After a long day of school arriving home was the best thing to happen to me, even duo I commented lots of crime today,am sure it would have been forgiven
" Hey mummy"
her face hold angry, but it can't be because of me,she can't be angry forever
" Any food mum"
no response,so let's try my baby trick,it always works
" Mother,u know I love u very much and_" ( door pushes Open)
" To my office"
"" Sir"
o Jess,I thought all my sin's were forgiven,lord help me today
( knock)
" May I sir"
" u left two girls breathless in school today ha,any explanation"
no wonder mum won't respond,I had a bigger fish to deal with,and when ever asked to his office,ur life never remains the same,
"Father they"
" What"
"Sir,I meant sir,they started the fight"
" And who invited you to end it"
" Am sorry sir,but they have been a trouble ever since I came into that school, and they deserved what they got"
" shut up"
bangs on the table making my heart skip a beat,
" Kneel Monica"
" but dad"
" I said kneel"
" yes father, like always,I get the punishment,I am always guilty of ever offense, even if am not,to u I am, and everything is and will always be my fault
" Shut up"
Pulling out his wep,his gave me fifth stroke's,and with ever stroke,I regret being a girl,cause Adam is a boy,and treated specially by dad,am a girl so I can go to hell
" Leave my office,stand at the training yard till tomorrow,no food ,no water.
" Sure sir"
I left his room and went to the training yard,it was so quiet and peaceful,the night has drown by,and ever were was as cold as heaven
" Lady Monica"
" what"
it was my maid with food and I just sent her away
" My lady u need to eat"
go Jessica"
" I can't ma"
" I said go"
a gun shot was heard,and I turned immediately to the sound, pulling out my pocket gun
" La..dy..... Mon....Ica"
i turned to find Jessica covered in blood,it was a sniper
" Father!!!!!!!! There's an armbush"