The sea area indistinguishable form any other area a navy ship surrounded by the sea water looking till the horizon even with the observation Haki you can only see sea water and sea creatures.
On the deak of the navy ship a large, muscular, tan-skinned man, standing around twice the height of a typical man , with short purple hair was walking around looking towards an unknown direction.
Looking at the direction of sea where the s**** ship was I had an premonition this time something may happen.
No idea of what would happen and for some reason I can't tell if this something is good or bad, but all I know I will protect all the navy students.
Looking over the students, His students he was worried.
"Only those two are okey. " Looking at the silver haired boy and pink haired girl the eyes of the previously rough and indifferent has some softness.
Whatever happen this are the future of the navy and after what happen I will make sure they are fine.
The softness was gone but now was replaced with firmness and resolve.
Looking at the direction of was what probably the direction of the navy ship Zepher was on I had a felling something was changing something significant happen I had no idea what happen but I know whatever happen today may change the world but if this is for good or bad or it is just a hallucination of an old man.
But even then a decision was made whatever happen he will pay special attention to anything happening today.
-Unknown Area-
-Unknown Pov-
An silhouette seems to be hidden from the prying eyes with a calm red eyes looking somewhere out there as if lost in thought
' There seems to be a change in this world.'
' Interesting.'
-3rd person Pov-
-Unknown area-
-Unknown people-
Around the world people some of them are legends, some are working hard in the keeping the world in balance, Some forgotten in the history of time never to be known again. All may not have anything else in common but the one thing they have in common is they have a very high level of observation Haki they may not be able to tell what is wrong but all have sensed one thing and all of them understand one thing
The World Has Changed.
Those with knowledge about the world Government and Void Century Some are worried about the future some are looking forwards to changes.
-Sabaody Archipelago-
- Area 13-
- Shakky Rip-off Bar-
An old man in white drunk on a bar counter wasted as if there is nothing other then drinking left dull eyes.
Suddenly his eyes sharpen an unknown momentum leak from him the Pirates around the bar started falling one by one knocked out by the time he controlled his momentum everyone in the bar except one were knocked out. the person who wasn't knocked out was a women the women also known as Shakuyaku, or more commonly known by her nickname Shakky , is the bartender of Shakky's Rip-off Bar on the Sabaody Archipelago. Shakky is a relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards and is always seen smoking a cigarette.
" You know it will be annoying to clean up after this."
"Sorry shakky"
Frowning shakky had a felling "What happend, you seem off. "
" My Observation Haki warn me, something has changed I don't know what but something has changed in the world."
"Maybe it is just your imagination, you may have had too many drinks today."
-New world-
- Unknown Island -
There's a party going on a pirate ship with a pirate skull flag with 3 marks on the eye of the skull, a tall, muscular man with a tan complexion with distinctly red hair and a missing left arm. He is one of the emperors of the sea alongside Whitebeard, Bigmom, and Kido of the beast.
He was drinking with a man Beckman his right hand man and Hawkeye Dracule Mihawk
Beckman is a tall man, standing at a height of 206cm. He is also known as one of the smartest man in the world of one piece. The first mate of the Red Hair Pirates.
The other person known as the "Strongest Swordsman in the World" Mihawk is a tall, lean, and muscular man with a fair complexion and short-cropped, jet-black hair that is slicked back, as well as a short beard, mustache, and sideburns that point upwards in a "V" shape. His nickname comes from his strangely colored eyes: red in the manga, yellow in the anime, which resemble a hawk's eyes due to the concentric ring present around each pupil.
Suddenly all three look at the same direction with different expiration on there faces.