Ethan Parker's Flying Kick

 "Damn it! I'm gonna kill you!" The second extra wasn't a pushover; he was obviously much more composed than the clueless first extra. The second extra yanked the first back and said, "You watch the girl and make sure she doesn't run. I'll handle this guy!"

The second extra jumped in place twice, cracked his knuckles, and took a stance like a boxer entering the ring. His movements were precise and professional, making him look like a real fighter.

Ethan Parker's expression grew serious. Initially, he didn't take these two seriously, but now he had to be cautious. This guy might have been a classmate of Jin Gang at the sports school and could very well be a boxer or coach at some club now.

Suddenly, the second extra launched a fierce attack, throwing a punch at Ethan's head. Ethan ducked, narrowly avoiding it, but the second extra's punch was a feint. As Ethan dodged, the extra retracted his fist and aimed a blow at Ethan's abdomen.

Caught off guard, Ethan took the hit directly. Pain radiated from his midsection, but he didn't utter a sound. Compared to the iron rods he had endured before, this was nothing. Years ago, Ethan had been beaten with iron rods by street thugs but still managed to stand up and kick their leader senseless, scaring the rest of them off.

This level of injury was bearable for Ethan.

"You seem like a professional boxer, but your strength is mediocre," Ethan taunted with a cold smile. "No wonder you turned to robbery!"

The second extra knew the power behind his punch and was stunned to see Ethan unfazed. Anyone else would be vomiting their guts out by now!

"Alright, it's my turn to attack!" Ethan hadn't even finished his sentence when he charged forward, delivering a kick to the second extra's chest. The extra leaned back to dodge, but Ethan's move wasn't over. With both feet off the ground, his first leg missed, but his second foot landed squarely in the extra's crotch.

This double-leg flying kick was a move Ethan had honed from playing "Street Fighter." Despite its crude technique, its power was immense. Ethan called it the "Ethan Parker Flying Kick."

Many opponents had fallen to this move over the years. Its only drawback was that after delivering the kick, Ethan would land on his butt due to momentum, making him vulnerable if he missed. However, he only used this move when he was confident, as he was now. The extra's evasion couldn't counter Ethan's kick.

Ethan quickly stood up after landing, aware that even a brief delay could give his opponent an advantage. But the second extra was in no condition to fight back, clutching his crotch and crouching in pain.

"Help, Brother Jin!" The first extra, seeing the heavy hitter taken down, panicked and shouted.

"Damn it!" Jin Gang cursed silently. He hadn't expected Ethan to take out his two friends so easily. Jin Gang didn't believe Ethan had real skill; he thought Ethan's kick was a desperate fluke, unaware that Ethan had trained for months to perfect it.

The worst part was the first extra calling out his name, putting Jin Gang in a difficult position. If he showed himself, it would reveal to Amelia that he had orchestrated the whole thing. If he stayed hidden, he'd lose his chance to teach Ethan a lesson.

After weighing his options, Jin Gang decided not to reveal himself and to find another opportunity to deal with Ethan later.

Seeing Jin Gang not emerging, Ethan glanced towards the trash bin and smirked. "Amelia, let's go," he said.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" Amelia, seeing the two robbers incapacitated, was no longer as worried.

"No need. If we call the police, we'll have to stay here and watch them. Once we leave, they won't stick around for the police to catch them," Ethan said, not wanting to waste time at the police station when he had a rare chance to be alone with the beautiful teacher.

"That's true," Amelia thought. She realized they hadn't lost anything significant and decided to let it go.

They reached the faculty housing, and Amelia said, "Ethan, you can go now. I'll be fine from here."

"No way! What if you run into more robbers?" Ethan actually wanted to go upstairs, just phrasing it differently. Once at her door, she couldn't refuse to invite him in, right?

Amelia, thinking of the dark staircase and the recent robbers, felt uneasy. She nodded, "Alright, if it's not too much trouble."

"Protecting a beautiful lady is my duty!" Ethan said, taking the lead into the stairwell. He pretended to "check" for threats from the first to the eighth floor, finding nothing. Of course, he couldn't say that, or he wouldn't get any credit.

Following Ethan, Amelia felt they had grown much closer. They say adversity reveals true feelings, and it seemed true. She no longer saw Ethan as just a student but as a friend, maybe even a brother.

"We're here!" Amelia said, reaching her floor. Ethan was about to continue up when she stopped him.

"Already?" Ethan was surprised she lived on the second floor. He hadn't had much chance to impress her.

"Yes!" Amelia nodded, taking out her keys to open the door.

Seeing she didn't invite him in, Ethan panicked. Just as she was about to say goodbye, he had a sudden idea. "Amelia, do you have a restroom? I really need to go!"

Before Amelia could respond, Ethan dashed past her into the apartment, heading for the bathroom.