Chapter 84: The Battle of Nova City

The crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the neon-lit cityscape of Nova City, the Prism Corps headquarters. A tremor shook the ground, rattling windows and sending a flicker through the city's energy grid. From the Prism Corps Landing Bay, Astra Blaze, Centurion Prime, watched as the sky above Nova City shimmered and warped. A colossal warship, unlike anything she had ever seen, materialized out of thin air. Its obsidian hull, bristling with plasma cannons, dwarfed even the largest Prism Corps battle cruisers."That's Xanathar's flagship, the Harbinger," boomed Cygnus Vortex beside her, his voice laced with grim determination. "He's come for the Prism Stones."Astra gripped the hilt of her Solar Prism, its warmth a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. "We won't let him take them."A booming voice filled the comm channel, crackling with dark energy. It was Xanathar Prime, his voice dripping with malice."Citizens of Nova City, surrender your pathetic protectors and I will show you mercy. Resist, and face the wrath of the Xandrosian Empire!"A wave of unease washed over the city. People poured out of their homes and workplaces, fear etched on their faces. But amidst the panic, a chorus of defiance rose. Holographic displays flickered to life across the city, projecting the symbol of the Prism Corps – a radiant star encased in a prism."We stand with the Prism Corps!" the message blared. "Together, we will defend our home!"Astra felt a surge of pride. Nova City wouldn't crumble without a fight. Turning to the assembled Prism Corps Centurions and Denarians, she raised her voice, her tone filled with unwavering resolve."Centurions, Denarians, to your battle stations! We fight for Nova City, for the Prism Stones, and for the peace of the cosmos!"A cheer erupted from the ranks, their voices echoing through the landing bay. Millennial and Corpsman personnel scrambled to their assigned transports, readying the city's defense systems.Vega Specter materialized beside Astra, her form shimmering as she cloaked and uncloaked with practiced ease. "Any plan on how to take down that monstrosity?"Astra glanced at the Harbinger, its shadow blotting out the last rays of the setting sun. "We need to target the hyper warp core. If we can disable it, they'll be stranded.""Easier said than done," Cygnus pointed out, his brow furrowed. "That ship is heavily shielded.""We'll create a diversion," Orion Shield declared, stepping forward. His armor gleamed in the hangar lights, the Celestial Prism pulsating with power. "Aurora and I will take on Xanathar's forces head-on. You three focus on taking down the Harbinger."A tense silence hung in the air. They all knew the risks. This was a battle for the fate of Nova City, perhaps even the entire universe. But there was no turning back."For the Prism Corps!" Astra cried, raising her Solar Prism high.The hangar doors whooshed open, revealing the ravaged cityscape bathed in the ominous glow of Xanathar's warship. With a determined glint in her eyes, Astra propelled herself into the sky, the Prism Corps charging into the heart of the battle.