Chapter 9

Third person's POV

It was already nighttime, the marketplace near the inn was quiet, and the guard patrol roamed the streets with their torchlight to ensure the kingdom's security; The patrol or guards were equipped with a thick tunic, iron gauntlets, arm splints, and a helmet to protect their heads from any attack.

Some of them have weapons for protecting themselves, such as axes, glaives, slingshots, and maces. Some were armed with halberds, long poles with blades, or bows and arrows.

Emilia was already sleeping while the four knights were still awake. They conversed after Luke put a barrier on Emilia so she couldn't hear anything noisy.

"Has anyone read a history book in the kingdom of Spence?" Ryan posed a question to the group.

"I did, but only a little bit," Luke responds, and they look at him in puzzlement.

"What did you think you knew? Tell us about what you discovered! I'm intrigued," Ryan asked, and Luke explained what he had read in the yellow dragon's history book about its past.

"I've read that whoever possesses the power of the yellow dragon will be immortal and will have abilities that only she can possess; Emilia is unaware of this, and we need to inform her," Luke sat, and they nodded attentively.

"Based on what you explained to us, Luke, you are correct. We need to tell her the truth because she trusts us; if we don't tell her and she discovers it on her own, she will be angry or disappointed in us for not telling her. I think it is much better if we tell her," Sean suggested, and Luke nodded, looking at Emilia. She was still sleeping peacefully and not changing her sleeping position.

"If someone tries to kill the actual yellow dragon form, the person who possessed it will also die, but I read that the yellow dragon's weakness is only a fairy power, which is an elf power." Luke elaborated.

"We need to be careful if Emilia wants to meet some elves. We must stop her if she doesn't know the yellow dragon's power yet. She hasn't controlled and mastered it yet," Caleb explained, and Luke nodded.

"Even if you put up a barrier, I can still hear you," Emilia said, and the four knights were all taken aback.

"What did you say about the yellow dragon? Did I have it?" Emilia inquired as she sat beside Luke.

"Yes, you possessed it. I'm sorry we didn't tell you about it; we were planning to tell you about it tomorrow, but I didn't realize you were awake," Luke assured, and Emilia giggled.

"Does having the power of a yellow dragon means I'm powerful? Is this why someone tried to kill me?" Emilia inquired, saddened by what had happened to her uncle.

"I don't know, my lady, but maybe that's why someone tried to kill you," Luke clarifies, and Emilia laughs.

"But now that they can't kill me, I'll kill them; whoever kills my uncle, I'll avenge him," Emilia boasted, looking at her palm with yellow scales.

"We will assist you in killing that person, but first, you must master the abilities of the yellow dragon," Luke suggested. Emilia looked at him, smiling as if to say, "I got this."

"Thank you for always being there for me; now that I've heard I'm immortal, who wants to try to stab me if it's true?" Emilia thanked and asked, and the four were deafeningly silent in response to Emilia's suggestion.

"Sorry, we can't do that, my lady. You should sleep now because we're going to look for work tomorrow," Luke apologized, but Emilia ignored him.

She rose from her seat, took up her sword of Luke on the table, and swayed it, startling the four knights.

"I'm just curious; if I die, I won't have any regrets, and you should keep living," Emilia consoled. Luke wondered if she was genuinely immortal.

"Don't worry about me. I'm just a princess of Spence who has a miserable life; I don't have anything I love anymore," Emilia sniffed, then smiled, but it was a forced smile.

She stabbed herself in the chest, but there was a glow on her chest, the sword flew away, and blood splattered on the floor, but the four knights noticed the wound healing slowly.

"It was healing slowly," Sean observed. Emilia was perplexed about what was happening; the wound was closing slowly, and she couldn't believe she was immortal due to the yellow dragon's power.

"It hurts, but wow, now you know I'm truly immortal; there's no need to be concerned about me, but I heard I have a weakness," Emilia exclaimed, picking up Luke's blade and placing it back on the desk.

"Did you hear the entire conversation? Did you pretend to be sleeping?" Emilia laughs as Luke asks her a question.

"Do you have a problem with that? Are you going to scold me like my father?" Emilia teased Luke, but he didn't respond as he stood up and went to his mattress to sleep.

"Let's go back to sleep for real now. Come on, get up, boys," Emilia suggested as she yawned at the three as they stood up. Emilia returned to her mattress and began to sleep again.

She lay down and was aware that if they got up from their mattress, Emilia would quickly fall asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. She was surprised because she was in her dream and saw the yellow dragon, but she was about to approach it when she was awakened.

"Wake up. I told you we'd be up early today," Luke said as he roused Emilia, who was surprised and stretched her arms.

The four knights had finished preparing and donning their battle armor. Emilia had finished changing her clothes while there was a curtain between Luke and her because the two are close when Luke chooses where he will sleep.

Emilia put the gauntlets on her hands, remembering how Luke had done it the day before. She also put the armor on her chest and greaves, and she was ready to explore a new location where they would find work throughout the kingdom.

"We're all ready, but our lady needs a sword before we look for work," Luke reminded, and the three nodded.

They exited the large room that they had rented and went downstairs. The owner greeted the five when he saw the princess, who was beautiful, and he had a feeling that she was indeed a princess. Still, the owner was unsure because he was focused on his home inn business.

Luke looked behind him as they walked because Emilia was strolling, and he was curious why she was sauntering.

"Why are you moving so slowly? We need to get moving to buy you a sword and look for work." Emilia stared at Luke as he stated.

"Don't mind me. I can find you if you went to the sword shop because I sense the presence of the four of you," Emilia explained as she looked around, Luke thinking she just wanted to look around.

"Our lady is always naughty, but even though she is like that, she is a kind person," Ryan said quietly, and Luke nodded because he knew.

"She's still the princess we're used to," Sean added.

"She doesn't change, but we must be prepared if her attitude changes. I wonder if she will change over time," Caleb wondered. After they arrived at the weapons shop, the marketplace was bustling with merchants selling their wares to customers. Guards were on duty to ensure the area's safety, but Emilia was still at the back of the four.

"Are we finally here? Since you four have paused," Emilia inquired, looking at the front, where she noticed the shop sign and went inside. It was filled with the owner's handmade weapons such as shields, armor, bows, mace, spears, and swords.

While blacksmithing one of the swords, the weapon shop's owner greeted the five.

"Now that we're here, you can choose a sword you like," Luke suggested, and Emilia nodded. She looked through the weapons shop and noticed a sword with a black handle grip and a dragon design piqued her interest.

"Are you fond of the Dragon Sword, miss?" Emilia was taken aback when the owner approached her and asked her a question.

"Yes, I like it; how much is it?" Emilia inquired.

"It will cost you a lot of money, but if you want, I can make you another one for a little money because I am also a trained armorer here in the shop, so I fix all kinds of armors and weapons," the owner suggested, and Emilia laughed.

"Do you consider me to be poor? Look at what I'm wearing and how lovely I am," Emilia exclaimed, and Luke did not interject what the princess was saying.

"With all due respect, based on what I can see, your clothes are cheap, and your armor isn't solid; if someone attacks you, you're dead," the man corrected, and Emilia placed back the Dragon Sword.

"Are you sure?" Emilia murmured and turned her back, then removed the armor from her body and dropped it on the floor, and the four were caught off guard.

"I'm not afraid of anyone; maybe you should be afraid of me if I hurt you," Emilia threatened the owner, prompting Luke to intervene.

"Stop what you're doing, my lady; this is not the place to fight." Luke cut in and quickly approached Emilia.

"Lady? Are you a fugitive royal?" The owner inquired, but he was unconcerned about what Emilia had just done.

"I'm not royalty; they're my bodyguards, and I pay them well, so do you still think I'm poor? I'm after the Dragon Sword." Emilia was now deadly serious.

"Alright then, if I offended you in any way, I'm sorry. Please take it and leave the payment here on the counter," the owner apologized. Luke took some gold coins from his pocket and placed them on the counter.

"Let's go now. We still need to do something," Emilia boasted as she picked up the Dragon Sword with sheath and then put back on her armor using her powers as her armor quickly wore to her.

The owner was perplexed about the gold and Emilia's power, and he had no idea she was unique. Emilia was laughing as she exited the sword shop.

"I thought you couldn't handle someone like him, my lady," Ryan added, Emilia looking at the sword she was holding.

"What do I need to do to put this beside my hips?" Emilia was curious.

"We need to buy a sword holster so you can draw your weapon at any time," Luke suggested, and she remembered him paying a large sum at the weapon shop earlier.

"Why did you spend so much money on the owner? We should keep control of the gold coins we have." Emilia made the suggestion, and she is now looking at Luke for his opinion.

"I don't have a choice but to end the two of you's conversation, you're picking a fight with him, and a little advice we shouldn't start a fight instead, know the people of this kingdom or else we might end up in the dungeons," Luke warned and Emilia turned away, they decided to look for a sword holster.