Chapter 74: Heroes

A crimson sun bled across the horizon of Nova City, casting long shadows from the neon skyscrapers that pierced the twilight sky. Within the Prism Corps headquarters, a tense silence hung heavy in the air. Astra Blaze, the Prism Prime, her brow furrowed in concentration, addressed a gathering of the Corps' finest warriors."Orion Shield, Aurora Flux, Stellar Wind," Astra boomed, her voice echoing through the polished chamber. The three heroes, each a beacon of power, stepped forward, their combat suits shimmering faintly."We have intercepted a distress signal from the Vorlaxian mooncolony, Zeta-7," Astra continued, a holographic map flickering to life behind her. It depicted a cluster of crystalline structures orbiting a gas giant. "Preliminary reports indicate an attack by a formidable Xandrosian fleet, led by Xanathar Prime himself."A collective growl rippled through the assembled heroes. Xanathar, the tyrannical leader of the Xandrosians, was a constant thorn in the side of the Prism Corps. His relentless warmongering threatened the fragile peace of the cosmos."Stellar Wind," Astra said, her gaze meeting the stoic warrior, "I need you to neutralize the Xandrosian warships. Disrupt their formations and create an opening for a ground assault."Stellar Wind, his face obscured by the opaque visor of his helmet, gave a curt nod. With a surge of emerald energy, his Wind Prism flared to life, swirling with the power of a thousand hurricanes."Aurora," Astra continued, turning to the woman with hair like a living nebula, "your mastery over space will be crucial. Use your Cosmic Prism to shield our forces from Xandrosian attacks and manipulate the battlefield to our advantage."Aurora, her eyes shimmering with celestial light, touched the sapphire Prism at her chest. The air crackled with raw power as she channeled the energy of the cosmos."And Orion," Astra said, her voice hardening with resolve, "you are our spearhead. Lead the charge and confront Xanathar directly. Use your Celestial Prism to pierce through his defenses and end this conflict before it spirals further."Orion, a titan of a man with a golden Prism pulsating on his gauntlet, slammed his fist against his armored chest. "For the Prism Corps! For the galaxy!" he roared, his voice echoing with righteous fury.With a final nod, the three heroes vanished in a flash of light, teleporting aboard their designated Prism Gliders. Astra, her heart pounding with the rhythm of war, turned to the remaining Corpsmen."Centurions, Denarians, Millennians," she declared, her voice ringing with authority, "prepare for battle! We deploy to Zeta-7 in five minutes. Let us bring honor to the Prism Corps and defend the innocent from Xandrosian tyranny!"A wave of affirmation surged through the chamber. The Prism Corps, united in their purpose, stood ready to face the oncoming storm. As the designated transport ships roared to life, bathing the landing bay in an ethereal glow, Astra knew this was only the beginning. The fate of the Vorlaxian mooncolony, and perhaps the entire galaxy, hung in the balance.