Chapter 75: The Descent

A crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the neon-lit sprawl of Nova City. Exhaustion gnawed at Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, as she slumped into a holographic chair within the sterile confines of the Prism Corps medical bay. The battle against Xanathar Prime and his Xandrosian legions had been brutal, leaving a trail of destruction across the cityscape.Despite the ache in her muscles and the dull throb of a plasma blast wound on her shoulder, a sliver of hope flickered within Astra. Cygnus Vortex, gravely injured during the confrontation, lay on a nearby table, his breathing shallow but steady. The Gravity Prism, his source of power, had cracked under the strain of a black hole he created to contain Xanathar's forces. Without it, Cygnus was vulnerable."His vitals are stable," confirmed Zenith, a stoic Vorlaxian medic, his six eyestalks flitting across the holographic displays. "But the Prism is shattered. The energy discharge… it's a miracle he survived."Astra clenched her jaw. The Prism Stones were not indestructible. Without the Gravity Prism, Cygnus's connection to the Prism Force, the wellspring of their powers, was severed. He was effectively powerless, a mere shadow of the formidable hero he once was.A soft chime resonated from the corner of the room. A holographic projection flickered to life, revealing the stern visage of Commander Nova, a Denarian officer with a shaved head and a cybernetic eye that gleamed ominously."Prism Prime," Nova began, his voice clipped and official. "The Galactic Council demands a full report on the recent incursion. The devastation in Nova City is substantial."Astra bristled. "We contained Xanathar," she retorted, her voice raspy. "At great cost, but we contained him.""At what cost, indeed?" Nova countered. "Cygnus Vortex is incapacitated, possibly permanently. The repairs to the city will take months, perhaps years. And Xanathar… he is not defeated. He merely retreated."Astra fought back a surge of frustration. Nova, a career bureaucrat who had never set foot on a battlefield, had no right to judge. Yet, she couldn't deny the truth in his words. Xanathar remained a threat, a dark cloud looming over the universe.Suddenly, the medical bay doors hissed open, admitting a flurry of activity. Millennial Corpsmen rushed in, their faces grim, pushing a gurney carrying a limp figure. It was Orion Shield, his normally vibrant blue uniform stained crimson."He was found unconscious on the outskirts of the city," a Corpsman reported, his voice tight. "Severe energy depletion. His Celestial Prism… it's flickering erratically."Dread coiled in Astra's stomach. Another casualty. The Prism Corps, once a beacon of hope, was teetering on the brink. Weakened, fractured, they were ill-equipped to face the growing darkness.As Zenith rushed to Orion's side, Astra cast a desperate glance at Cygnus. His eyes fluttered open, a flicker of recognition in their depths. A silent plea passed between them, a shared burden of responsibility.The battle for the universe was far from over. But with two of their most powerful members incapacitated, Astra knew they had to regroup, to strategize. They had to find a way to fight back, to reignite the light before the encroaching shadows consumed everything.