Chapter 24

Third Person's POV

The four knights had finished healing Zurk, who was now fully recovered from his wounds, while Luke was thinking about the princess's situation when the demon king abducted her. Even though he is aware of Emilia's strength and lack of fear.

"Now that we're finished, we need to devise a plan before we look for the princess," Sean suggested, and Luke was not on his mind right now; all he could think about was getting the princess back to them.

He was concerned about what would happen to Emilia.

"Luke! Bring yourself together! As the leader, you must initiate the plan right away," Sean objected, shaking him off with both shoulders. Luke was perplexed because Sean tapped his shoulder again.

"I'm sorry I'm overthinking everything. I'm the first knight, and I didn't do anything to save her," Luke apologized as Zurk flew over his shoulder and landed.

"You are all strong, but failing to protect her is not an option; to reclaim the princess, you must be serious and tough!" Zurk consoled Luke, who smiled back.

"Thank you, Zurk. I promise we'll get back to Emilia." Luke vowed, but Calix teleported to their location.

"You! Where has the princess gone?" Calix smirked as Luke yelled, sensing Luke's feelings for Emilia.

"Is it surprising to see me again? Don't be concerned about her; she is safe in my kingdom. She asked me to take you there because we had settled our marriage." Calix said to the four knights, and they were surprised, and Zurk chirped along with him.

"I doubt she'll agree to that; you're lying." Calix laughed as Luke exclaimed.

"Come with me and question her; you will learn the truth," Calix responded, and Luke looked around at the three knights, who all nodded.

"All right, we'll come to you and prove you're wrong." Luke made the decision, and Calix used his connection power to quickly teleport the four knights and Zurk to the Demon Kingdom.

The demon kingdom is isolated from the rest of the world; it has no allies, few willing to deal with it as a people, and nearly every nation in the kingdom despises it.

"Where is she?" Luke inquired as soon as they arrived in the demon kingdom.

"Calm down. She's inside waiting," Calix replied, and they went inside, where Luke was surprised to see the princess dressed in a red silk dress with black silk and smiling at the four knights.

"Thank goodness you're all right!" Emilia was relieved to see the four as she approached them while Luke stared at the princess.

"Emilia! What's the matter with you? What compelled you to marry a demon king? I assumed you didn't want to marry someone you don't know or love? Begin explaining yourself right away!" Emilia returned her gaze to Calix as Luke demanded an explanation.

"Since the four knights have arrived, why don't we start planning our wedding today?" When Emilia questioned the demon king, he was taken aback.

"That's fantastic! I can use my power to quickly prepare everything! I will give you a ring you desire," Calix gave the signal, and he removed the ring with the fourth stone.

"I'm overjoyed right now!" Emilia acted, and Sean noticed it, but Luke didn't notice it right away.

"My lady, you need to notify the Spence kingdom that you have decided to marry a demon king," Ryan interjects, and Emilia glares at him.

"I escaped my kingdom; why should I notify them?" Ryan was taken aback when Emilia boasted and winked back at him. But Ryan knows she is good at acting and that this was all part of the plan.

"We need to get ready for the princess's wedding," Luke said and averted his gaze because he was sad and didn't realize it was all part of the plan. On the other hand, Emilia was irritated because Luke didn't figure it out right away.

"My personal maid will assist you to your room," Calix suggested. Emilia felt terrible about her performance because she couldn't tell Luke about her plan.

The four knights follow Calix's personal maid, and the demon king approaches the princess, gently touching Emilia's cheek.

"You mentioned earlier that you have the power of the yellow dragon; may I ask how powerful it is? Can you demonstrate your power to me?" Calix requested, and Emilia placed her hand on Calix's cheek.

"I need to practice controlling it because I'm not of the right age to use the dragon's power. When I use force, the scales on my palm spread, and I sometimes lose control of my power; I need more training and time," Emilia explained, and Calix nodded. Emilia smiled and hid the demon king's ring.

"I'll give you time to practice because I have a lot of work to do after I marry you," Calix said, and Emilia nodded.

"I can't believe she agreed to marry," Luke pleaded as the four entered the same room.

"Didn't you notice that our lady is acting? She stated that she would not change her attitude because it is obvious that she disgusts Calix." Sean cut Luke off, and he was taken back.

"What? Are you kidding? Are you sure? If she's acting, she'll let us know." Luke looked around.

"Yes, she can't tell you right now because the demon king is always with her; I believe the demon king has the fourth stone, and she noticed it, which is why she called us here," Sean assessed, and Caleb agreed.

"Let us go with the flow of her plan," Caleb suggested as a personal maid entered their room carrying new clothes.

"The king advised you to wear this in his wedding," the personal maid implied as she placed the red and black-colored clothes on the table.

"Does it look like we will wear the same outfit?" Ryan inquires, and he laughs at the design of the clothes as if the four are about to dance.

They heard a loud knock on the door, and when Emilia entered, she smiled at the four knights as she closed the door quickly.

"You must hurry and put on the clothes! The wedding ceremony will begin." Emilia concluded and made no mention of the fourth stone.

"Why don't you tell us what you're up to? So we won't be as concerned, "As the five sensed the demon king was just outside the room, Luke quickly interjected, and Emilia did not respond.

"She was being watched by the demon king, who is outside the room," Zurk says quietly to Luke.

Luke soon realized she had been acting all along.

"What exactly are you saying, Luke? This is what I want; I need to marry the demon king to gain strength," Emilia lied, and the four knights were unconcerned.

"Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore," Luke murmured as he picked up his clothes.

"Then I'm leaving," Emilia replied. As she exited the room, closing the door behind her, she looked at Calix, leaning against the wall.

"I believe one of your knights has feelings for you; are you aware of this?" Calix approaches the princess.

"I can't like a knight. They're only supposed to protect me and give me advice," Emilia lied again to cover up their plan, and she began to walk.

"If you want, I can hire more personal guards for you," Calix suggested, placing his arm gently on Emilia's shoulder.

"You are not required to do so because the four knights are unique. They are polite, and they learn how to cast spells." Calix simply nodded as Emilia added.

Calix finished designing the large chamber where the wedding ceremony would be held in an hour. Emilia had hair accessories on her head. It was silver with gold plates and many diamonds on it, and the personal maid was the one who fixed the princess's make-up before she stood up.

"You look lovely, my future queen," the personal maid commented. Emilia smirked, turned around, and used the dreaming spell to make the personal maid fall asleep without harming her.

"You did a great job," Emilia murmured as she exited the room and went to the big room, where she saw Calix waiting for her.

The four knights were already in the chamber, but they couldn't look at Emilia, dressed in a reddish-black wedding gown. The princess sauntered into the hall, and Calix was waiting in front. There was no priest, and once they vowed to each other, they were already married. Emilia cast a spell on the large room, creating a barrier that prevented other guards from entering.

"Finally, I have a beautiful queen on my side! I have waited for this for many years!" Calix exclaimed, and Emilia stopped in front of him, smiling.

"Does this imply I'm a second?" Calix was taken aback when Emilia said this.

"It appears you had an ugly queen in the past, and you killed her," Emilia said, surprising the four knights.

"What if I have an ugly past queen?" Calix cracked a joke, and Emilia laughed as she summoned her dragon sword.

"Then I'll be the one to kill you now," Emilia said, pointing the dragon sword in front of Calix, who laughed.

"So you plan everything from the beginning? Pathetic! You're not really afraid of me?" Calix chuckled, and his eyes turned red, but Emilia backed away unafraid.

"My lady, let us handle him," Luke interjected, and the four knights took a battle stance, displaying their battle armor.

"I can handle him as well," Emilia added, casting an electricity spell as the wind blew around the princess.

"You fool me into giving you a ring you require; I guess I'll have to kill your four knights first before I kill you," Calix yelled, drawing Emilia's attention.

"As if you can kill the five of us," Emilia said confidently as she attacked the demon king. In contrast, the four knights attacked him simultaneously.

"You're all naive! You're coming at me head-on without any preparation!" Calix is shown, and he uses his demon power to push the five away from him.

Emilia flew away, and the accessories on her head fell off; she was not used to fighting in a long gown. She removed her sandals while ripping a section of her long dress to make her more mobile. Then she attacked the demon king again, failing to wound Calix with an electricity spell while he quickly dodged the attack.

"Do you have anything else?" Calix laughed and turned to face Luke, who was about to attack.

"Since you two are worried about each other," Calix challenged, and he used his demon control power on Luke.

Luke was taken back and flew away, surprising the three knights and worrying the princess.

"What have you done to him?" Emilia questioned with concern. Luke wasn't moving, and the demon king's eyes glowed, and Luke suddenly stood up; he dropped his sword. He was being controlled.

Emilia and the others were taken aback by the red aura that pervaded Luke's entire body; his eyes resembled the demon king's red glowing eyes, through which he was being controlled.