Chapter 101: Some good times

Lu Shen smiled as he took a seat on one of the finely crafted chairs, motioning for Dao Wei to join him in the tranquil garden. "Sometimes, it's easy to forget the weight of our responsibilities. This place reminds me that there's more to life than just the sword."

Dao Wei raised an eyebrow, but remained silent, appreciating the quiet wisdom in Lu Shen's words. As much as he liked to focus on his training, he couldn't deny that moments of peace were necessary—especially in their world, where death and destruction were constant companions. It was refreshing to have someone who saw beyond the edge of a blade.

Without a word, Lu Shen handed Dao Wei a small jade flask. "Here, this should take the edge off," he said, his usual playful grin returning.

Dao Wei took the flask without hesitation and took a long swig. The liquid burned as it went down, a fiery warmth spreading through his chest, but the sensation wasn't unpleasant. On the contrary, he felt the tension that had been building in his body slowly begin to melt away, a great and soothing feeling.

"Thank you," Dao Wei said with a rare chuckle, leaning back in his chair as the warmth of the drink settled in. "This is much better."

Lu Shen raised his own flask in a mock toast, his smile easy and relaxed. "To the Sword Childe, may he forever avoid the tedious responsibilities of leadership."

Dao Wei smirked, raising his flask in return. "And to the Senior Brother who knows exactly when to offer a drink."

The two clinked their flasks together, the soft sound of jade meeting jade ringing out through the tranquil garden. At that moment, far removed from the cheering crowds and the heavy expectations of the sect, they shared a quiet camaraderie that needed no words. The weight of their titles and responsibilities melted away, leaving only the comfort of friendship and the beauty of the world around them.

As the last light of the sun faded from the sky, the golden manor seemed to glow even brighter in the moonlight, a serene refuge in a world of chaos. For now, at least, Dao Wei could find a moment of peace, and for the first time since his coronation, he allowed himself to relax.

"What is this wine, Senior Brother? It feels like it's clearing every ounce of exhaustion from my body."

Lu Shen smiled knowingly. "Ah, you noticed. This isn't ordinary wine. This is Spirit Wine, crafted by the Immortals themselves. A treasure reserved for those with the rare privilege of tasting the gods' drink."

Dao Wei glanced at the flask in his hand, then took another long drink. Spirit Wine—he had heard of it, but never thought he'd taste it. The legends spoke of its power, how it could cleanse the soul and elevate one's cultivation if consumed wisely. It was a luxury even the most powerful cultivators rarely experienced, yet here he was, drinking it as if it were water.

"I didn't expect you to be so generous, Senior Brother," Dao Wei remarked, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Haha, don't mention it, Junior brother," Lu Shen said, his tone light. "Besides, what's the point of having something this good if you can't share it with a brother?"

Dao Wei said nothing, simply nodding in appreciation. He continued drinking, his body slowly adapting to the potent energy within the wine. Unknown to him, the Spirit Wine had triggered something deep inside his body. As it flowed through his meridians, a fierce energy stirred, and in his Sea of Qi, dark thunderous clouds began to gather.

Dao Wei was no stranger to the elements, but this thunder—this was different. The thunder contained the might of divine tribulation, a remnant of the trials that even gods feared. His body instinctively began to refine the energy, but Dao Wei resisted. He was curious, wanting to understand the nature of the thunder before allowing it to merge with him fully.

In his Sea of Qi, Dao Wei sat cross-legged beneath the storm, his golden eyes observing the swirling clouds. Lightning crackled through the sky above him, each bolt radiating a power that could obliterate worlds. Instead of absorbing it, he allowed the storm to rage, studying the element in its purest form. What made thunder one of the most feared and revered elements? He wanted to know.

Meanwhile, outside his Sea of Qi, Dao Wei drank steadily, showing no signs of the internal storm brewing within him. Lu Shen, on the other hand, couldn't hide his astonishment.

"How… how are you drinking so much of it?" Lu Shen muttered under his breath, watching Dao Wei down another flask. "It took me years to handle even a single cup of Spirit Wine, and this brat is drinking it like it's regular wine…"

Dao Wei opened his eyes, his face still composed despite the chaos brewing within his Sea of Qi. He took another long swig of the Spirit Wine, letting out a contented sigh. "Good wine you have, Senior Brother. Hic." Dao Wei smirked drunkenly.

Lu Shen raised an eyebrow but couldn't help but chuckle. "You're something else, Junior Brother"

They continued drinking, laughing, and toasting under the moonlit garden. Dao Wei felt the warmth spread through his body, but his spirit remained sharp, still analyzing the divine thunder within his Sea of Qi. Some of the thunder was being absorbed into the divine marks etched on the walls of his Sea, and his blood and meridians were greedily absorbing the energy, enhancing his cultivation at an abnormal rate.

"I have to say, Junior Brother," Lu Shen said, taking a swig from his own flask, "I've never seen anyone get used to this wine so quickly. I had to stop drinking it for years just to protect my cultivation."

Dao Wei grinned, his golden eyes gleaming. "One thing, Senior Brother, I've been through a lot worse than strong wine."

Lu Shen shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. He took another drink, leaning back in his chair as he studied Dao Wei. It was rare to see him so relaxed, but even in this state, there was a quiet intensity to his Junior Brother that never seemed to fade.

As the hours passed, Lu Shen finally broke the silence. "You know, there's something I haven't told many people about myself."

Dao Wei glanced at him, intrigued. "Oh?"

"So, Junior Brother," Lu Shen began, his tone shifting to one of curiosity. "Have you ever wondered about the world beyond Qishu?"

Dao Wei raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

"I'm not just a disciple of the Sword God Sect. I come from the divine Lu Clan in the Heaven Realm," Lu Shen said, his tone casual, but his eyes serious.

Dao Wei's eyes narrowed slightly. "The Heaven Realm?"

Lu Shen nodded. "Yes. My clan, along with six others, are among the most powerful divine clans in existence. Every generation, each clan sends its heirs to different worlds to acquire experience and grow stronger. That's why I'm here on the Qishu Continent."

Dao Wei took another drink, processing the information. He had never suspected Lu Shen was more than just a regular disciple, but to hear that he was an heir to one of the seven divine clans was something else entirely.

"So, the Heaven Realm isn't much different from the Shura or Mortal Realms?" Dao Wei asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lu Shen shook his head. "Not really. It's filled with prideful, power-hungry individuals just like everywhere else. The only difference is the scale of power. But at the core, people are the same. They're driven by ambition, fear, and the desire to dominate."

Dao Wei listened intently, sensing that Lu Shen wasn't just speaking casually. This was important, a piece of the puzzle that had been missing from Dao Wei's understanding of the world.

Dao Wei let out a small chuckle. "It sounds like a lovely place."

Lu Shen laughed. "Oh, it has its moments. But trust me, it's no paradise. You've heard of the Dugu Clan, haven't you?"

Dao Wei nodded. The Dugu Clan was one of the most notorious clans, exiled from the three realms for over 3000 years. Their name was spoken in whispers, and their plans to return to the realms had been rumored for centuries.

"They're coming back," Lu Shen said, his voice quiet but serious. "And they won't stop until they've regained their place."

Dao Wei processed the information, his mind working through the implications. 'So that's part of what's brewing beneath the surface,' he thought. 'The three realms...and the mortal world aren't as separate as they seem.'

The conversation continued to shift as they continued drinking, touching on the various realms and the tensions between them. Dao Wei learned that Qishu was just one of seven continents in the Mortal Realm, each with its own history and conflicts. He also learned a bit more about the Dugu Clan's plans to return to the Three Realms after three thousand years of exile, though Lu Shen didn't go into too much detail.

As the moon reached its peak, their conversation turned more personal.

"What about love?" Lu Shen asked, his tone light but inquisitive.

Dao Wei blinked, caught off guard. "Huh?"

"Yes. You're the Sword Childe now, with power and fame. Surely the ladies will be lining up to catch your attention."

Dao Wei nonchalantly shrugged. "I've never really thought about it."

Lu Shen smirked. "Come on, there must be someone who's caught your eye."