Unforgetable memories
The morning has far been gone ,and the horses are brushed and ready for the big race proposed by lady Stella and her beloved Lord Michael Jackson, one of the world's most recognized weapon dealer and the armor bearer of the deliuon's biggest enemy, the Ajumo's, which happens to be the reason lady Cookie stands her ground that her daughter wouldn't marry him,nor date him,but the three ladies found a way to get him in,but if only they knew the reason
"Everyone ready right?"
" Definitely"
" on my count, 3...2...1.....go"
The sound of the horses heels hitting the ground was overwhelmed, and the speed being caused by the horse Left them mesmerized, as they enjoyed every bit of it, coupled with the fact that each came with their belovet, as lady Rose was accompanied by lord Claudio, and lady Amor by lord John, were as there childhood friend Lady Amanda, came alone, cause she recently broke up with lord Mark for a reason best known to her.
" Look, Amanda,I won't be surprised if you come late this Time"
' never,when I still have Amor and John at the back,am likely to be the first"
" Sorry baby,but your last,cause they have taken a wrong turn"
The ladies being aware of the fact that Lady Amanda seems not to be in a good mood, but it wasn't anyone's problem, but this little mood if well observed holds a deep secret which could lead to loss of things which she loves, which Includes her life
"Amanda, hurry"
She drove pass them with a speed uncalled for
" What's up with her Rose"
" Don't know,am gonna go find out' ha"
"Well,Amor left with John, and now,Rose and Amanda are gone too,am gonna go for a swim,wanna join babe"
" Of course"
" I will go look for Amanda and Rose"
Everyone departed into different dimensions, hoping to be back before dawn
" Talk to me Amanda,you have been acting weird ever since the day I told you I wanna marry Claudio, don't you like him"
" That's not it"
" Then what? Talk to me"
" Rose, just let me be"
" Amanda"
A sound of horse at their back caused both to look forward
" Allow me to speak with her my love"
A kiss on the head and an eye asking for premission to excort lady Amanda out
" Sure, but I will leave, don't worry about it"
As lady Rose left,lord Claudio pulled Amanda to himself and searched her eyes for secret
" I have missed you so much love"
" Claudio stop"
Pulling off from his grip
" This thing we're doing it's wrong, it's so wrong, Rose is my friendy best friend at that,I can't do this to her"
" What are you scared of losing,your best friend or your life"
" Both Claudio,cause if I lose my friend,I lose my life'
" That's why am here love, for you"
" So why didn't you date me first"
Letting out a deep breath, and thinking how to put it to her, cause this is something any guy would do when his woman won't let him touch her
" I asked Rose out first so that I can be close to you,I don't and didn't know if you would accept me,so I want for Rose"
" But you should have asked Claudio,now look at the mass you have caused"
Lord Claudio didn't bother to explain, cause he knows that he wanted to marry lady Rose, and not her,but for self satisfaction,his just keeping Amanda
" Am sorry Amanda, but I would make it work"
Hugging her close to his chest as his hands had it's way to her grown
' not here Claudio"
" Anywhere is good"
As his lips go's to work on hers, and his hands rooming her body,a shout was heard
"What was that"
" Nothing"
" No Claudio,I could have sworn I heard a shout"
" Fine.. let's go check it out then"
Lady Amor has had a nice ride with her boyfriend who prepared a little food and wine for them.
" Wow,I love this"
" Let's eat then"
" Sure"
They talked and laughed, remembering their past as children, and whiling away time till Amor started feeling weird
" I feel off,let get back"
Pulling her back,lord John searched her body for weapon and disarmed her
" I am the cause"
Pulling off her clothes,the only thing she could do was shout for help ,but it was only once, before her mouth was tied up
" Sorry baby,but I can't have that bastard letting my secret out"
By now, lady Amor was left in her undies,and he was working his way with her body,as amor cried, knowing that no one knows were they want and how to find them , and being scared of her life, amor struggled,nut to know end, and having him release in her made her reach out with all her strength and grabbed a little stick which fell off from the tree they were under,as she stroke it into his eyes
" Arrrrrrrr bitch "
The shout had alarmed Rose who was near by,as she was in search of what caused the first noise
" You bastard"
Rose dragged John off her body and attacked him with her sword which was given to her by her father before he left for Singapore,
Cutting off his b**l,and hand,
" How dare you rape my sister you fool"
Rushing in was Stella, Michael, Amanda and lord Claudio, surprised by the play at their front, Stella rushed to her sister, asking Michael for help to get amor up the horse
" What happened John,why did you rape her, couldn't you wait, answer me you bastard"
" Am ...sor...ry ..rose,I couldn't...let my secret out...he was blackmailing me..."
" Who"
Pointing towards lord Michael, everyone looked shocked
"Never drag people to your grave you bastard"
Pulling his trigger right on his head,lord John layed dead on the floor
" Let's get her cleaned up shall we"
" Lady Cookie request your presence my ladies"
" Sure"
" Mother, you sent for us"
" Lay with us"
As lady Hannah was still home, and laying down on the grass, starring right at a rose flower
"Do you by any chance know why I gave you all your names"
" No mummy"
Putting a whole biscuit into her mouth and sipping her wine
" Fine then, I will tell you, Rose, when you came out first,you had this pretty rye that no one could take away from you,you looked stronger and more deadly,so your dad gave you the name of a flower,who was just pretty and loved, representing love, and you Stella,look cool and gentle,but you Amor,you looked bright and ready for anything,and growing up,it started to manifest,Rose kill's without thinking,Amor plans ahead, and Stella,you always wait, waiting for prove,what if that prove doesn't come darling"
Looking each of them in the eyes, and wishing she was doing the right thing
" Come with me"
Taking them to the warehouse which they were never allowed to go into,and placing a box right at their front
" Three diamonds,three ladies,three girls and no boy,but yet I want to entrust it into their hands,cause I know,you would never let me down"
The girls eyes were wide open as the diamond placed right at their front was covered in blood,tick,and it has been there for a long time
" These diamond are not just any diamond,they are keys to our factory,the real factory we make our money from,and you would pass it to the little ones, let me take you in"
She placed one of the diamond on the wall and a door opened, reviving a big work place where people were carrying about a white powder substance while putting on a nose mask,
" Madam, your own"
" Thanks Luke"
They were handed nose mask as they want straight to the office
" Your father has divided the place according to the way it should be handed down to your kids, cause they are the one's to run the place,under your care,
" Hold on,are you trying to tell me we deal drug's"
" No dear,well in a way,but you my dear Rose,you get this drug factory with Amor by your side,and Stella get's the diamond casino"
" Mother,I want to understand something"
" What's that"
" So am a drug dealer now"
" No,your child will be"
" So we are drug dealers"