Primary Suitor

 Seeing Ava Bennett remain silent, Ethan Parker feigned hurt and said, "I knew it, you must not like me asking you questions. Look at Logan Carter's stooge, if I ask him questions, he might deliberately mislead me! Forget it, I'm not cut out for studying anyway. I won't bother you anymore!"

Ava Bennett, being kind-hearted, had been happy to see Ethan Parker making progress in his studies over the past few days. Hearing his words, and remembering Logan Carter's jealous behavior, she thought Ethan might be right about being deliberately misled. Not wanting Ethan to give up so soon, she blurted out, "I never said I didn't like you!"

"Huh?" Ethan Parker was shocked, his mouth agape as if a toad had just tasted swan meat.

"?" Ava Bennett looked at Ethan Parker, bewildered. What was wrong with him? After a moment of thinking, she realized her words might have been misunderstood. No wonder Ethan had taken it the wrong way! With a slight glare, she said, "I meant I don't mind you asking questions. If you keep thinking otherwise, I won't talk to you anymore!"

"Ah... heh, heh, I wasn't thinking anything. I was just excited." Ethan Parker scratched his head, realizing he had indeed misunderstood.

After a few days of interaction, Ava Bennett understood Ethan Parker better. She found that aside from being a bit flirtatious, he was good-hearted and very smart. He often grasped her explanations quickly and could even apply the concepts to other problems.

After solving each problem, Ethan Parker would consciously steer the conversation to casual topics. He never overdid it, which not only kept Ava Bennett from getting annoyed but also made her develop a slight fondness for him.

"By the way, Ava, is your dad really ugly?" Ethan Parker had finally gotten Ava Bennett to accept the nickname "Ava" after days of persistent use. She had no choice; you can correct someone once or ten times, but not a hundred or a thousand times. And Ethan Parker thought to himself, Logan Carter could only call her "Bennett," but he got to call her "Ava." Who's closer now?

"Huh? My dad? Ugly?" Ava Bennett looked at Ethan Parker, puzzled. What did he mean by that? If he meant like father, like daughter, then he was saying she was ugly too. But Ethan always called her a little beauty, and she knew she was at least above average in looks. So what did Ethan mean?

"Don't want to admit it? Then why are you called Ava Bennett?" Ethan Parker asked.

"What does my name have to do with my dad's looks?" Ava Bennett was even more confused.

"Your dad's surname is Ava too, right?" Ethan Parker continued.

"Of course, my dad's surname is Ava. Do you think your dad's surname is Ava?" Ava Bennett retorted angrily.

"I wish my dad's surname was Ava." Ethan Parker said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Ava Bennett asked.

"Father-in-law's surname is Ava, isn't it?" Ethan Parker explained.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I really won't talk to you anymore!" Ava Bennett said, blushing.

"Heh heh, it's just a thought. If you don't agree, it's meaningless!" Ethan Parker laughed.

"Listen, stop thinking about useless things. Your job now is to study hard and get into college. Think about these things later!" Ava Bennett scolded.

"So you're saying if I get into college, I can think about it?" Ethan Parker asked, persistent.

"What does that have to do with me?" Ava Bennett retorted.

"It has everything to do with you. You're my father-in-law's daughter... I mean, my future father-in-law's daughter!" Ethan Parker said.

Ava Bennett was exasperated. How could someone be so relentless, asking the same question over and over?

"If you can get into the same college as me, then I'll consider it." Ava Bennett didn't want to keep arguing and thought giving him some motivation to study wasn't a bad idea. After all, considering didn't mean promising anything.

"So you mean if I get into your college, you'll agree?" Ethan Parker wasn't dumb; considering and agreeing were two very different things.

"Who said I'd agree? I only said I'd consider... consider giving you a chance to pursue me!" Ava Bennett was almost bewildered by Ethan Parker's persistence and had to step back, giving him a small reward.

"Okay, then it's settled. I'm your primary suitor. No one can chase you without my consent!" Ethan Parker was adept at twisting words to suit his purpose.

Ava Bennett rolled her eyes. Other people need your consent to pursue me? Are you my guardian? Thinking of guardians, Ava Bennett suddenly remembered Ethan Parker's earlier question and asked, "You still haven't told me why you think my dad is ugly!"

"Right, I almost forgot because of you!" Ethan Parker laughed sheepishly.

Because of me? Ava Bennett wanted to argue but held back. She feared speaking up might lead Ethan back to sensitive topics.

"Your dad's surname is Ava, right?" Ethan Parker asked.

This time, Ava Bennett had learned her lesson and just nodded without saying anything.

"The word 'Ava' in English means beautiful. So Ava Bennett means someone with the surname Ava dreams of becoming beautiful. Therefore, your dad must be very ugly!" Ethan Parker concluded.

"Ah?" Ava Bennett was completely shocked. No one had ever explained her name this way before!

Logan Carter, seeing his plan fail, thought sinisterly: Ethan Parker, you're asking for it. Don't blame me for being ruthless!

"Hey, Bill? This is Logan Carter." Logan Carter moved to a secluded corner and made a call.

"Logan Carter, what can I do for you?" Bill, the driver, responded respectfully.

"Remember that classmate I told you about? The one who's been showing off? Bring some guys from the street and teach him a lesson during lunch break." Logan Carter said.

"No problem. I'll call you when we get to the school." Bill said.

"Get a few quick guys, don't cripple him, just teach him a lesson!" Logan Carter hesitated for a moment before saying.

Logan Carter hung up the phone and walked back to the class, giving Ethan Parker a pitying glance. Mess with my girl? I'll make you look like a pig!

At that moment, Ethan Parker was unaware of the danger looming over him. After finishing his chat with Ava Bennett, he got up to go home for lunch.

As Ethan Parker walked out of the classroom, Logan Carter's phone rang...

"Everything is ready!" Bill's voice came through, and Logan Carter's lips curled into a sinister smile.