Chapter 10

Third person's POV

The five have finished purchasing a sword holster for Emilia's sword, which she has chosen, and are looking for someone who can help them find work around town. Luke came across a man carrying crates and barrels delivering something to the shop.

"Let's ask that man delivering something in that shop," Luke suggested. Emilia turned around after fixing her sword holster when she heard Luke speak.

"All right, let's go over there," Emilia says as they approach the man in the horse wagon.

"Hello, I apologize for interrupting your work, but may I ask you a question?" The man was taken aback and turned to face the five, but he was gracious enough to spare some time and smile.

"I still have time, but who are you? Are you outsiders?" The man inquired.

"Yes, we are outsiders and currently looking for work. Is there any work similar to what you do that you could offer or recommend to us? We stay in this town for a while and need money for our daily needs." Luke inquired, and the man looked directly at Emilia and observed her.

"I know some work for the four of you. The four men can work with me, but the woman can't work because she is a woman, and it will be difficult for her to lift heavy items like crates, barrels, and other goods." The man suggested, and Emilia pouted as she walked away, catching the four knights off guard.

"I apologize for that; where can I find your house if I take the job?" Sean followed Emilia while Luke questioned him.

"You can find me at the Wolf Tavern; it's right over there, and I usually spend a lot of time there after my job is done," The man pointed to a tavern filled with drunk men drinking homebrewed beers, some of whom were also gambling.

"Okay, thank you for the information; I'll be on my way now," Luke thanked the man, who just nodded, perplexed as to why Emilia was also wearing armor.

"Hey! I saw her earlier; is she a fighter?" The man's assistant, who just asked Luke who dropped, is assisting in carrying the load.

"Perhaps she was raised with a golden spoon in her mouth because she is wearing armor but has a bad attitude," the man laughed as he continued to work.

"My lady, you're walking so quickly. Please wait for me!" Sean begged, and Emilia abruptly stopped walking.

"What made you walk away? Did Luke say something incorrectly?" Sean asked Emilia, and she looked at him.

"Yes, something is wrong with what he said, and I'm angry! I knew he'd pick the heavy work one that I couldn't join!" Emilia responds, and Ryan and Caleb arrive, catching their breath after running.

"Where has Luke gone?" Sean was questioned by Emilia.

"I think he'll be here any minute," Sean replied, and Luke was just walking. He knew Emilia would be upset if he chose the heavy work.

"Thank goodness, I'm used to your behavior. I know you can't do the hard work, which is why you walked away. Why don't you try something else? There may be other jobs in this town that would suit you." As Luke approached Emilia, he explained.

"See? He purposefully did it! Do you want me to punish you? You are my four knights, and you will obey me!" Emilia made a remark, and Luke laughed.

"But you said we're your family, so we can do whatever we want," Luke said. Sean glared at him.

"What's the matter with you, Luke? Please apologize to the Princess!" Sean exclaimed, and Emilia was irritated by what Luke said.

"I'm going to murder you right now!" Emilia screamed, and the people at the Garmend were interrupted by her scream.

Luke ran as fast as he could, still laughing, and Caleb shook his head.

"You know Luke is teasing Emilia, so why are you so upset?" Caleb murmured something to Sean.

"I'm not sure. Let's follow those two," Sean suggested. Emilia finally caught Luke after a minute of chasing him around town, and she was about to use her power when Luke smirked.

"I'm sorry if I'm teasing you; I just want to see how angry you are," Luke apologized, making Emilia irritated.

"You're sorry now, but why are you doing this to me? Have you gone insane?" Emilia retorted that she is unaware that Luke likes her but that he will reveal his true feelings to her at the appropriate time.

"Let's go find a job that suits you as well. I'm not going to take that heavy job," Luke clarified to Emilia, noticing her slowly smiling.

When the three knights arrived at their location, Emilia told them about Luke's apology and advised them to look for a different job; they continued to look for a job that suited them. Emilia discovered a small house that doubled as an inn and poked Luke, pointing to the sign she had just seen.

"Look at that. They're looking for guards, maybe we can earn some money from it, and it's not that far from the inn we're renting," Emilia suggested. They decided to enter the small inn, where they saw many people talking to the owner because they wanted to be hired.

"Looks like they're really interested in the job; we need to hurry so we're the ones hired," Luke advised. Emilia was irritated when she used her spell to move everyone in the crowd.

"As you can see, we are the five best suited to be guards; you should all go home," Emilia smirked as she spoke.

"Miss, even though you have power, you can't be a guard," The man said in a cloak is hiring guards to protect a princess.

"Really? What are we going to protect? Does it belong to royalty?" Emilia inquired.

"Yes, it's a royal one, and it's me," Emilia was taken aback when she saw a woman with long light brown hair.

"We can protect you until you arrive at your destination; if you don't believe us, you can test us on anything," Emilia challenged, and the people laughed. Still, they couldn't move due to Emilia's spell.

"With due respect, you are a girl, and we are hiring a man like the four; you have to be my guards until I arrive at my destination," She blurted out. Emilia is unaware that it is the Princess of Garmend.

"You can put her to the test; trust me, we'll just watch her and not intervene if you challenge her," Luke added, and Emilia noticed Luke was covering for her.

"All right, spar with the people who want to be my guard," the Princess of Garmend challenged, and Emilia smirked as she prepared for the challenge.

"Too easy," Emilia thought as she removed the under a spell from the crowd.

"Use your sword, not your power; I want to see how skilled you are with your sword and no killing," the Princess adds, and Emilia concurs.

The crowd begins to attack Emilia, and the four knights stand by, knowing Emilia will win. Emilia used the dancing sword technique she learned from her Aunt Ruby. They were all stunned as Emilia easily defeated the other people's attacks.

After the fighting, Emilia was stabbed in the leg, and the Princess of Garmend was concerned, as were the four knights, knowing that it would take time to heal.

"You were stabbed!" They were taken aback when they saw the wound slowly healing, as pointed out by Princess Garmend.

"A monster!" Whoever was defeated fled as quickly as they could, and Emilia looked at the four knights.

"Are you really a monster?" The Princess of Garmend questioned Emilia, who was unable to speak.

"She can heal her wound, and she was born to be immortal," Luke interjected. Still, he didn't mention the yellow dragon, not revealing their identity.

"That is incredible if you are immortal! You are welcome to serve as my bodyguard!" Emilia was astounded when the Princess of Garmend was announced.

"Are you not afraid of me?" Emilia is curious.

"Why should I be afraid of you?" It was your unique ability, and I couldn't do anything about it; I just wanted to get to where I needed to go." The Princess elaborated.

"Is it settled then? You chose them to be your bodyguards, Princess Tia?" Emilia overheard the man inquire about who was hiring a guard and the Princess's name.

"You have a lovely name," Emilia says to Princess Tia as she smiles back.

"Thank you very much; please introduce yourself to me." Princess Tia thanked her and asked that they introduce themselves one by one, and when Luke received the payment, which was many gold coins, he counted them first.

The four knights introduced themselves and showed their respect. The next was Emilia and Princess Tia, who were delighted to meet all of them; after Luke counted the gold coins, the total was approximately One Thousand Gold Coins. Princess Tia sported a hood over her head.

"Do you have any horses that we could ride? If you don't, I can provide a horse because I can ride one as well," Princess offered, and Luke looked at Emilia, who couldn't ride a horse because he hadn't yet trained her.

"I can't ride a horse, but I can ride with Luke," Emilia suggested, surprising Princess Tia.

"That surprised me, but it's okay! Let's go to my kingdom. I'll get some horses for your four and one for me," Princess Tia said, and Emilia simply nodded.

Luke looked at Emilia while they were walking because he felt sorry for Emilia, who couldn't ride a horse. After all, her father wouldn't let her do what she wanted.

"Emilia, I can teach you how to ride a horse after we return here to Garmend. What do you think?" Princess Tia asked her a question and offered.

"Thank you, but there's no need to do that! I have these four who can teach me; they are my friends; you don't need to waste your time with me," Emilia thanks but declines the offer, and Princess Tia simply nods.

"Okay, but I can assist you all if you need my assistance!" Princess Tia reassured Emilia, and she was relieved that Princess Tia could do whatever she wanted her.

"Don't be sad. I'll teach you how to ride a horse," Luke whispered into Emilia's ears, surprising her.

"You surprise me! But thank you for saying that," Emilia tells Luke, who returns his smile.