Chapter 83: Celestial Clash

A crimson glow bathed Nova City in an ominous light. Streaks of violet energy lanced through the cityscape, carving deep canyons into the neon-lit skyscrapers. At the epicenter of the devastation stood Orion Shield, his celestial armor gleaming defiantly amidst the debris. His opponent, the enigmatic Aurora Flux, hovered a few meters above, her cosmic energy crackling around her like miniature galaxies."Orion," Aurora's voice echoed, laced with a hint of sadness, "there must be another way. Why fight for a corrupt council?"Orion gritted his teeth. "The Council's flaws are one thing, but joining Xanathar? That's treason!""The Council is blind to the true enemy," Aurora countered, her voice hardening. "They squander resources while the Xandrosians amass power in the shadows. We need a strong hand to guide the galaxy."Orion lunged, his celestial fist imbued with raw power. Aurora shimmered, teleporting just out of reach. The blow landed on a nearby building, sending shockwaves that rattled the remaining structures."You're naive, Aurora!" Orion bellowed, frustration gnawing at him. "Xanathar only cares about power! He'll plunge the galaxy into war!""Perhaps," Aurora conceded, a flicker of doubt crossing her features. "But war can bring order from chaos. And with my powers by his side, we can ensure a swift victory."Orion knew he had to reach her. The Council might be flawed, but they weren't tyrants. Aurora, blinded by her ideals, was on a path to becoming a pawn in Xanathar's game."Think about it, Aurora," he pleaded. "Remember what we fight for! Peace, justice... those are the cornerstones of the galaxy, not domination."His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken memories of their past camaraderie. A flicker of uncertainty flickered in Aurora's eyes. Just then, a new voice boomed from above."Enough sentimentality, Flux!" Xanathar Prime descended from the sky, his dark armor radiating malevolent energy. "Destroy him and claim your rightful place at my side."Rage contorted Aurora's face. Here was the true face of power, the man who sought to control everything through fear. But before she could react, a gust of wind swept through the battlefield. Stellar Wind, his wind prism swirling with emerald energy, landed beside Orion."Looks like you could use some backup, old friend," Stellar quipped, a mischievous glint in his eye.A fierce grin split Orion's face. With Stellar by his side, the tide might just turn.