Missing Diamond 2 semi final

" Amor....."

" Nice to meet you again , but I have a questionfor you?,when did you meet Morin?"

" And how do you expect me to answer that? "

" Can I punch him baby"

" Well, if you feel like auntie "

Stepping closer, a blow was landed on his face, again and again, till blood flow down his face 

" Now, I would ask again, how did you get to meet Morin"

" I would never tell you anything"


" Why the hate for pa auntie"

" His not ur pa, Claudio is, and this man you call pa, was the man that blow up our car, I saw him Monica, when I saw the red dot on Rose, I looked up to trace and my eye met with his, and before I fell into comma

 Flash back 

" Sir,Amor was able to come out still breathing , am guessing I should allow her"

"Know Nicole, kill her immediately "


" Amor dead in the hospital, but Rose's daughter still lives, what should we do "

" Plan B than"


" We are to get married very soon, and we would take in Monica as our daughter Morin"

" Of course "

 Flash back ends

"He was there that day when I fell unconscious"

"No auntie, maybe you saw wrong"

" Then let me interrogate him myself"

" Mother won't like that auntie"

" Exactly my point, she has a hand in what happened to my family, she knows something"

" Are you suspecting mum, she would never do that"


" Transfer pa to Philippines"

" Yes ma"


 " you know, before our car was bombed, I was able to see a figure, and it happens to be yours and am sure you know how wonderful we delioun's punish"

" F**k you "

" Okay, pls hand me the screwdriver and some guns"


Blood all over Nicole's body, as his noise is almost disfigured, and his hands filled with holes from the screwdriver 

" Well, you were such a good talker duo,look how you spilled the beans,was it that hard"


 " It looks like little miss sunshine isn't so innocent after all"

 " What do you mean Amor"

" We need to talk Morin, forcefully or calmly " 

 Flash back

" I want us to work together Morin, you need the money, I need to know all about Rose"

" Lord Michael there is really nothing to know, she is as pale as the moon"

" Than tell me the gender of the child "

" Well,it's a girl"

" they won't leave everything to her right? "

" I can't tell you that sir"

" But ur in deep need, listen Morin, if you would work with me, I promise to give you everything and anything you want "

" Really sir, anything "

" Even if it includes you being my wife after this"

" But you don't love me Michael, you love Amanda "

" No I don't, am just using her, trust me, I love you Morin "

" I love you too "


 ( Phone call)

" Michael. "

" Call me honey"

" Of course honey, I really like the name you know, makes me can't wait to be with you"

" I know right, but why did you call"

" O.. sorry, I heard the baby will be named today, and signed over everything, and if it isn't done today, it would be till she is eighteen"

"She meant as well be useless then, or.. hold on a minute, if she isn't signed in, who would be the next in line"

" O.. that would be lady Stella you know honey"

" That's enough with the honey stuff"

" Sorry "

" So you mean even if she doesn't sign the documents, I can still get a hold of their properties "

" Yes honey, I mean sir "

" Good, keep me posted "

" Hold on, once Amor gets back from the airport they would head straight to the lawyer's office "

" Okay, keep ur phone with you always "

" Of course, love you "

" Yer"


( Phone beeps)

 Get the car to the gas station and live the car, Nicole would be waiting there

" We need fuel ma'

" Sure"


( Phone beeps)

 Do not return to the car,there is about to be an explosion

" Hold on a minute"

( Phone dialing)

" Michael, that was never the plan,you can't kill Rose,she did nothing to you"

" Yes she did, her father killed mine, and I would do the same to her"


" Doctor...how is Amor"

" Let's talk in private"


" She slept into comma ma"

" If I know better,I would love you to announce her dead"

" Why!"

" Keep her hidden till I come for you"


" Lord Michael said we should move to plan b"

" I want to talk to him first"


" Lord Michael she is but a child"

" I don't care,I want her to die knowing the truth ok"

" And Amor"

" She is with the doctor,I know him"


" The doctor is missing with Amor's body"

" Find him"


" Mother there is a man looking for you"


" This letter is for you Monica"


( Phone dialing)

" Stella paid off someone to deliver message to the house"

" Have you found the doctor that took Amor "

" Not yet"


 ( Phone dialing)

" Michael,we are coming with our men"

 " Of course dear,thank you"


( Phone dialing)

" Dennis just found Amor" 

" Give her sometime before you eliminate her"

" Of course"


( Phone dialing)

" Amor's awake"

" Give her sometime,stop disturbing me"

" But she is asking of Nicole"


( Phone dialing)

" Michael, Nicole was transferred to Philippines"

" Keep watch"

 Flash back ends

" So it was you mother, you were the spy"

"O please"


" I will happily torture you Morin" 

" You would never find anything from me"

" We would see, guards"

" Ma"

" Get me the same tool used to torture Nicole"