Chapter 22: The troubles that plagued Rex for countless nights

After Rex tried countless times to fall asleep on his own without success, he got up and took out the medicine bag in the suitcase despite the headache.

His hands, which were shaking because of the headache, trembled as he unzipped the medicine bag and took out a box with Restoril written on the outer packaging. He took out a pill and used it with water. He took the medicine skillfully as if he had taken it countless times.

After taking the medicine, he lay quietly on the bed, gently massaging his temples with his fingers. He felt that he couldn't close his eyes, because every time he closed his eyes, his mind was full of her.

"Tina... Where are you?"

Kalle saw that Coey and Oliver's relationship was getting better and better in the past few weeks, which made him very distressed.

No matter how often he talked about Una with Coey, he would always be interrupted by Oliver. This made Kalle very angry and troubled.

Kalle anxiously found Perry and Steven, the two "love strategists", to try to find a way to get closer to Coey.

"I think you should start with what Coey cares about." Perry said this confidently after listening to Kalle's request for help.

"This method is feasible. Didn't Coey fight with Rita last time because of her parents? I think you can start from here." Steven thought about Perry's words and said the same words in agreement.

"What do you mean? Let me teach Rita a lesson?" Kalle raised doubts after listening to the opinions of the two.

Perry thought for a while and thought that it was shameful for a boy to teach a girl a lesson. "It's not that I want you to beat her, but a verbal warning?"

Perry said with doubt and looked at Steven. "Yes, just a warning. Let her stop making fun of Coey's parents."

Kalle also thought this method was feasible, and the three decided to follow Rita after school and act when she was alone.

After school, Kalle rarely followed Coey to escort her home. Although Coey had some doubts in her heart, she felt that Kalle should not be free today.

Just as Rita entered the alley, she found herself surrounded. There were people guarding in front and behind her.

"Who are you?! Why are you following me?" Rita said this in panic and looked at the three masked men warily.

Kalle took off his mask to reveal his face, and he approached Rita step by step until Rita's back was against the wall.

"Kalle? What do you want to do?!" Rita had never had any intersection with Kalle and the others, but she had heard the legend of the man in front of her.

It was said that he was a school bully and often made appointments to fight with gangsters outside the school. He even beat up girls.

Rita couldn't help swallowing her saliva when she thought of these legends. She knew that Kalle and Coey had a very good relationship. She was afraid that Kalle would knock her out with a punch.

"You... Are you here for Coey's matter?" Kalle did not respond to Rita's question, but silently hooked Steven's shoulder.

"I warn you, don't gossip about Coey's parents. If you make her sad again..." Kalle raised her fist and pretended to hit Steven's stomach, and Steven also cooperated with an "Ouch! !".

"Otherwise, this is the end." Perry said this for Kalle, and Rita was so scared that she nodded desperately in agreement.

"I won't dare to do it again, don't hit me." Kalle said with a "Tsk tsk" sound in disapproval.

"We didn't hit you, we just warned you. What are you afraid of us?" Kalle looked at Rita who was trembling with fear in front of him, and felt that this warning was enough.

"I will apologize to Coey tomorrow. I really know I was wrong and I won't dare to do it again." Kalle and others were very satisfied with Rita's initiative to apologize to Coey.

"Let's go home bro." Kalle suppressed her excitement and pretended to be calm and walked out of the alley with Perry and Steven. They cheered until the three of them walked to a deserted place.

"Yeah! Done!" Kalle was very happy. He couldn't help thinking about Coey's reaction after receiving the apology tomorrow.

"This matter is finally resolved. It's worth it for Steven and I to work hard for you." Perry proudly put his arm around Steven's shoulder.

"Thank you so much, especially Steven, you are very cooperative with me. Let's go and find a restaurant to eat. I'll treat you today!" Kalle hooked Steven's shoulder and pulled them out of the alley.

"Great! Thank you Kalle for treating us to dinner!" Perry and Steven cheered and left with Kalle.


My first book is still being serialized. 😍😍

The title is (Don't Run Away, Princess Foodie).

Please support me. Thank you.😍😍