Chapter 100: A Golden Refuge

As Jiang Feng spoke, the disciples hung onto his every word, their eyes wide with admiration. Dao Wei had, indeed, become a figure of legend within the sect in a very short time. From his shocking victory at the Sword Kings Coronation to his rumored mastery of rare sword techniques, Dao Wei's name had spread like wildfire. To the younger disciples, he was already a hero, someone they aspired to be like. For the older ones, he was a challenge, a figure that evoked both respect and jealousy.

"And now, as tradition demands, I, Supreme Elder Jiang Feng, bestow upon Dao Wei the title of Sword Childe, the rightful heir to our sect's legacy," Jiang Feng declared, raising his hand high. "May his sword lead us to glory, and may his strength be the sword that cuts down all who stand against our sect."

The crowd roared in approval, their voices echoing across the mountains. The sound was deafening, a symphony of devotion to their newly appointed heir.

At this point, Dao Wei could barely suppress the urge to leave. He could feel the eyes of the entire sect on him, but none of it mattered. None of the praise, none of the titles. He just wanted to return to his training, to prepare for the battles he knew were still to come.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dao Wei noticed a familiar figure approaching him silently. It was Lu Shen, someone Dao Wei had come to respect despite their limited interactions. Unlike the others, Lu Shen never approached Dao Wei with a fawning attitude, and that had earned him Dao Wei's attention.

"Junior brother," Lu Shen whispered as he appeared beside Dao Wei without notice, his lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Care for a drink?"

At any other time, Dao Wei might have hesitated, but given the endless speeches and cheers surrounding him, he saw this as a perfect opportunity to escape the pomp and circumstance of the coronation. His expression shifted, a wicked grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I just hope Senior Brother Lu Shen has something strong," Dao Wei replied, his tone matching the mischievous energy in Lu Shen's eyes.

"Follow me," Lu Shen whispered back, his grin widening. And before anyone could notice, Lu Shen vanished from sight, leaving a faint trace of energy behind.

Dao Wei didn't think twice. With one quick glance to ensure no one was watching too closely, he disappeared as well, following Lu Shen into the shadows.

Up on the podium, Supreme Elder Jiang Feng continued his grand speech, unaware that the Sword Childe had slipped away from the ceremony. The crowd remained transfixed on him, captivated by the authority and wisdom he exuded. Jiang Feng spoke of the trials ahead, of the Sword God Sect's proud history, and of the burden that now rested on Dao Wei's shoulders as the sect's heir. His voice was both a rallying cry and a reminder of the responsibilities that came with power.

In the stands, Wei Jun, one of the core disciples and Dao Wei's closest rival, stood watching. His sharp eyes caught a fleeting glimpse of Dao Wei and Lu Shen disappearing from the arena. A small smirk appeared on Wei Jun's face. 'Those two, are always up to something.' He thought to himself, amused by their antics. Still, he couldn't blame them. This ceremony, while grand, was more for the sect than for Dao Wei. Wei Jun knew his new rival would much rather be training or battling than standing in front of a cheering crowd.

Back in the arena, the ceremony reached its peak as Supreme Elder Jiang Feng raised his arms high once more, declaring, "Let it be known to all who witness this day! Dao Wei, our Sword Childe, is the future of the Sword God Sect! His sword will carve a new path of greatness!"

The disciples erupted into another round of cheers, unaware that the man they were praising had already left the arena. Banners waved in the wind, and the sect's elders stood with proud smiles on their faces. The celebration would go on for hours, with feasts and toasts planned in honor of Dao Wei's coronation. But for the Sword Childe himself, this grand display of devotion and loyalty held little meaning.

As the sun began its descent over the Sword God Sect, the sky transformed into a masterpiece of fiery hues. Orange and gold bled into the horizon, casting a serene, warm glow over the mountains that encircled the sect's vast lands. From where Dao Wei stood, high up in the mountains alongside Lu Shen, the entire landscape unfolded before him. It was as if the heavens themselves were bowing down, bestowing their radiant blessing upon this sacred place. 

The mountains loomed like silent guardians, their jagged peaks painted in soft amber light. Shadows danced on the rocky terrain, while the cool mountain breeze carried with it the faint scent of pine and earth. Below them, the sect's sprawling grounds stretched far into the distance—temples, training grounds, and courtyards were now bathed in the golden light of dusk, a sight that evoked both power and tranquility.

Dao Wei took a deep breath, letting the peace of the moment settle into his bones. For the first time since his coronation, he felt truly at ease, as if the weight of his new title had momentarily lifted from his shoulders. The cries of the disciples, the boisterous celebrations—they were distant echoes now, swallowed by the vast expanse of nature that surrounded him. Up here, away from the grandeur and the expectation, Dao Wei could breathe.

But the serene beauty of the landscape paled in comparison to what awaited Dao Wei. Lu Shen had led him to a secluded part of the mountain, where the natural splendor gave way to something more crafted, more personal—a place that reflected the soul of the man who called it home. It was here that Dao Wei set eyes on **Lu Shen's Golden Manor**.

True to its name, the manor radiated opulence. It was a sprawling estate nestled against the mountain's slope, each building designed with graceful, flowing architecture that mimicked the natural contours of the land. The walls shimmered in the fading sunlight, not from any mere paint, but from the intricate gold inlays that adorned nearly every surface. The manor seemed to glow, not in an ostentatious way, but with a quiet, refined elegance.

"This is…" Dao Wei paused as his gaze swept over the estate, catching the glint of the gold-lined rooftops and gilded pillars that stood tall and proud. "That's a lot of gold."

Lu Shen laughed, his voice carrying an easy warmth. "Hehe, what color does Junior Brother prefer?" he asked, a playful grin tugging at his lips as he led Dao Wei through the entrance.

"Black, maybe," Dao Wei shrugged, his tone nonchalant, though his eyes were still drinking in the overwhelming sight of the manor.

The path leading from the entrance was flanked by golden lanterns, their soft glow beginning to come alive as dusk fell. Each lantern was etched with ancient symbols of fortune and strength, casting long shadows that danced along the stone path.

Beyond the path, lush gardens sprawled out in all directions, perfectly manicured and arranged in a way that seemed almost too perfect for nature itself. Dao Wei noticed the small touches—delicate golden lotus flowers blooming in the ponds, trees with leaves that seemed to shimmer faintly, their veins lined with threads of gold. Even the koi fish that swam lazily in the crystal-clear ponds had golden scales that sparkled in the dimming light.

Everything in the manor seemed to radiate luxury, but it wasn't overwhelming or gaudy. Lu Shen's taste was evident in every detail—there was a subtlety to the extravagance, a balance that spoke of refined elegance rather than mere wealth. The gold was not there to show off, but to enhance the natural beauty of the surroundings, to create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. And yet, it was undeniably impressive.

They made their way through the gardens, where the sweet scent of rare, exotic flowers filled the air. Every step brought something new—golden dragon statues that guarded small bridges, a pavilion where the sun's dying light reflected off the gold-tiled roof, creating a breathtaking, almost ethereal scene. The entire manor felt like a different world, a sanctuary far removed from the harshness of the martial world they lived in.

As they approached the heart of the estate, Lu Shen led Dao Wei to a sprawling courtyard surrounded by towering golden pillars. The central feature of the courtyard was a large, ornate fountain, its water cascading in delicate arcs, shimmering in the evening light. The fountain itself was crafted entirely of gold, with carvings of divine beasts—phoenixes, dragons, and qilins—rising majestically from the water.

"This is my sanctuary," Lu Shen said as he gestured toward the manor and the surrounding grounds. His voice was soft, filled with a quiet pride. "A place to escape the noise and chaos of the sect. To find peace."

Dao Wei nodded, his eyes still scanning the manor with appreciation. Despite the overwhelming presence of gold, there was something undeniably peaceful about the place. It was a reflection of Lu Shen's character—calm, and composed, but with a hidden depth of power and wealth.

As they reached the garden pavilion, Dao Wei couldn't help but admire the sheer craftsmanship of the place. The pavilion was constructed of pure white marble with gold accents along the edges, its columns carved with delicate scenes of sword battles and celestial beings. The floor beneath their feet was smooth, polished stone, with intricate patterns of swirling clouds and stars inlaid in gold.