Chapter 69: I still don't get this place...

Dao Wei arrived at the SkyTower, his thoughts heavy with questions. If anyone held the answers he sought, it would undoubtedly be Kvlt. Making his way to the courtyard, he found the ethereal figure standing gracefully in the same spot, as if he had been waiting.

"Good day, Master. Can I help you with something?" Kvlt's voice was calm, soothing, as he acknowledged Dao Wei's presence.

Dao Wei approached him, his curiosity barely contained. "Yes, I'd love to learn more about the Tower. But first, did anything happen while I was gone?"

Kvlt gave a slight nod. "Yes, the guardian girl has been waiting outside for you, Master."

Dao Wei frowned in thought. 'Guardian?' He mused. 'Maybe he means the Centaur...'

He nodded. "I'll go see her now."

"Anything else you'd like me to do, Master?" Kvlt asked.

"Yes," Dao Wei replied, an idea forming. "Set the time speed to the maximum. I'd like to practice for the next few days."

"The time has already been set to its peak," Kvlt explained. "One year inside equals a single day outside. That is the maximum allowed in response to your power, Master."

"Perfect," Dao Wei said with a satisfied smile. With that, he headed out of the tower through the same door he had entered the first time. Outside, he found Jendayi, pacing anxiously.

As soon as Dao Wei stepped outside, her eyes widened in recognition. She bowed quickly, her body trembling as if bracing for some terrible consequence. "My Lord!" Her voice was a mixture of fear and respect. "The elders of my village confirmed who you are, and they sent me to apologize on behalf of my mate. He wanted to come himself, but he feared you might kill him."

"And you are not afraid?" Dao Wei asked, more curious than accusatory.

Jendayi took his question as a threat and dropped to her knees, her head bowed so low that her forehead nearly touched the ground. "I... I am afraid, but you didn't harm me before, so the elders thought I would be the best to come and apologize."

Dao Wei sighed, helping her up. "It's fine. Don't worry." He softened his tone. "And please, call me Dao Wei. I'm not used to all this 'Lord' business."

Jendayi hesitated. "But... but..." 

"You didn't come here just to apologize, did you?" Dao Wei interrupted, his gaze narrowing slightly in suspicion.

Jendayi straightened, her fear giving way to nervousness. "No, the elders also told me there is somewhere I need to guide you."

"Somewhere I need to go?" Dao Wei's curiosity deepened.

"Yes," she said, her confidence returning as she spoke, "the caves... to the Sacred Beast."

Dao Wei's eyebrows shot up. "The Sacred what? What kind of creature is it?"

"I... I don't know," Jendayi admitted, shifting uncomfortably. "The elders wouldn't tell me. But they said the beast is acquainted with our Lord... with you."

Dao Wei frowned, trying to reach into the recesses of his memory, but there was nothing there. "I don't remember anything from the Golden One's life... or any of my past lives. I suppose we'll have to find out together."

Jendayi's eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, my... Dao Wei. I will be honored to accompany you."

"Then let's go," Dao Wei said, gesturing forward. "No time like the present."

The Centaur girl led the way, and they walked in silence for what felt like hours, the landscape around them growing more wild and untamed. Finally, they arrived at a place that didn't resemble a typical mountain cave. Instead, it looked more like the roots of an ancient, colossal tree, with thick vegetation crawling up the rock walls. Moss and grass covered the entrance, giving the area a mystical, forgotten feel.

"So... this is the place?" Dao Wei asked, eyeing the cave's peculiar entrance.

Jendayi nodded. "Yes. It is what's spoken of in legends."

Dao Wei raised an eyebrow. "And an incredible creature lives inside?"

Jendayi turned to him, her expression more serious than before. "Please, don't..."

"Why not?" Dao Wei asked, perplexed. "Aren't you curious about what's inside?"

"We aren't allowed to enter," Jendayi explained, her voice barely above a whisper. "Only Gods can enter the cave."

Dao Wei chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't believe in prophecies or legends."

"But..." Jendayi started, but Dao Wei cut her off.

"Let's go inside!" His impatience overrode her concerns.

Jendayi hesitated but quickly composed herself. "Yes, Dao Wei," she said, following him, though her steps were more cautious.

As they moved closer to the entrance, Dao Wei could sense a faint, ancient energy emanating from within. The power was old, older than anything he had encountered before. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, but he ignored the feeling and pressed on.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Jendayi muttered, her voice trembling again.

"Don't be silly," Dao Wei reassured her. "Whatever's inside, I can handle it."

The darkness of the cave was near absolute, swallowing the light from the outside. Dao Wei squinted, but he could see nothing.

"Can you see anything?" Jendayi asked. "It's too dark for me."

Dao Wei raised his hand, summoning a Divine Light, and casting it deep into the cave. The radiant orb illuminated the path ahead, revealing more of the cavern's immense size.

"Wow..." Jendayi marveled, her voice filled with awe. "That's incredible!"

Dao Wei remained casual, though the praise brought a small smile to his lips. "Should be enough to see what's ahead."

The cave seemed endless, its corridors winding and leading deeper into the earth. After walking for what felt like an eternity, they arrived at a vast chamber. The sound of dripping water echoed off the stone walls, and to their surprise, the chamber was bathed in a soft, unnatural light. There was even a pool of water in the center, shimmering faintly under the glow.

"This place is amazing," Jendayi whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

Dao Wei, however, wasn't impressed. He had come for more than a pretty cave. "It's large, sure... but there doesn't seem to be much here."

Just as he said that a strange sound echoed through the chamber, a clicking noise followed by a soft, rhythmic tapping. Dao Wei turned, his senses sharpening. He spotted movement—shadows creeping along the walls. 'What's that?"

Before he could answer his own question, two massive shapes emerged from one of the tunnels, their forms hidden in the shadows at first. But as they stepped into the light, Dao Wei and Jendayi both gasped.

Two gigantic spiders, their black, chitinous bodies reflecting the dim light, skittered toward them. Jendayi screamed in terror, clutching onto Dao Wei as if her life depended on it. "Sp-Spiders! No! I hate spiders!"

"Maybe they're just passing by," Dao Wei said, though he wasn't sure how to handle the girl hiding behind him.

The spiders, however, had no intention of letting them pass. With a screech, they charged forward, fangs bared.

"I guess not, how annoying." Dao Wei sighed, his irritation rising. "Why do these things never learn?"

He raised his hand. "Divine Annihilation!"

A wave of blinding, golden light shot forth, enveloping the two spiders in a cloud of divine energy. Their screeches turned to high-pitched wails before the light obliterated them, leaving nothing but faint wisps of smoke in their place.


The divine light scattered and the two gigantic spiders were gone.

Jendayi peeked out from behind Dao Wei, her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. "That was easier than I expected..."

"That's why I'm your Lord, right?" Dao Wei chuckled, giving her a reassuring smile. "Let's keep looking around, we didn't come here to see spiders. I want to see the creature you spoke of."

Jendayi giggled nervously, then straightened up. "Let's keep going. I'm sure we're close."

With renewed confidence, Jendayi took the lead again, guiding them further into the cave. They soon arrived at another chamber, even larger than the last. This one was bathed in warm torchlight, casting flickering shadows along the walls. In the center was a small garden, carefully tended despite the cave's ancient feel.

Dao Wei's eyes widened. "What... is this place?"

Jendayi, equally stunned, could only shake her head. "I don't know... but it feels... different."

The ancient energy Dao Wei had sensed earlier was stronger here, almost overwhelming. He had no doubt that whatever lay ahead was connected to the Golden One's past—his past. But there was still so much he didn't know, so much left to discover.

And in the heart of this mysterious cave, Dao Wei felt that those answers were closer than ever.