Chapter 3

Third person's POV

Emilia and the four knights are on their way home with Ricky after a long and tedious day at school. Luke attempted to cast a spell in his hand, and Emilia was watching to see if he could do it correctly. The others were amazed when Luke created a magical flower in his hand.

"You did fantastically," Emilia admiring Luke's spell, which smiled back at her.

"I will do my best to improve casting spells," Luke assured Emilia because he wanted to be stronger than the other knights because he is the leader of their group, which is why he wants to polish and improve his skills and learn new things.

"Why don't you show me the three of you and your improvement in spell casting?" Emilia asked for Ryan, Caleb, and Sean.

"You will be disappointed, my lady. We are not progressing like Luke," Ryan grumbled as Emilia laughed.

"It doesn't matter as long as you're trying your hardest to improve your skills; I know when we grow up, we'll be stronger, and it's a step-by-step process," Emilia cheered. Their horse wagon halted as Ricky went out first to assist the princess as she exited.

Emilia saw her mother waiting for her and remembered she needed to practice dancing for tomorrow's event, which she despised the most. She is aware that she is a princess. Still, she refuses to participate in other events because all she wants to do is be strong and become a strong warrior someday.

"How did your school go, darling?" Lucy asked her daughter, and Emilia took her mother's right hand.

"I'm doing fine, mom," Emilia replied to her mother, "my spell is improving because I'm advancing in my class because I study overtime." Lucy nodded.

When they entered the castle, and Emilia saw her father talking to their personal army, he was planning another battle in the other kingdom. She averted her gaze, followed her mother, and the four knights were behind.

"Good luck with your practice, little lady. I know you can do it!" Ricky complimented Emilia as he bowed, and she nodded and smiled.

"You're close to your uncle; why not be close to your father?" Emilia came to a halt as Lucy inquired.

"How often do I have to tell you that we will not discuss him when we are together?" Emilia abruptly said, and Lucy was taken aback by what Emilia had just said out of the blue.

"I'm just trying to persuade you," Lucy explained.

But Emilia was not participating in the discussion.

"I don't care; I despise him," Emilia replied. And her mother took a deep breath and continued walking.

They went to the dance room, where Lucy had practiced her dance since adolescence. Emilia removed her sandals and went into the middle.

"Your foot, my lady, it will get hurt," Luke applied says, but Emilia didn't mind.

"Let her do what she wants," Lucy suggested, and Luke did nothing but nod and observe Emilia's practice.

Lucy began teaching Emilia the dance she knew, and they laughed as they practiced. Emilia does not despise her mother because she does not force her to do anything she does not want to but instead supports her.

"You're doing fantastic, my daughter," Lucy said, pointing out that Emilia can quickly learn and apply the dance steps that her mother taught her.

"It's easy mom, I can do this all day," Emilia remarked as the four knights applauded and clapped after Emilia's dance practice.

"The four knights are clapping for you, and the people of Spence will clap their hands as well if you do your best on your dance performance," Lucy praised as Emilia nodded and gazed at the four knights cheering.

"I want to practice with my sword, Mom; do you know anyone who can teach me?" Emilia inquired, and Lucy quickly responded.

"Your uncle can teach you because he knows the best sword skills," Lucy advised. As Emilia was taken aback, she smiled happily, knowing that her sword skills could be improved with the assistance of her uncle.

"Can I practice sword fighting now because I do well at dancing after you teach me?" Emilia questioned her mother, but she disagreed.

"You must first master and become accustomed to it; what if you forget? The people of Spence expect you to perform well," Lucy stated as Emilia became sad and looked at the four knights watching her.

"Perhaps I'll ask uncle tomorrow," Emilia added. Lucy smiled at her daughter as they began to practice the dance steps again.

"Maybe we can also practice a dance?" Ryan suggested to Luke while watching Emilia dance.

"We can do it, but can you all dance? Will we cover for our lady if something goes wrong at the event?" Luke asks a question, and they all think about it before answering.

"I can't dance, but I can try," Caleb replied, and Emilia fell, causing the four knights to become concerned.

"Are you all right, my lady?" Luke offers Emilia assistance as he quickly approaches and assists her in standing up. Emilia nodded.

"I'm fine because my father requested this dance performance," Emilia assured, and Luke sensed her irritation.

"I'm worried about her," Sean said quietly as he sat down, and the other followed suit.

Emilia was tired after two hours, and Lucy thought about it. After two hours of practice, Emilia lay down, and the four knights were taken aback.

"First, look after her; I'm going to get a new dress for her," Lucy asked the four knights, who nodded.

"I wish I was a man so I wouldn't have to do this dance performance," Emilia exclaimed while catching her breath.

"Would you like some water, my lady?" Emilia did not respond to Caleb's offer.

"Did she fall asleep?" Ryan inquired, and Luke rose from his seat to approach Emilia.

Emilia was sleeping, and there was a glowing in her chest representing the power of the yellow dragon; Luke was about to touch it when Lucy intervened.

"Don't touch the power of the yellow dragon. You might get hurt," Lucy warned as Luke backed away and Lucy approached, gently picking up Emilia.

"Help me carry this new dress of hers; I'll bring her into her room," Lucy ordered the four knights, and Luke nodded as the others stood up and followed the Queen.

They arrive at Emilia's room, and when they enter, Emilia is awakened. She is caught off guard by the fact that her mother is carrying her.

"I'm not a kid, so why are you carrying me? You should wake me up!" Emilia swam, and the four knights placed the new dress beside her.

"We'll go outside now, my lady," Ryan added, bowing as Emilia turned away and her mother began changing Emilia's dirty dress.

When the four knights saw the king approaching Emilia's room, they bowed as the king knocked on the door, and Lucy opened it.

"I need to talk to my daughter," Maverick said as the four knights noticed Ricky approaching them.

"Is the king going to chastise our lady?" Luke asks Ricky as he leans against the wall.

"I don't know, maybe he'll put pressure on his daughter again," Ricky replied, and the four knights couldn't stop him. However, to listen.

"I wish you were the king and Emilia's father," Caleb said, and Ricky was speechless at what Caleb had just said.

"That can't happen; I can't be a king because I chose to be a general of an army; if I die, one of you should be the general of an army and a knight of Emilia," Ricky explained to the four knights shockingly.

"Is it difficult to be an army general?" Luke interrogates Ricky.

"Of course, because you are the heart and soul of the army, you are just going to command them and create a plan and boost their morale," Ricky explained as Emilia screamed.

"Get out! This is my space! My personal space! I despise you!" Emilia yelled, and Ricky decided to open the door, only to see the king slap her daughter on the left cheek.

"I'm telling you if you behave after the performance, tomorrow you'll be crowned a princess also." The king exclaimed angrily, and Luke noticed Emilia's eyes glowing and a yellow thunder on her hand.

"With all due respect, my king, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I think Emilia understands what you said. You should go now. She needs to rest since she practices her dance in two hours," Ricky interrupted. The king quickly walked away, clearly irritated.

"Are you okay, Emilia?" Ricky touched Emilia's hand so she wouldn't notice the yellow thunder on it because it was the power of the yellow dragon.

"I'm fine. I just want to rest, uncle," Emilia assured.

"Would you like me to tell you a story before you go to bed?" Ricky ask.

"Okay, tell a story," Emilia nodded. Ricky begins to tell a story about a princess who transforms into a fighter, fulfilling Emilia's wish.

Ricky puts the blanket over Emilia as she slowly falls asleep. When he stands up, he hears something in the window and sees an assassin who wants to kill Emilia because she will be the next yellow dragon.

"Who are you?!" Ricky interrogates the three assassin men, holding daggers and dressed in black outfits that blend into the darkness. They were about to kill Emilia when Ricky used his spell to put a protective barrier around her.

Ricky fights the assassin and has no idea who is behind him. He is stabbed five times in the back and falls. The four knights hear the noise in Emilia's room and decide to rush inside because the fight between the assassins cannot be heard because they use a soundproof spell.

"Uncle Ricky!" The four started yelling, and Emilia awoke from the noise to find her uncle covered in blood.