Missing Diamond 2

" I had no idea, I swear"

" But u did when u slept with Michael right"

" O do not blame me, I was overwhelmed by youthful lust that's all"

" And look were it landed us"

" It's not entirely my fault Stella"

" So it's my fault now?, When u sold ur fucked up soul to the devil, o wait, u actually gave it to him, like u said, youthful lust right, so it's my fault, u had a son for my husband, my man, my everything, my world"

" Stella?"

" U stole everything from me, u killed ur best friend, u wiped away Rose and her family from the surface of the earth, u caused Amor's death, it's all you"

" I wasn't the one who married him into my family knowing his history, I wasn't the one who hide his identity as the only son of the man my father killed, I wasn't the one who aborted many babies and can't have any again, I wasn't the one that made u fell deep in love with him, I wasn't the one who put u in a mental asylum Stella,it wasn't me but ur husband who did all this,so why blame me "

" Cause you should have left us with an information that would have helped us miss Amanda"

" Stella!!!!!!"

" Amanda!!!!!!!,u betrayed the delioun family, and to think you even tried Lord Claudio"

" And he fell,he was not strong,he was weak"

" But he changed, u daughter of a demon"

" Stella!!!!,I did what I could, Michael was the only one who showed me love"

" He was my husband you demon,we were married,we took our wedding ritual,I was pregnant with his child-"

" And I killed it"

" What?"

" He asked me to,and I didn't want anyone fighting position with me"

" Amanda,u were the daughter of the second richest man in New York, he gave u anything and everything"

" But he never gave me love,he never permitted love, and I loved Michael"

" Arrrrrrrrr get out"

" Am afraid u can't ask that"

" Amanda I am warning u, I meant have been locked up for seventeen and a half year"

" Wow, u can still calculate "

" I am still a delioun, and you can break every

 bone on my body,but I can still fight, and I will fight till my last breath"

" Well,you have to make it out here first you know"

" Get out"

" O before I go, Rose's daughter will soon be, eighteen, this month right,I can't really remember,but anyway,you remember what happens when your eighteen right dear Stella"


" Monica dear, Can we talk"

" Talk about what"

Scanning my mum's face has always been a difficult task,but now,it's more like reading an open book

" Baby,I know I kept many secrets from you"

" And am guessing there's more right"

" Allow me Monica pls,do u have any idea how difficult it is to take care of a child who's family are lost lord's holding power in high places,but I think you need to understand that it was the greatest opportunity given"

" My life,my properties,my inheritance,my everything dad deprived me of it,why? Did he want it only to himself"

" Monica please,I have no explanation for ur dad's action,so leave that part,he wasn't always like this,till-"

" Till Adam right" 

nodding in acceptances,and reaching out to hold me, and I laid down my sorrows as I gave her a tight huge

" Mother, what happened to lady Stella"

Taking in a deep breath like I demanded the Impossible

" No one knows dear, after the fire in her husband,her house took over everything, including that of lady Amor too"

" Was Stella's own not enough"

" He was revenging like he said"

" And does he know I exist"

" O he knows more than that"

" He is the one that has been after us right"

( Nods)

" How did you know it was lord Micheals doing"

" Always had my doubt"

" Mother!!"

" We heard News he took over and the later sent to lord Claudio was his writing"

" What if"

" No Monica,no one has any idea were Stella is where dead or alive,and an anonymous message was sent with his writing,his army came in search, asking me to release you,they need the diamond"

" What diamond?"


" Mother..... some one wants to see you"


" That's Adam,I will be right back dear"

" No need,am coming with you"

" Sure"


" Who are you"

" A message from a discreet sender,who demands urgent response"

" Thank you"


" What does it say mother"

" Monica,walk me to ur training yard this minute, and Adam,I want no interruptions from anyone"

" Sure mother"


" What does the letter say mother"

" I think you should read it Monica,it's for you not me"

" What"


Dear Morin

I know you have done a good job raising Monica as ur own, and training my little girl,am sure she will be like six foot tall,and pretty like her mother, and I know you would never allow the delioun name die,but now,I think it's time to bring out our defender,our Army,I was able to buy off a Staff,to deliver this message,I need an escape root,I need ur help to leave this place,I know it's hard to ask,but we live and die as one, cause a big war is coming


Ur dieing

Stella delioun


" Mother,she still lives"

" And still bad at asking for help