A Shocking Discovery

"Ah, another test? Didn't we just have one last week?"

"Exactly! I haven't even reviewed my notes…"

The students began to complain. They had a good relationship with Amelia, their young math teacher, so they felt comfortable expressing their dissatisfaction openly.

"Alright, hurry up. It's only forty minutes, and you've already wasted three. If you have anything else to say, continue, and I'll distribute the papers later." Amelia smiled as she spoke. Despite being not much older than her students, she had them under her control.

"Ugh!" The students stopped complaining and quickly cleared their desks, taking out rulers, pens, and stacks of scratch paper.

Ethan Parker slowly put away his algebra book, contemplating how he might cheat to boost his score.

Ethan Parker knew that cheating on such tests was pointless. While it might raise his score now, there would be no chance to cheat during the actual college entrance exams.

But for now, Ethan Parker wanted a high score to please his father. As for the entrance exams, he would worry about them when the time came.

As the test papers were handed out, the fresh ink scent filled the air. Ethan Parker was at a loss from the first question. Trigonometric functions? Cosine? Ethan recognized "cos" because it sounded like "Saddam Hussein" when spoken aloud, but he had no idea what it meant.

Ethan habitually reached into his pocket for his glasses case, his cheating tool. He only used it for billiards or tests. When he took it out, he remembered the yellow-haired kid had smashed his glasses.

Damn it! If I see you again, I'll hang you from the TV tower! Ethan cursed inwardly.

Ethan Parker was a typical underachiever. To avoid him disrupting others, the teacher had placed him at a single desk at the back of the classroom, near the door.

Liam Bright, who sat in front of Ethan, wasn't a great student either but was still much better off. At least Liam usually managed to scrape by with passing grades, whereas Ethan couldn't solve a single problem.

Lucas Reed and Ethan Parker got along well. During past tests, Ethan would use his glasses to copy Lucas's answers. Lucas would finish and place his paper where Ethan could see it. Now, without glasses, Ethan couldn't see even with good eyesight.

Ethan had almost given up when he remembered the old man's gift. Maybe the contact lenses could help.

Ethan took out the small box of contact lenses from his pocket…

"What are you doing, Ethan Parker?" Amelia, patrolling the classroom, saw Ethan fumbling with something in his pocket and suspected he was trying to cheat. She immediately scolded him.

Had it been any other teacher, they might have turned a blind eye, but Amelia was freshly graduated and very responsible, especially since this was her first group of students. She never looked down on Ethan despite his poor grades. She had read his file and knew he had once won first place in the National Mathematics Olympiad in middle school—a remarkable achievement. Her instincts told her that Ethan had been a brilliant student who had fallen from grace for some reason.

Amelia had tried to talk to Ethan several times, thinking their age difference might make communication easier. But Ethan was often elusive, and she had yet to catch him for a chat.

Startled, Ethan nearly dropped the contact lens case. Looking up, he saw Amelia glaring at him and quickly explained, "Ms. Zhao, it's just my glasses!"

Amelia took the small case, opened it, and found a pair of contact lenses. She handed it back to Ethan. "Why so secretive? Just get on with your test!"

"Yes, ma'am." Ethan took the case and nodded.

Amelia was Ethan's favorite teacher. She was young, beautiful, and unlike other teachers, she patiently explained things to him without showing disdain.

Ethan felt he owed the most to his father and secondly to Amelia.

Ethan had mixed feelings about Amelia—admiration? Infatuation? He wasn't sure. He could define his feelings for Ava Bennett as a crush, but with Amelia?

Ethan couldn't figure it out. He had even dreamt about Amelia a few times! No wonder, with her figure more voluptuous than Ava's, firm breasts, and a well-proportioned waist—she was a teenage boy's fantasy!

Compared to Amelia, Ava lacked maturity and allure, though she was equally beautiful and more innocent.

Ethan shook his head to clear these thoughts, then picked up the contact lens labeled "L." Even with his limited education, he knew it meant "left eye."

It was Ethan's first time using contact lenses. These were much more expensive than regular glasses. He had seen others use them and tried to mimic the process.

After putting on both lenses, Ethan blinked and felt fine—no discomfort at all. He had thought they might be cheap junk, but it seemed the old man hadn't tricked him.

But would the prescription be correct? Ethan looked up, aiming at Liam's desk. Liam had finished the multiple-choice section and placed his paper where Ethan could copy it.

Can't see a thing! Ethan thought, frustrated. How is this any better than not wearing glasses?

Ethan squinted at the paper, trying to focus. Suddenly, something strange happened! It was as if his eyes had an automatic focusing feature like a camera—the text on Liam's paper seemed to get closer and larger, becoming crystal clear!