Caught by Two Women

Finding the bathroom in Amelia's house was easy since it was directly opposite the hallway, so Ethan Parker located it effortlessly.

In fact, Ethan did need to pee. Initially, he thought about handling it outside but felt awkward with Amelia nearby, so he didn't subscribe to the "as long as you don't look up, any place is a toilet" philosophy.

The bathroom light was on, and Ethan didn't pay attention to this detail. He directly unzipped his pants, took out his little Ethan Parker, and began relieving himself.

Just as Ethan was thoroughly enjoying his pee, he suddenly heard a "clattering" sound beside him. Turning his head, he saw the shower door inside the bathroom being pushed open...

"Amelia, you're amazing, peeing for so long... Ah!" A curvaceous young woman with her hair down was teasingly poking her head out of the shower, only to be shocked at seeing a strange man peeing in the bathroom!

Her scream startled Ethan so much that he stopped midstream! At that moment, Ethan was extremely embarrassed. He couldn't just leave while still needing to pee, but continuing with a woman in the shower was equally awkward!

Damn it, I'm a man, what's there to fear! Ethan steeled himself and tried to resume.

Amelia entered her house and saw that the lights were on, knowing that her roommate Evelyn was already home. She called out to introduce Ethan to her, but after several calls of "Xiaoyan" without a response, she noticed Evelyn's clothes on a chair, indicating she was showering. Realizing Ethan had run to the bathroom, she panicked and rushed to the bathroom.

"Ethan Parker!" In her haste, Amelia didn't knock and directly opened the bathroom door.

Similarly, Ethan hadn't locked the door in his rush. At this moment, Ethan was just about to resume peeing, and Amelia's shout interrupted him again!

"Ah? Uh..." Amelia stared at Ethan holding his thing, speechless.

Damn it, I'm going to get scared into an illness! Ethan was furious. What a family! He was scared once by the woman inside, then again by the one outside.

"Ethan Parker, come out..." Amelia blushed, ignoring her embarrassment. She was afraid Evelyn might come out naked, wanting to get Ethan out quickly.

"Please, Amelia, don't you know how uncomfortable it is to stop peeing suddenly? Are you trying to spy on me?" Ethan complained.

"Who would want to spy on you!" Amelia retorted, "Just hurry up!" She quickly shut the door.

Ethan finally finished peeing. Now that he had been seen by two women, he didn't care anymore. He even shook himself before zipping up.

"Miss, I'm done, you can come out now!" Ethan knocked on the shower door before leaving.

Earlier, Evelyn was toweling off when she heard the peeing sound, assuming Amelia had returned. She opened the shower door to joke, only to witness the earlier scene.

The shower door was made of frosted glass, preventing visibility both ways. Despite this, Evelyn felt extremely awkward inside, instinctively covering herself even though she knew she couldn't be seen.

Ethan hadn't seen anything, just a white blur before the door shut. Evelyn didn't get a clear look either, only seeing a man's silhouette. The one who saw the most was Amelia, who had stared for almost a full minute!

Amelia felt incredibly embarrassed, calling herself a little pervert. She could have just glanced and been done, but she had stared at Ethan's part several times!

In truth, Amelia was merely curious. Having never had a boyfriend, she never had the chance to see a man's private parts before. She looked without any other thoughts, but remembering it now made her blush, hoping Ethan hadn't noticed her gaze, or facing him at school would be impossible!

Seeing Ethan come out, Amelia breathed a sigh of relief, unaware that Ethan had already encountered Evelyn.

"Amelia, why are you staring at me like that? Feeling romantic?" Ethan, now unconcerned, said whatever came to mind.

"Go to hell!" Amelia's face turned bright red at his teasing.

Hearing Amelia's near-whining scolding, Ethan felt a stir. Seeing her blushing face, he wondered if he had guessed right.

"Um..." Amelia, realizing her mistake, wanted to scold Ethan but couldn't find the words.

At that moment, Ethan and Amelia's perceptions of each other subtly changed...

"Go to my room!" Amelia suddenly remembered Evelyn was still showering and might come out any minute.

"What?" Ethan was stunned. Amelia didn't seem like the open type, yet she wanted him in her room? Did she see his huge thing and want to...

Seeing Ethan's lecherous expression, Amelia realized her words might be misinterpreted, and Ethan had clearly misunderstood!

"What are you thinking!" Amelia pinched Ethan's waist, "I have a roommate, just go to my room and wait!"

Amelia didn't elaborate, but Ethan understood.

The two silent partners understood each other well! Ethan didn't ask anything and slipped into the room Amelia indicated.

Behind the door, Ethan's heart raced. Being seen by two women but seeing nothing himself felt unfair! All because the shower door wasn't transparent… Wait, wasn't my special ability to see through things? Ethan regretted forgetting about it! He didn't consider it spying but reclaiming what he lost!

Thinking this, Ethan quickly used his X-ray vision to see the hall outside.