Chapter 23 Kalle forcefully kisses Coey!!

On the second day, Coey and Lydia were sitting on a bench in the cafeteria eating lunch.

Coey suddenly saw Rita coming towards them, and Coey thought that Rita was going to make trouble again like last time.

She looked at Rita vigilantly, guarding against Rita's next move.

Unexpectedly, Rita came to her side and suddenly knelt down in front of her.

Rita's move scared Coey and Lydia. After kneeling down, Rita couldn't help crying and apologized to Coey.

"Coey, I formally apologize to you. I shouldn't have teased you about your parents' affairs before. I was wrong about this matter. I sincerely apologize to you, and I hope you can forgive me. There will never be a next time."

Rita was crying while speaking, and her move made everyone in the cafeteria look over. Coey was dumbfounded after listening to Rita's apology, and hurriedly reached out and pulled her up.

"What are you doing? Apologize if you want to apologize. You don't have to kneel down in front of me." Rita shook her head stubbornly and said. "You should apologize with an attitude. I am really sorry for the stupid things I did before."

Coey still wondered if Rita had taken the wrong medicine today. Just as she was about to continue asking Rita, Kalle and the others came over.

Perry said to Rita, who still had tears on her face. "Okay, it's okay to apologize. You can go now."

Rita thanked them and left in a hurry. Coey looked at Kalle and asked in disbelief, "You asked Rita to apologize to me?"

Kalle didn't understand the meaning of Coey's expression, and thought Coey had been conquered by his charm. He said to Coey with confidence.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do." Kalle noticed that Coey's expression was wrong as soon as he finished speaking.

"Coey, what's wrong with you?" Coey kicked Kalle angrily and turned away. Lydia saw Coey running away and followed Coey's steps and left.

"Ouch!! What are you doing Coey?! Don't run!!" Coey kicked Kalle with such force that he was stunned. He covered the place where his foot was kicked and shouted in the direction where Coey left.

Coey's move successfully stunned Steven and Perry. Perry couldn't help but look at Coey with admiration. "Coey's various actions really make me look at her with new eyes."

Steven stepped forward to care for Kalle who was showing a painful expression. "Kalle, what's wrong with you?"

Kalle didn't care about anything at this time. He hurriedly chased out to find Coey. Finally, he found Coey at the stairs.

"Coey wait a moment!" Kalle hurriedly used his body to block Coey's action of going up the stairs.

Coey looked at Kalle impatiently who was blocking his action. "Go away from me and don't come near me!"

Even though Kalle was driven away by Coey, he still stubbornly stood in front of Coey. Steven and Perry saw this scene as soon as they arrived. Steven hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Lydia away to leave the two of them alone.

Kalle took Coey's hand and came to the small house last time. Kalle said nothing along the way and let Coey struggle desperately.

"What are you doing Kalle, I say get your hands off me right now!!"

Kalle took Coey into the small house and locked the door with his backhand.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you treat me like this?" Kalle asked Coey.

"That matter is between me and Rita, you don't need to get involved." Kalle felt wronged after listening to Coey's answer.

"I did this all for you. I saw you being wronged, so I went to Rita to ask her to apologize to you. Am I wronged in this way?" Kalle seemed to be hurt by Coey.

"No matter how she treats me, it's between her and me. It means it's between two girls, and you guys don't need to get involved."

Kalle was speechless by Coey's words. He kissed Coey forcefully to stop her from saying anything.

Coey was stunned by Kalle's kiss. She came to her senses and pushed Kalle away and slapped him.

Kalle was stunned by Coey's slap. He licked his lips that he had just kissed with Coey and yelled at Coey in despair.

"It's all my fault for me meddling in other people's business! I should have known that I shouldn't care about you so much and shouldn't like you! From today on, I will never care about your business again!"

After venting his anger at Coey, Kalle turned around and left angrily.

Coey was angry at Kalle's behavior of leaving after kissing her forcefully.

"Kalle, you idiot!"

Steven and the others were waiting for Kalle and Coey not far from the small house. They saw Kalle leaving alone with a dark face.

Steven approached Kalle with concern and asked. "What's wrong? Has she forgiven you?"

Kalle was angry, and he said to Steven and Perry. "I will never care about her again!"

Kalle left after saying that, and Steven and Perry hurriedly chased after her.

Lydia was stunned by the scene, and she hurried to the small house to find Coey.

When she came, she just heard the words Coey shouted. "Coey, what happened between you and Kalle?"

Coey was originally angry but was embarrassed by Kalle's kiss. He was angry and annoyed. "I will never pay attention to Kalle, you idiot, again!"

Lydia saw that what Coey said seemed very similar to what Kalle said.

Lydia scratched her head and said she didn't understand the two people's "flirting".


My first book is still being serialized. 😍😍

The title is (Don't Run Away, Princess Foodie).

Please support me. Thank you.😍😍