Chapter 5

Third person's POV

As Emilia was dancing gracefully, she suddenly forgot the next step she was supposed to take, causing her to fall out of balance, and the people of Spence were startled; some gasped that the princess had fallen, and they began to whisper, and the king was speechless as to what had happened.

The four knights began to worry, and the queen was also concerned; Emilia was looking down and not standing up.

"Emilia, get up!" Ruby yelled as she noticed Emilia in shock, and her eyes widened. Luke quickly approached Emilia and began performing a dance that Emilia had previously achieved.

"What is he up to? Is he in the dance performance?" Maverick interrogates Lucy, her wife.

"Yes, he's in the dance performance," Lucy lied to Maverick as everyone clapped, applauded, and cheered. Luke waited for Emilia to take his hand.

"On my count of three, you will stand up and dance with me, my lady, and we will finish this together," Luke offered assistance, handing over his right hand. Emilia was back on her senses, slowly looking at Luke, who was covering up for her.

Emilia took Luke's right hand, and they began to dance to the cheers and beat of the crowd as if they were lovers. The people of Providence were proud to see the two dancing together. Emilia began crying joyfully, and no one noticed except Luke, who quickly comforted her while they danced.

"You need to be strong, my lady; we'll pay our respects to Uncle Ricky later," Luke said quietly, and Emilia smiled slowly.

"Are you familiar with this dance? I bet you know it because this is what we do when we're joking around," Luke teased. Emilia just laughed. She stopped crying and focused on their dance. When Emilia smiled back at him, Luke was relieved because he had accomplished his goal.

"That's my daughter and the Spence Kingdom's first knight!" The king declared, and the dance performance was completed, with the two bowing in front of a large crowd applauding and cheering them.

"Thank you very much, Luke." Emilia thanked Luke and simply smiled as the king and queen stood up and approached the two.

"As I previously stated, I will crown the seventh princess now. She will be officially crowned princess," Maverick said, and Emilia approached her father, bowing respectfully.

"I, Maverick Spence, crown you as Spence's princess. You will be the next crown queen if you marry an honorable and royalty man. You will be the kingdom's next ruler soon," Maverick declared as he placed Emilia's crown, gold, silver, and ruby stones with a dragon design that was created especially for her as the stones shined.

The people of Spence applauded and cheered, and the four knights were delighted that Emilia had been crowned princess. Lucy smiled, and Emilia looked at her mother while wearing her crown. She has her own throne, which she approaches and sits on.

"The crown suits you; I chose the design because we worship the dragon, remember?" Lucy asked Emilia a question, and she nodded; she knew that the people of Spence praised the yellow dragon, but she had no idea that she was the chosen one with the power to use its abilities.

"I'm sorry if I forgot the dance step," Emilia said quietly so her father wouldn't hear.

"It's okay, let's watch the performer because this is a big event for you," Lucy said. Emilia nodded, looking at Luke, standing beside Lucy with the others.

Emilia is in the middle, and after the other people's performance, the band, and the circus, the king and queen clap, except for Emilia, because she is so bored. After the event is over, there is food preparation.

When the king and queen rose from their thrones to greet the performers, Emilia rose as well and approached the four knights.

"Why don't you eat with your parents, my lady?" When Luke questions Emilia, she becomes sad.

"Can we just sit down and eat together? I'm more at ease because you're all my friends," Emilia said, and Luke simply smiled.

"Let's go eat a lot of food!" Ryan said, and they went to the long table with the food. Emilia chose the food she wanted and watched her father to see if Maverick noticed her overeating.

"Don't look at your father if you're angry right now because you despise him, but you must stay focused because you're on the throne." Luke counseled.

"You are correct. Don't worry, I promise you four that I will play my role as queen alongside the four of you." Emilia made a promise.

After a while, Emilia had fun talking to the four knights at her event. When she was finished eating, Ruby approached the princess.

"Your mother wishes to speak with you, little lady," Ruby said, and Emilia paused in her conversation with the four knights.

"All right, let me put this down first," Emilia said, setting the plate and drinking a juice before going to her mother.

"What do you want, Mom? I'm having a good time there," Emilia sailed away from the king while Lucy held her hand.

"How come you ate with the four knights? They're supposed to be guarding you," Lucy boasted. Emilia was irritated because she wanted to be with the four knights rather than treat them as guards.

"I want to be with them because they are my four knights, and if you don't mind, are they under my father's command?" Emilia questioned her mother, who was surprised because Emilia was maturing.

"You're growing up quickly, Emilia, and I know we can't always control you, but I still love you. You may return to your four knights." Lucy suggested, and Emilia turned her back, returning to the four knights.

"Are you all right, my lady?" Caleb interrogates Emilia as she returns to the four knights.

"I'm fine," Emilia replied, and as she resumed eating, Luke noticed her irritation.

"This will be over soon. You just have to be patient," Luke observed, and Emilia smiled as she remembered what her uncle had told her before his death.

After a few hours, the king decided to honor his brother by burying him ceremonially. The people of Spence gathered tonight to pay their respects to Prince Ricky's passing; Emilia held a candle and a white flower; everyone was mourning his loss, including Emilia, who was very close to him. The army was ready to fire an arrow with fire when she placed the white candle beside the open coffin.

The army assisted in pushing the coffin into the falls of the sea, and Maverick was about to fire an arrow with fire when Luke tapped Emilia on the shoulder. She noticed the fire burning the coffin with Ricky's body inside.

Eight years had passed, Emilia was already fifteen years old, and she was walking while holding the book of mastering the spell power. She was continuing to improve her skills. Luke saw the princess reading the book and smirked before snatching the book.

"Luke, stop! I know it's you! Return it!" Emilia yelled, and when she turned around, Luke laughed. The three knights were surprised when Emilia used the water spell, and everyone except Luke got wet.

"Stop making fun of our lady! This is the third time we've gotten wet like this!" Ryan was irritated, and Emilia laughed as the three knights were drenched.

"I'm going to change my clothes again," Caleb said, and Sean laughed.

"I'm sorry, Luke was teasing me again," Emilia apologized to the four. Ryan turned his back on his lady and announced that he would be changing his clothes.

"Are you rereading this? I thought you finished the book of mastering spells?" Luke approached Emilia and inquired.

"I want to remember everything in that book, and you're always teasing me," Emilia grumbled as Luke handed the princess the book back.

"I just love to tease you because you are my lady and a close friend," Luke remarked, and Emilia rolled her eyes as she continued to walk, and Luke followed her.

"You're following me again; what do you require? Why are you following me when you have spell protection looking after me to notify you?" Emilia inquired, and Luke was taken aback.

"Can we talk?" Luke asked Emilia, and she closed the book.

"Can you tell me what you want to talk about? Would you like to know what I'm going to do in an hour?" Emilia inquires, and Luke laughs.

"You are a naughty girl, aren't you? Can you just talk to me and forget about your priority first?" Emilia was about to respond when Maverick interrupted. And Emilia was irritated and caught off guard to see a man beside the king. She was scared that the day would come to force Emilia to marry someone she didn't love and didn't know.

"What does this mean, father?" Emilia interrogated his father.

"Can you tell I'm going to introduce your future husband?" Maverick stated, and Luke was enraged once more because the king was forcing Emilia, the one he liked, but he didn't tell her and kept his cool.

"I see that, but I can't marry someone I don't know; this is stupid yet again. First and foremost, you cannot control me; I will forge my own path, father, not you." Emilia vowed, and Maverick slapped her daughter in front of Luke and the man who was supposed to be the seventh princess's husband.

"I'm your father, and I will decide who you will marry; you are the next ruler and queen of the Spence kingdom," Maverick snapped. Emilia couldn't hold back her tears, and Luke couldn't do anything.

"I make my own decisions about my life; this is my own body, and I have my own set of rules. I wish you weren't my father and I wasn't a princess!" Emilia yelled as she was about to flee. When Maverick used his spell to stop his daughter.

"I'm going to have to teach you a lesson," Maverick grumbled as he dragged her daughter into her room; he locked Emilia in her room, and Luke was at a loss for words; the king looked at the first knight.

"Guard her and notify me if she does anything stupid," the king ordered, and Luke simply bowed, but deep down, he was furious at the king.