Chapter 4

Third person's POV

Emilia screamed and rushed onto the bed; she hurried to Ricky to see if he was still alive. Luke decided to summon guards and the king and queen in the incident. Emilia didn't know what to do, and as she touched Ricky's blade, she was scared and startled by what had just transpired.

"Do not follow them. You will be in greater danger," Ricky wheezed as Emilia continued to wail, and she heard several footsteps approaching her chamber.

"Brother!" Maverick yelled, and Lucy was taken aback by what had occurred; she picked up Emilia, who was already numb from what had occurred, and tears streamed into her eyes.

"Emilia, look at me. You need to calm down, inhale and exhale, and don't allow your mind to distract you from that," Lucy said. Emilia became upset, slapping her mother's hand away from her face.

"Please leave me alone!" Lucy was frightened for her daughter after Emilia shrieked, so she followed her child's command and departed the room.

Emilia hastily locks the door and looks at the blood since the guards are carrying Ricky to be treated for his wound. She screamed again while squeezing her fist and the sharp scale in her palm injured her.

"It appears you require assistance; do you wish to avenge your uncle?" Emilia was taken aback when she heard a male voice and began looking for it, but she couldn't find it.

"You can't see me right now because I'm your guardian, but you will be able to see me once you've grown up," As the yellow dragon's voice echoed throughout the room, Emilia was unaware that the one speaking to her was the yellow dragon.

"I don't want to avenge; I will be patient for everything because I will be the next ruler; everything occurred swiftly," Emilia said, recalling Ricky's advice.

"I understand, but your uncle is already gone, and I don't feel his vital presence anymore; I apologize." Emilia was taken aback when she heard what the yellow dragon had just said to her, and she still couldn't believe it.

"You've got to be kidding! That is not true! Stop bothering me! You're a liar!" Emilia shrieked, covering her two ears, feeling the wind at her window, and seeing blue light.

"I'm sorry, it is your uncle's soul, and you must go see his body right now." Emilia was advised by the yellow dragon.

Emilia left her room without hesitation, oblivious to her mother and the four knights outside her door. She approached the room where a nurse was leaving and saw her father mourning.

Emilia slowly approached Ricky's lifeless body, looking at his deceased uncle's face but noticing he was smiling. Maverick looked at his daughter to see if she was okay.

"Emilia, are you okay? I heard an assassination attempt, and my brother came to your aid! I'm pleased you're okay." The king said, and Emilia's gazes were fixed on his father.

"It's all your fault he died! You didn't order any guards to guard the kingdom properly! Look what happened now," Emilia cried and boasted to his father, who became enraged and slapped her again, but this time it had no effect on her.

"Once again, your manners! I should let the assassin men kill you!" Lucy was angered by what Maverick had just said because he yelled at Emilia.

"Maverick, I think you should think twice before saying something like that to our daughter. She's only a child!" Lucy commented as Maverick looked down. As Emilia runs away, the four knights follow her.

"She'll grow up soon, and I want her to remember this for the rest of her life!" Maverick exclaimed, and Emilia cowered as she began to cry.

She looked down at the ground, and the four knights were astounded to see ice forming in Emilia's seat. Luke motioned with his hand to keep the three from approaching her.

"I'll talk to her; you three wait here and be ready if anything happens," Luke said, and the three knights bowed and obeyed.

"Emilia, look at me," Luke said quietly, and Emilia looked at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. Luke was shocked to see Emilia's eyes, almost identical to the yellow dragon.

"I wish I wasn't a princess; I was simply anybody. So this will not happen to me, and there will be no assassination attempts in my life or my family's life." Emilia murmured, and Luke decided to console her in whatever way he could.

"Calm down. Everything is going to be okay. You need to calm yourself. First, I think the power you know is not under control," Luke consoles Emilia as she inhales and exhales as her mother had advised her to control her breathing earlier.

Lucy noticed her daughter with the three knights looking at Luke and Emilia hugging each other. She felt relieved when she saw Luke trying to calm Emilia because the queen worried the yellow dragon's power would be activated without her knowledge. She didn't want that to happen to her six-year-old daughter.

"Thank you for calming me down, Luke. I think I'll go back to my room. Could you stay there till I wake up? I need to rest and recover." Emilia thanked and inquired.

"Sure, take your time, I know it's difficult, but we're here to help," Luke responds.

Lucy approached the five, and Emilia looked at her mother but said nothing as they gathered and returned to the castle. Look at the three knights following Emilia and Lucy as they go.

"You should also stay in Emilia's room because the assassination is under investigation, and I need you to protect her until the inquiry is finished," Lucy directed the three knights, who nodded and proceeded to Emilia's room.

Emilia awoke in the morning and noticed Luke standing and looking out the window. Emilia gets out of bed, stretches her arms, and yawns before standing up.

"Hello and good morning. Why are you looking out the window?" Emilia questioned Luke.

"Morning, many people are here today since it's the event, and you must perform the dance. Will you be okay?" Emilia attempted a grin when Luke asked her.

"I'll be okay. Just call Aunt Ruby so I can change my clothes so she can assist me," Emilia pleaded, and Luke nodded. As Luke left the room, Emilia began to cry because she remembered what had happened the night before.

"God, why did you take him away from me?" Emilia mumbled, and when she heard the knock on the door, she realized it was her Aunt Ruby, so she wiped her tears away and did the inhale and exhale first.

"Come in, Aunt Ruby," Emilia said as she stopped crying. Ruby entered the room, knowing what had happened the night before but was outside doing things.

"I heard what happened last night, and I'm sorry for your loss. Are you prepared for today's event?" Ruby asked Emilia, and she simply agreed as she got out of bed. Ruby proceeded to remove the princess's pajamas.

Ruby had finished changing Emilia, who was dressed in a yellow royal gown and had her hair arranged. After styling her hair, Emilia looked in the mirror and turned to face Ruby.

"Would you like to wear flat sandals, little lady?" Ruby inquired of Emilia, who chose the color white.

"Do you want to go out right now, little lady? Because your mother and father are already in the hall room where the ceremony will take place," Ruby inquired.

"I'm ready to go now, Aunt Ruby," Emilia said. Ruby nodded as she held Emilia's hand and exited the room.

The four knights were taken aback when they saw Emilia since she was so stunning. Luke approached her lady and extended his hand, inviting Emilia to be with him.

"What are you up to, Luke?" Emilia inquires of Luke.

"I'm offering to help you instead of your aunt," Luke said, and Emilia looked at her aunt.

"It's okay, little lady. Luke is the best to be your partner for today's event," Ruby responded. Emilia took Luke's hand in hers, and they walked together.

"You should be delighted because I'm comfortable with you," Emilia remarked. Luke remained silent as the three knights pursued them.

Sean was envious since he liked Emilia, but he didn't want to show it because he was aware of his status. When Emilia and Luke entered the hall chamber, the queen looked at them, and Lucy was taken aback.

"Emilia, come here because everyone wants to see you," Lucy said as Luke let go of Emilia's hand.

"Everyone! My daughter has arrived! She is prepared to perform the dance, but before we begin, I want to inform you that my daughter will be proclaimed princess today!" The king declared, and the people of Spence clapped their hands. Emilia remained silent and let them speak for themselves. Still, she was disappointed that they did not pay honor to his uncle, who had saved her life.

"Emilia, focus on your dance when you start to perform. You need to calm down; I know what happened last night. We will say goodbye to your uncle tonight," Lucy said softly to Emilia as she got ready. She only nodded, looking at the people who were clapping.

"The dance performance will begin; please welcome my daughter, the seventh princess," Maverick remarked. Emilia walked to the front, where she heard the musician's song.

She began to dance to relax her mind and avoid distracting herself by overthinking what had happened the night before. Luke and the three knights began to clap their hands and cheered that they were ready to cover for Emilia if anything went wrong with her dance performance; or if she became distracted.