The death of Lady Stella shocked the mansion, leaving agony and hatred toward Lord Michael. He locked her up for 17.5 years and shot her dead. How could he be so heartless? His wife, his own wife.
"Monica... Mother."
I held Mum tight, not wanting to let go. She's the only one who takes in all the pain.
"That's enough, baby. Stella wouldn't like that."
I laid my head on her shoulder, recalling how we left Stella.
"We left her, Mother."
"We had to, baby. No choice."
Tears rolled down my cheek as I remembered Stella's final look, reaching out to touch me before her hand fell, and her eyes closed in death.
"Madam, you need to see this."
"Sure, Andrey."
We met a crowd gathered in one spot.
"Move, please."
A space opened, and I stepped forward.
"Madam, you don't have to."
"Enough, Andrey. What's the worst?"
"Well, no, Lady Monica, but I advise -"
"I'm good."
I walked forward, meeting my mother's cold gaze.
"We'll plan a burial date and site."
"Thanks, John. Any news from Dennis?"
"Not yet; we presume he's still searching."
"Good. You're dismissed."
"Where's my daughter?"
"Last spotted in Lady Stella's room."
"Got it."
I cried on Auntie's bed, grieving.
"Mother, please. Time to myself."
"But, baby -"
"Madam, Dennis spotted outside with a woman."
"He found Amor."
"Take me to him."
"She's still in a coma."
"Get a room and doctor immediately."
Two weeks later...
The burial preparation was ready. Friends and family came, somber and calm. Monica heard people saying bad things about Stella.
"I heard she was mental."
"I heard she cheated."
"I heard she killed someone."
All fake.
"Eli, what's up?"
"Can we talk?"
"Sorry about your auntie."
"Why not come in?"
"No need; I won't stay long."
"My father sent me on a mission."
A knife stabbed into Monica's body.
"Eli, how could you?"
"I had to; that was my mission."
"Lady Amor, you're awake."