Chapter 68: Dragon Cubs Manor

At the Elder Peak...

Elsewhere, within the lofty halls of the Elder Peak, the Supreme Elder Jiang Feng sat across from an old man clad in white robes embroidered with Taichi symbols. The room was quiet, the air filled with the scent of aged tea leaves, as the two men engaged in a conversation that held the fate of the Sword God Sect in balance.

"Do you really think he'll be able to obtain the God Sword?" Jiang Feng asked, his tone laden with concern. Despite the confidence he had displayed earlier, the Supreme Elder was not entirely certain that Dao Wei could receive the approval of such a powerful relic. "The God Sword is no ordinary weapon—it's as temperamental as it is powerful. Many have tried and failed to even touch it, let alone wield it."

The old man in white, however, seemed utterly unconcerned. He sipped his tea with a serene expression, his eyes half-closed as if the entire matter were trivial. "Haha, of course. It's his sword, after all."

Jiang Feng frowned, setting his cup down on the table with a soft clink. "His sword? You speak as if it was always meant to be his, but you know as well as I do that the God Sword has its own will. Even if the young man is strong, even if he has the potential, there's no guarantee the sword will acknowledge him."

The old man shrugged, a faint smile playing on his lips. "You worry too much, Jiang Feng. The boy has more than just potential—he has destiny on his side. The sword will recognize that just as it recognized the previous master."

"Destiny? Hmph," Jiang Feng huffed, leaning back in his chair. "Destiny is a fickle thing. It's guided by choices, by actions. What if Dao Wei makes the wrong choice? What if he isn't ready?"

The old man in white waved his hand dismissively. "Then he will learn from it and grow stronger. That's how it has always been, isn't it? You cannot shield him from every challenge, Jiang Feng. He must face these trials on his own."

Jiang Feng's expression softened, though his eyes still held a hint of worry. "I know, I know. But he's still young, and this path he's on is a dangerous one. The Sect is betting a lot on him, and so am I. If something were to happen..."

The old man set his cup down and looked directly at Jiang Feng, his gaze suddenly piercing. "Nothing will happen to him that he cannot handle. The boy is destined for greatness, and while the road may be perilous, it is one he must walk. Do not doubt him, Jiang Feng. He is far stronger than even he realizes."

The Supreme Elder sighed, rubbing his temples as if to dispel the lingering doubts. "Perhaps you're right. I just can't help but worry. The God Sword, the trials, the enemies he's bound to make along the way... It's a lot for anyone to handle."

The old man's smile returned, this time warmer, almost fatherly. "That's the nature of the path we've chosen, isn't it? To wield such power, to rise above all others, comes with great risk. But the young Prince... he has something special, something that will see him through. You'll see."

Jiang Feng looked thoughtful, his fingers drumming lightly on the table. "You've always had more faith in these matters than I have. Maybe that's why you've lived so long." He chuckled softly, a rare moment of lightness between the two elders.

The old man chuckled as well, a low, rumbling sound that filled the room with a comforting warmth. "Perhaps. Or maybe it's just that I've seen enough to know when to trust in someone's potential. And the young Prince... he's something else entirely."

Jiang Feng nodded slowly, his mind made up. "Very well. I'll trust in your judgment. But if anything goes wrong, I expect you to take responsibility."

The old man only smiled wider, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Of course, of course. But nothing will go wrong, you'll see."

Back at the Dragon Cubs' Residence…

Dao Wei stood before the grand mirror in his room, the Sky Python Robe draped elegantly over his shoulders. The robe's silver fabric seemed to ripple like water, reflecting the light in a dazzling array of colors. Its fit was perfect, melding to his body as if it had been made just for him. The robe's spirit, now fully subdued, hummed quietly, its power resonating with Dao Wei's own Qi.

He looked every bit the part of a young prodigy—his features were sharp and well-defined, his eyes like pools of ink, deep and mysterious. His long, black hair fell in a cascade down his back, tied loosely at the nape of his neck. The Sky Python Robe accentuated his lean, muscular build, its aura making him appear taller, and more imposing.

His skin was smooth, with a healthy glow that hinted at the immense power coursing through his veins. As he moved, the robe shimmered, casting an almost ethereal light around him. The transformation was complete—Dao Wei was no longer just a promising disciple; he looked like a warrior, a leader, someone destined for greatness.

Any woman who laid eyes on him now would find it hard to resist his charm, his presence commanding attention and respect. There was an elegance to him, a quiet strength that spoke of discipline and confidence. He was the embodiment of the Sword God Sect's ideals—a perfect blend of power, grace, and indomitable will.

Dao Wei smiled faintly, satisfied with what he saw. The robe, the Python's submission, everything was falling into place. And soon, he would face the trials that awaited him with the God Sword. But for now, he would rest, gather his strength, and prepare for the challenges ahead.

He glanced out the window, the moonlight bathing the courtyard in a silvery glow. The night was still, and serene, but Dao Wei knew that this was just the calm before the storm. A storm that he was ready to face head-on.

With one last look in the mirror, Dao Wei turned and made his way to the SkyTower, opening the dimensional door and leaving the room.