Chapter 73: The Prism Renegades

Nova City shimmered beneath the alien twilight, its neon skyscrapers casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the cityscape. Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, soared high above it all, the familiar warmth of the Solar Prism pulsing against her chest. Tonight, however, the usual tranquility was shattered by an unsettling tremor in the city's energy grid.Astra narrowed her eyes, the holographic display flickering on her visor pinpointing the source of the disruption - the Prism Corps Academy. Her heart hammered against her ribs. The Academy trained the next generation of Prism Corps defenders, innocents who were no match for a full-scale attack."Vega, Cygnus," Astra barked into her comm link, "We have a situation at the Academy. Regroup at the central landing bay, now!"Moments later, Vega Specter, a blur of refracted light, materialized beside her. "Looks like someone's decided to skip graduation day," she quipped, her voice laced with a seriousness that mirrored Astra's unease.A plume of smoke erupted from the Academy, followed by a thundering boom. Cygnus Vortex materialized beside them, his brow furrowed as he manipulated the debris with his Gravity Prism. "Nebula," he growled, his voice laced with a cold fury.Nebula Vortex, a former Prism Centurion ostracized for her volatile powers, had resurfaced, her Quantum Prism crackling with ominous energy. Flanking her were two figures Astra didn't recognize - a hulking Xandrosian warrior clad in obsidian armor, and a cloaked figure whose very presence seemed to distort reality."Nebula," Astra called out, her voice echoing through the cityscape. "There's still time to walk away from this."Nebula scoffed, her laughter echoing eerily. "Walk away? You cast me out, ostracized my abilities! Now, I'll show you the true potential of the Quantum Prism!"With a snap of her fingers, Nebula vanished, reappearing behind a group of fleeing cadets. Panic surged through Astra. The cadets were barely equipped to handle a training simulation, let alone a rogue Centurion wielding the power of teleportation."Vega, take the cadets to safety! Cygnus, hold Nebula off!" Astra commanded, diving towards the Xandrosian warrior.He met her charge with a roar, his massive battle axe crackling with dark energy. Astra countered with a blinding beam of solar energy, the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The warrior, however, seemed unfazed, his strength rivaling Orion Shield, the Prism Corps' resident powerhouse.As Astra grappled with the Xandrosian, a wave of distortion washed over her. The cloaked figure, appearing vaguely reptilian, had unleashed a barrage of illusions. Astra fought back, her willpower filtering the phantasms, but the distraction gave the Xandrosian an opening. His axe slammed into her shoulder, sending her spiraling towards the ground.The city lights blurred as Astra crashed through the roof of a neon-lit nightclub. Dazed, she struggled to rise, the throbbing pain in her shoulder a stark reminder of her vulnerability. A guttural laugh echoed from above. The Xandrosian warrior stood framed in the shattered skylight, his axe raised for the final blow.Suddenly, a shimmering portal materialized beside him. A figure emerged, clad in sleek, silver armor that pulsed with an unknown energy. He moved with a practiced grace, disarming the Xandrosian with a swift maneuver and sending him hurtling back through the portal.Astra stared, bewildered, as the figure turned towards her. He extended a hand, his features obscured by the shadows of his helmet. "Astra Blaze, I presume? I come in peace. My name is Zenith, and I believe we have a common enemy."