Unveiling Extraordinary Powers

"Am I dreaming?" Ethan Parker wondered in shock.

Ethan Parker thought he was seeing things. He wanted to rub his eyes but remembered he was wearing contact lenses and couldn't do that. What was going on? He stared at William's test paper, seeing the words clearly, even a tiny ink smudge. It wasn't a hallucination; the words were magnified as if through a lens. When he looked back at his own paper, the letters appeared enormous, almost making him dizzy. Then, suddenly, the letters returned to normal size, and William's paper became blurry again. Was it an illusion? Ethan was sure his experience had been real.

He focused on William's paper once more, and the miracle happened again. Ethan's eyes seemed to adjust like a camera lens, bringing the text into sharp focus. He almost cried out in excitement! Having read countless web novels, Ethan knew the trope: a down-and-out character gains superpowers and transforms his life.

Could Lady Luck have smiled upon him, turning his eyes into telescopes? But why now? He'd never had such abilities before. Then he remembered the contact lenses given to him by the old man. Were they the source of his newfound power?

To test his theory, Ethan quickly removed the contact lenses.

"Ethan Parker, what are you doing? You're supposed to be taking the test!" Amelia, the teacher, returned from her round and saw Ethan hadn't written a single word.

"Uh..." Ethan was startled again and nearly poked his eye. He grimaced and explained, "Ms. Amelia, my new contacts aren't comfortable. I was trying to adjust them, but you scared me, and I almost blinded myself!"

Amelia couldn't help but laugh. "Don't be ridiculous. Just finish adjusting and start your test. You've wasted twenty minutes already."

"Got it, Ms. Amelia," Ethan replied.

"Need help?" Amelia offered, noticing Ethan struggling.

"That would be great!" Ethan felt his heart race as Amelia leaned in to help, her scent intoxicating him.

Amelia carefully removed the lenses, her face close to his. Ethan was mesmerized, his eyes lingering on her... chest. Amelia blushed, scolding him, "Stop daydreaming and get to work!"

"Uh, right! Thanks, Ms. Amelia," Ethan stammered, returning to reality.

With the lenses out, Ethan couldn't see William's paper anymore, confirming his theory. It was the lenses! He put them back in, noticing their transformative effect on his vision. He could see distant objects clearly, and the lenses adjusted focus instantly between his paper and William's.

Ethan hurriedly copied William's answers, finishing just as the bell rang. Relieved, he decided to keep wearing the lenses, enjoying their incredible benefits.

In the next class, Ethan experimented further. He could focus on distant objects effortlessly, his mind acting as the autofocus mechanism. By the end of the class, he had mastered the lenses' capabilities. From the classroom window, he could see a tiny dent on a wall across the field, proving the lenses' power.

Excited, Ethan wondered about the old man who gave him the lenses. Could he be a reclusive genius? Ethan dismissed these thoughts. Who cared? The world was full of unexplained phenomena, and he was just lucky to experience one.