Missing Diamond

burning betrayal

the evening is far spent and no one is back yet, expect Stella who insisted she stood and wait for her sisters return as she can't bear their father alone,but Lord deliuon seems not bother about that,but the fact that his little girl is pregnant for an ungreatful fellow 

" Am sorry my lord,I have brought great shame to the name of this house by not being able to bring my daughters to control"

Lady Cookie cries to her husband who seems so lost in thoughts of the unknown

" It's not your fault love, neither is it theirs, cause they believed that he was of good intentions to their sister"

" My lord...stop defending them"

" Am not,but I defend myself for I have done an unclean job, which I would have to send Rose to take care of"

" No,I won't allow them be separated again"

" They have to,and they will,but I believe that now,it should be Amor I would send,to brith her baby there and return"

silence fell around the house,no words,no movement, thought running wield, emotions thrown out

" I need to speak to Amor about it"

" sure"

lady cookie excused herself and left, leaving lord deliuon to his thoughts


" Since no one knows who put lord John Deere up to it, Amor would be living for the united kingdom for two years"

" Father....."

" What did you just call me Stella"

" Am sorry sir,but you can't do that, Amor needs us,a of us sir, please"

" My decision is final, everyone out"


" What!!!!!!!!!!, Amanda is what...o am gonna k*ll that girl"

" But what did Claudio say Rose, before you kill her Stella"

a pointless speech,but yet it had to be spoken,cause some how,she found herself believing him 

" He said he needed it,and I wasn't giving him that,so he took it from another source"

" I told you that,I said it,I said it,that if you don't give him that which ever man needs,he would leave you for someone else"

" Stella"

Tears flowed down her face as she couldn't believe it that it was with her best friend,but knowing how strange Amanda can be,she believed that Amanda could have done worst than that.

" Rose relax,he said he loves you and that it was just a one night stand turning to some thing evil"

" But not with Amanda,Amor,not with her"

Hugging her tight,the stayed in silent as pain,for the first time has filled the deliuon's house

 Two months later 

" I would love to marry the lady I have broken"

" Proud of you man,am sure your parents already found out"

The lord's,sitted in the arms rest,with a glass of wine to chi the afternoon, cause it's been a long month, having lord deliuon match into your house with offer of his daughters being married by theman who broke them open,and having to bear the News that his other daughter also carries a child,it called for a celebration,as he won't back off until the marriage is done 

" And Amanda, heard from her"

" Yes,she threaten to kill everyone if I get married to Rose,but I love the idea,as I love Rose"

" Same for me man,I can't help but notice that I really want to get married to Stella as fast as possible"

They laughed and drank their win,till a message was delivered to lord Michael

"Wait a minute Michael,in my house your getting a letter"

" Well, don't worry,you would see why soon,and cry because of it"