Chapter 82: Cosmic Cataclysm

A crimson sun dipped below the neon-streaked horizon of Nova City, casting long shadows across the Prism Corps headquarters. Inside the central control room, a tense silence hung heavy in the air. Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, her brow furrowed in concentration, studied the holographic display flickering before her. It depicted a scene of utter chaos - a swirling vortex of inky blackness tearing through the fabric of space, spewing forth monstrous creatures with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws."This is unlike anything we've encountered before," Astra muttered, her voice tight with concern. "The energy readings are off the charts. Cygnus, can you pinpoint the source of the anomaly?"Cygnus Vortex, the stoic Centurion with gravity-defying silver hair, tapped a series of commands on his control panel. "The anomaly appears to be originating from the Andromeda Galaxy, specifically the Xarlonian star system. Reports indicate a distress call from a Vorlaxian colony under attack."A collective gasp rippled through the room. The Vorlaxians, renowned for their technological prowess, were rarely the target of such vicious assaults. This reeked of something far more sinister.Suddenly, the holographic display flickered violently, and a distorted image of Xanathar Prime materialized. His eyes gleamed with a malevolent hunger."Greetings, Prism Corps," he boomed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I see you've caught wind of my little operation. Consider this a taste of what's to come. The power of the Null Dimension will soon consume your precious universe, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!"With a maniacal laugh, Xanathar's image vanished, leaving behind a chilling silence. Astra slammed her fist against the control panel."We can't let him get away with this!" she exclaimed, her voice burning with righteous fury. "Vega, prepare the fleet for immediate departure. We're heading to Andromeda."Vega Specter, the enigmatic Centurion with a penchant for tactical surprises, materialized beside Astra, a mischievous glint in her emerald eyes. "Consider it done, Prime. But before we head out on a galactic crusade, might I suggest a little recon mission? Just to get a better sense of what we're dealing with."Astra narrowed her eyes, considering Vega's proposal. The idea of sending a small team ahead held merit. They needed a clear understanding of the enemy's capabilities before diving headfirst into a potential cosmic catastrophe."Alright, Vega," Astra conceded. "Assemble a team. But be swift and discreet. We don't want to alert Xanathar of our true intentions."A sly smile spread across Vega's face. "Leave it to me, Prime. We'll have eyes on Xarlon before you can say 'hyper warp drive.'"With a determined nod, Astra turned to Orion Shield, the newly appointed Centurion whose imposing physique and unwavering loyalty made him a valuable asset. "Orion, you're with Vega. Keep her out of trouble, if that's possible."Orion chuckled, a deep rumble that echoed through the control room. "Always a pleasure to serve alongside the best, Prime."As Vega and Orion disappeared into a flurry of activity, Astra addressed the remaining Centurions. "The rest of you, prepare the main fleet. We leave for Andromeda at dawn. This is war. And we fight for the very future of the cosmos."A wave of resolute agreement swept through the room. The Prism Corps, united in their purpose, stood ready to face the encroaching darkness. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, and they were the only line of defense.