-Ain Pov-
I was worried the clone of Naruto were there but we can hear the fighting outside. The popping of clones, the grunts of the pirates and the shouts of that horrible pir- no Monster that was not a person but a monster. I wonted to ask Naruto's clones but he has told us to keep quite he somehow was using the voice outside to understand the situation .
In between after the grunts of pirates were subsided a little the clone share a look I don't know if it was my imagination but it seems they were worried, I wanted to ask but one look from them and I understood, no talking just wait, see and pray and I hated that I hated my weakness I hated my powerlessness I hated that I have to wait for rescue for a boy who by no means older then herself. But what I hated the most were these bas******* who destroyed my home and are responsible for the current situation.
But soon as I was lost in my thoughts and hearted the fight outside ended the gate was open by the clones and
"Where is Naruto? " The first thing I ask was the location of the hero who save me no the hero who save everyone.
" He is at the Helm, steering the boat towards different directions..."
Before the clone stop talking I was already gone.
As the clone said he was right there steering the ship, looking at the back of the orange clad ninja I have to admit I was a little dazed in my daze I mutter "Naruto".
He turn around saw me and I saw him and he looks tired , Sleepy and as I thought this he fainted?
-Kushina Pov-
It had been one hell of a ride ever since we woke up, I mean before waking up I had just given birth, got the NINE TAILS taken out of me, use my adamantium sealing chain to pin down the NINE TAILS , Then my husband decided to ues MY son to seal the NINE TAILS within. The last goodby to Naruto was so hard to say I feel like I have so many things to say yet at the same time not enough words.
But then I got a gift a gift from a GOD maybe I don't know which deity it is that give me this chance to have the family I always desired. Having that time when there were only the three of us around during the time Naruto was unconscious was the most relaxing time of my life.
Looking at Minato beating the Big ugly gorilla I was excited looking at him fight , the calculating opponents to beat them is just classic Minato.
'We should go towards that anxious spot coming towards us.' Minato as observant as always while we were focused on the big darkness that is what can only be called the cluster**************************** of all thing negative and everything that I can or can't say to describe.
Hummmm. is there something wrong Naruto seems tired.
'Hay what is going on Naruto keep yourself up ' What is going on I started to panic Naruto cannot be reached and I am living inside my son's head and I can't get through to him.
-Kurama Pov-
I was chilling looking at this new world sensing everything in my range and I was not happy to say the least just before I was in the world where I believe humans to be the source of negativity to hell with the old man's prophecy humanity has no hope of peace, but oh boy I was wrong the negativity of this word makes that world world look like a paradise.
'Hay what is going on Naruto keep yourself up '
I heard the voice of my former host GOD this is an annoying women let's see what happen to my current host.
It seems oh so that was all.
'Calm down women he is just tired and his body has forced himself to sleep no need to make a fuss'
Come on and she is suppose to be a ninja.
'Let the girl take care of the brat and don't disturb if you want to see him soon'
'What do you mean' For real this mortals
'It means he is slipping if you make fuss in his own mind he will take just more time to recover and walkup'