe it inhabited would serve him faithfully, its spirit enhancing his abilities far beyond what the relic alone could provide.