Chapter 6

Third Person's POV

Luke quickly knocks on the door, but Emilia does not answer; he worries about her. The three knights approach Luke; they are surprised by what has happened.

"The king has informed us that we must protect our lady; what happened?" Sean inquired, and Luke considered releasing Emilia.

"It happened quickly they argue about marriage, Lady Emilia doesn't want to marry anyone she doesn't know that's why the king locked her in this room which is her room, I didn't do anything; I just observed even I wanted to help I can't," Luke explained, leaving the three knights speechless and unable to respond Luke.

"That was heartbreaking to hear; do you have any plans to take her out? Because you are filling in for her," Ryan asked Luke, and he knocked again, but Emilia didn't open the door, and the four were worried.

"Are you ready to flee this kingdom? This is for Princess Emilia, not for us," Luke proposed to the three.

"What exactly do you mean by escaping? Are you going to disobey the king, knowing that you are the general of this kingdom's army and hold a high position?" Sean boasted to Luke, who just smirked because he cared about Emilia's safety.

"We've been together, you know that. Lady Emilia treats us like family, so we need to help her. You understand if she wants to escape, and we need to help her," Caleb knocked on the door as Luke exclaimed.

"It's pointless knocking; she won't open the door because she realizes her mistake," Luke muttered.

"Let's go outside and use our spell to float and enter her room," Sean suggested. Luke nodded as they walked away and decided to go outside, where they discovered Emilia's window had opened.

Emilia is perplexed as to why Luke is knocking on the door. She doesn't want to open it because she realizes her mistake and wishes to be alone. She is angry about everything and wishes she wasn't a princess.

"My Lady!" Emilia was taken aback when she heard Luke's voice and saw him floating outside the room with the three knights down, and he landed in front of her.

"Why are you constantly knocking on the door? Do you want to say something?" Emilia interrogates Luke.

"I'm going to ask you if you want to leave this kingdom and forge your own path or if you want to stay in this miserable place. Alternatively, you can forge your own path alongside us." Luke remarked, his face solemn. Emilia was caught off guard by Luke's decision.

"I've wanted to escape the kingdom since I was a child; now that I'm an adult, are you willing to risk someone pursuing us and bringing me back here to the kingdom?" Emilia inquired of Luke about being in charge of everything.

"I'm your first knight, and I'm willing to accept any challenges that come our way, and the other knights, too, are willing to follow you and serve you forever," Luke assured Emilia, spreading his right hand in a sign of loyalty to her.

"How about if my father wants to kill me if I escape?" Emilia continued, but Luke knew her father would never do such a thing to her.

"You have too many questions, and your father will not do that! I will always protect you! And if you want, I can also love you!" Luke reassured Emilia as he grabbed her arm as began to float, and they began to fall slowly due to Luke's spell.

"Are they now flirting?" Ryan made a joke.

"I knew it. These two like each other," Caleb chuckled.

"What are you saying about loving me? Let's hurry down before the guards catch us!!" Emilia said this, and Luke laughed.

Emilia adjusts her dress and looks away from Luke, who is still clutching Emilia's waist.

"You can let go of me now," Emilia said, and Luke was surprised because he was still touching Emilia's waist.

"How do we get out through the wall? Will we exercise our power?" Emilia asked them, and Sean created an invisibility circle.

"I think we can get away using my invisibility spell so that the guards don't see us pass them," Sean suggested, and Emilia smirked.

"All right, let's go," Emilia replied, cautiously slipping past each guard at the kingdom without hurting them.

Sean removes the invisibility spell after the five successfully escape and are now outside the kingdom. Emilia decided to flee, and the four knights followed her. As they ran, they heard the horn, which indicated that the king was looking for someone and that there was an emergency in the kingdom.

"The horn! We must go quickly so that they do not find us!" Emilia advised, and she used her spell to make her run ten times faster.

The four knights also cast the spell and got far away from the kingdom until they reached a safe location without being noticed by the patrol. At that point, Emilia knelt down and looked at her palm, which still had the scale.

"Would you like to discover why you're the seventh princess?" Emilia was surprised to hear Luke's question.

"Do you have any knowledge of it? I'm looking for information about it because Uncle Ricky and Aunt Ruby are unaware of it." When Emilia and Luke look at the three knights, they simply make gestures.

"Because you are unique, they say you have special powers, and that is why you are the next ruler," Luke lied to make Emilia feel better and stop doubting herself because he couldn't reveal Emilia's yellow dragon's power, and she just smiled; she looked at her palm with yellow scales and thought it was an extraordinary power.

"That is why they are overprotective and want me to become someone who can rule the spence kingdom; they also find a man who will marry me for what?" Emilia inquires, but Luke grabs her hand, and she stares at him.

"According to my research, the special power was going to pass when the human is special like you," Luke added, and Emilia smiled slightly.

"Thank you for saying that; I'm not sad about it; I accepted who I was a long time ago; let's go somewhere and buy some clothes and the things we need; we need some cloak so we can explore other places," Emilia thanked Luke, and the four nodded as they started walking.

"I think we should be far away when buying cloaks because this is still Spence Place, and they can report us if we bought the things that we needed here," Emilia heard Sean suggest and nodded.

"You're right. That could be a problem for us; let's get out of here and go somewhere else," Emilia suggested, and as they walked, they noticed some of Spence Guard searching for the princess.

Emilia feared she would be apprehended, but the yellow dragon, which Emilia called her guardian, intervened and spoke.

"Do you require my assistance?" Hearing the yellow dragon speak through her mind perplexed Emilia.

"You are my guardian, correct? Please assist me in getting out of here; I need to be far away, and please include the four knights with me." As the yellow dragon laughed, Emilia spoke to her mind.

"As you wish," the yellow dragon replied. Emilia is unaware that she has the yellow dragon power.

"Be ready. My guardian will assist us in getting out of here," Emilia informed the others. The four knights were perplexed because they were unaware of the guardian mentioned by the princess.

There's a light from the land where they're stepping, and Emilia is perplexed; she grabs Luke's hand, and they're teleported somewhere far away from the Spence Kingdom and quickly vanish from their location.

Emilia opened her eyes to find the four knights still with her; she looked around and discovered they were far away from the kingdom.

"Where do we go now that we've left the kingdom? It appears that we will need to walk to explore a new location," Emilia attempted to communicate with the yellow dragon she called 'Guardian,' as Luke pointed out.

"Are you still there, my guardian?" Emilia requested her guardian, and the yellow dragon spoke on her behalf.

"If you need to ask where to go, Emilia, I'm always available. You should go to the Garmend Place, a kingdom there, but since they don't know who you are, you are entirely safe there for the time being." Emilia nodded as the yellow dragon informed her.

"All right, thank you for that information; if you could show yourself, I'd be grateful," Emilia asked, but the yellow dragon did not respond.

"I can't believe you have a guardian, my lady," Caleb exclaimed, and Emilia agreed.

"Perhaps it's my father's doing. He really wants me to be safe all the time. He's not satisfied when he gave me four knights, which are the four of you," she said as they began to walk.

"We need to be cautious all the time. We are outsiders because we are from the Spence Kingdom Place," Luke reminds the others, and they all nod.

After an hour of walking, they arrived at Garmend Place. Emilia recognized the location because it had been mentioned by her father, and she assumed that the people of Garmend were familiar with her.

"Are you concerned about anything?" Luke questions Emilia, and she looks back.

"Yes, I'm afraid that the people at Garmend recognize my face because I'm a princess of Spence Kingdom," Emilia hesitated, and Luke found a clothing store.

"Look! This kingdom's marketplace has a clothing store; let us go inside." The three knights, including Emilia, looked at the shop as Luke blurted.

They arrived, and the old woman greeted them. Still, she didn't recognize Emilia's face because she was too preoccupied with her daily life of selling clothes to hear the king of Garmend's announcement.

"Do you have any cloaks? We require five." Luke inquired of the old man.

"Yes, I have cloaks. You can choose what color you want," the old woman said, pointing to the cloaks in her shop.

"Thank goodness the old lady selling the clothes didn't recognize me," Emilia says to Luke as they examine the cloak.

"She probably doesn't know who the princess of Spence Kingdom is," Luke responds, and Emilia selects the yellow fabric cloak. In contrast, as they try it on, the four knights like dark blue.

"We'll take these five cloaks," Luke said, handing the old woman gold coins as payment.

"This is excessive, mister." The old woman was astounded by the amount Luke gave her.

"You can keep the change," Luke responds.

"Thank you very much! But, before you leave, are you a knight?" Emilia was taken aback when the old woman questioned Luke before they left.

"No, we are just passing through," Luke lied, keeping his cool. They began to leave the shop as soon as possible because the old woman was asking questions, and they were afraid if she asked too many.