Chapter 25

Third Person's POV

"Luke?" Emilia called her first knight, Luke, who stabbed the princess from the chest, piercing her heart, although he was mind controlled by Calix.

"It's fine if you stab me several times; I won't die," Emilia remarked as she touched Luke's sword.

Calix was taken aback by Emilia's immortality power, the three knights pushed Luke away from the princess, and Emilia couldn't think of a way to bring Luke back to consciousness.

"Are you all right, my lady? We need to attack without harming him; he's under the control of the demon king," Sean suggested. Emilia looked slowly at Luke, who was staring at them and ready to attack again.

"Defend yourself without using swords," Emilia commanded, dropping her sword because she could summon it anytime and employing the martial art she had learned.

"You are exceptional, Emilia. You possessed immortality because of the yellow dragon inside you," Calix admired. Luke's sword blade now had a black aura, which was the demon power he was not being.

"What are you going to do now? Luke is under my control and will now obey my commands," Calix smirked, laughing.

"I'm not going to give up. I'm not afraid of you! Or anywhere else! Even though you are immortal like me, I can kill you a hundred times!" Emilia made a remark and prepared her battle stance without using her sword.

"You three back up. I'll handle Luke," Emilia said as Ryan, Caleb, and Sean backed away.

"Come and get me," Calix commanded evilly while attacking Emilia, who was observing Luke while they were fighting.

'He knows his fighting moves; maybe Calix forced him to fight me,' Emilia reasoned.

"I don't need my sword; I'll show you how I'll save Luke; I'm not giving him up so easily!" Emilia remarked, and she used her control spell to remove the demon spell from him.

"If you do that, you will break half of your soul; are you willing to save him?" Calix was challenged. Emilia was not paying attention because she was too preoccupied with saving Luke from the demon king and removing the demon spell.

"My lady! I believe the demon king is telling the truth! You're going to shatter half of your soul!" Sean yelled because he was worried Emilia would become weak after half of her soul broke.

"Take a step back! I can do it! I'm going to save him! He is the most important person in my life! I can't afford to lose him! I don't want to experience the same thing again!" Emilia sobbed as her determination to save Luke grew stronger, recalling how her uncle died and how quickly it happened, leaving her helpless.

Calix watched Emilia remove the demon spell and could sense the princess's love for Luke. Emilia was surprised when a blow flew her, and she vomited blood.

"Quit casting that spell!" The yellow dragon spoke, and the three knights, Calix, and Emilia, heard it.

"I don't want to lose him. I don't want to lose anyone," Emilia said, spreading ice around her; the three knights recall what happened when her uncle died.

"This is a bad situation; only Luke can calm her down." Calix was annoyed by what was happening and realized he couldn't hurt a woman. At the same time, Ryan boasted, and Emilia continued to sob.

"This is annoying," Calix murmured as he removed the demon spell from Luke, who collapsed and closed his eyes slowly as he fainted.

"Look at him now. The demon king released Luke," the yellow dragon said suddenly in Emilia's mind. The princess slowly looked at Luke, who was still unconscious. She went to check on and comfort Luke.

Emilia held Luke in her arms, waiting for him to wake up. On the other hand, Sean realized how much the princess loved Luke and that he didn't have a chance with her.

"I'm guessing Luke is unaware that the princess likes her?" Calix confronts the three knights, who shake their heads.

"I hate seeing this; you can leave at any time. I will find another future queen," Calix signed as he exited the massive chamber room. The three knights were taken because the demon king was frustrated if they continued to battle the immortal, he couldn't kill them.

"He isn't waking up; please help me give him strength," Emilia begged the three knights for assistance, and they went to the two and helped Luke wake up and gain strength.

"His soul is not hurt, which is good because if half of your soul was broken. You will pass on the power. You must marry the demon king and have an heir," the yellow dragon explained.

Luke slowly opened his eyes, regaining consciousness. The three knights stopped healing him; he looked at Emilia, who was concerned. The princess smiled, and he slowly rose to his feet, looking around to see what had happened.

"What the hell? I'm not sure what happened, but my head hurts." Luke keeps his head held high.

"Everything is fine now. You got the demon spell from the demon king," Sean implied, which surprised him.

"Really? Is the demon king in command of me? Did I cause you any harm?" Luke asked them abruptly.

"You just attacked me and stabbed me in the chest, and to not hurt you any further, I used the martial art that we learned back then, but don't worry, I'm fine!" Emilia exclaimed, and Luke sighed and took a deep breath.

"The look on the three knights' faces telling me that something happened to you when I was controlled by the demon king," Luke continued as Emilia averted his gaze.

"The truth is she tried to remove the demon spell, but the demon king informed her that if she didn't stop, half of her soul would be broken," Sean explained, and Luke was taken back.

"What made you do that? Are you putting your life in danger for someone like me?" Luke questioned the princess, but she did not respond.

"Tell me right now so I won't get upset," Luke asked calmly of Emilia.

"All right, then I'll tell you. Yes, I'm willing to risk my life for the four of you; you aren't immortal. I can still save you all," Emilia clarified as she stood up.

"The next time you put your life in danger, I won't let you," Luke implied as he looked around for Calix.

"Where has the demon king gone?" Luke inquired in search of the demon king.

"He said we could go whenever, but I think he just gave up," Sean replied, and Zurk landed on Emilia's shoulder.

"I need to talk to him," Emilia said, perplexing the four knights.

"Why would you want to speak with him? He doesn't have any business with us anymore," Luke inquired, and she displayed the fourth stone to the four knights.

"I got the fourth stone. Check it with your goggles if it's the one," Emilia said, throwing the ring to Luke, who quickly caught it.

Luke uses the magical goggles to examine the ring; it glows, confirming that it is the fourth stone.

"Caleb, take care of this." Caleb nodded as Luke commanded, and he created a magical box in which to place the fourth stone.

"Let's follow the princess; she exited the chamber room to speak with the demon king," Sean added. Luke nodded; they exited and were now looking for the princess.

"What are you still doing here?" Emilia refrained from approaching the demon king.

"I've come to ask you a question," Emilia says. Calix turned around to face her.

"What information do you require?" Calix inquired.

"If you're such a bad person, why are you forcing a woman who doesn't know who you are to marry you?" Calix was speechless for a long time after Emilia asked him.

"To be honest, I don't know about myself; I just want to marry a beautiful woman, and I found you, but you are strong, kind, and brave," Calix said, holding his sword.

"Someday, you can find someone who loves and cares for you; you don't have to do evil things to find her," Emilia remarked. Calix was taken aback by Emilia's advice.

"I'm impressed; now I understand why you fled the kingdom. You do not want to marry someone you do not know and love." Emilia nodded as Calix muttered.

"My father forced everything on me and didn't even tell me about the yellow dragon; I'm not sure if I'll return to my kingdom." Emilia elaborated.

"You say you're the next ruler; do you know when you're the ruler, you hold that kingdom and the people, and you are in the highest position leading the kingdom, while the king and queen are second highest," Calix revealed, surprising Emilia.

"I had no idea, thank you for informing me," Emilia expressed gratitude to Calix for informing her of this information.

"You are the bravest person I have ever met; I hope to meet someone like you who is strong and kind," Calix said, smiling back.

"When you become the kingdom's next ruler, I will see you in the Spence Kingdom on how you make it, and I will serve you with all of my might," Calix added as he bowed in honor of Emilia.

"A demon king like you isn't allowed to go there," Emilia clarified, while Calix smirked.

"No one will notice that I'm the demon king; I have a human form to disguise myself. You can see that right now I'm using it." Calix said as the four knights found the two and the princess.

"It appears that the four knights have found you; if you want to stay here for one night, I will allow it," Calix insisted, offering assistance to the princess.

"Never mind, we have important business to attend to, and you have no idea what it is," Emilia assessed the situation before proceeding to the four knights.

"It appears that what I have observed is correct; I know what you are after, the five stones, because you now have the ring with stones," Calix assessed, and Emilia was taken aback.

"How did you come across that?" Emilia inquired.

"I'm a demon king, and I observe everything, good or bad. I am always on the neutral side," Calix replied. Luke looked at him. He thought Calix had done something terrible to Emilia again.