There's Definitely Something Wrong

"Brother Biao, who are we supposed to rough up?" a long-haired young man asked as he threw his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out.

"I haven't seen him either, but my young master has already sent his photo to my phone via MMS. I'll go identify him first. Once I give the signal, you guys come over," Zhang Biao said, putting on his sunglasses. He was Logan Carter's driver and often appeared at the school gates, so he didn't want to be recognized.

"No problem!" the long-haired youth nodded.

This long-haired youth was Aiden Cole. A while ago, Ethan Park had sent him to the hospital, and he was discharged just three days ago along with his buddy, Blondie. They had spent a lot on medical bills and were now strapped for cash. When Zhang Biao approached them, offering 1,000 yuan to rough up a student, Aiden Cole didn't hesitate to agree. After all, beating up a student was an easy task.

"You're Ethan Park, right?" Zhang Biao asked, holding up his phone to compare the photo with the face in front of him as the students streamed out of the school gates.

"Yeah, who are you?" Ethan Park looked at the sunglasses-wearing man in front of him, not recognizing him.

"Doesn't matter. Someone asked me to tell you to keep a low profile and stop being so arrogant!" Zhang Biao finished speaking and waved to Aiden Cole and his crew to come over.

Ethan Park looked at Zhang Biao like he was an idiot. "Are you out of your mind? Who the hell are you?"

Zhang Biao didn't respond, stepping aside to watch Aiden Cole and his crew in action.

"I'll fuc..." Aiden Cole started to curse as he approached Ethan Park, but when he saw who it was, the curse stuck in his throat. It was the guy who had sent him to the hospital.

Blondie also recognized Ethan Park and felt a wave of fear. Instead of teaching Ethan Park a lesson, they might get beaten up again. Blondie trembled and stammered, "Ethan Park, it's you! There's been a misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding!"

"Yeah, a misunderstanding. We were just looking for you to apologize," Aiden Cole quickly added.

"Doesn't seem like it. That guy in sunglasses said you were here to rough me up," Ethan Park said with a faint smile.

"No way! Who would dare to touch you, Ethan Park? They'd have to be insane!" Aiden Cole said, smiling obsequiously.

"Exactly! We just got out of the hospital and came straight here to see you!" Blondie added.

"Just out of the hospital? Looks like you guys didn't get enough and want to go back in?" Ethan Park squinted at them.

"Oh no, no. We don't want any trouble. We'll be leaving now, Ethan Park. We'll treat you to a meal sometime," Aiden Cole said, wanting to get away from Ethan Park as quickly as possible.

"Hey! What's the holdup? Go beat him up!" Zhang Biao shouted, seeing them talking instead of acting.

"Brother Biao, we don't need the 1,000 yuan. Find someone else," Aiden Cole waved dismissively.

"No way! You agreed to this!" Zhang Biao was getting desperate. He had promised Logan Carter, and now these guys were backing out.

"Screw you! Keep yelling and I'll mess you up!" Blondie snapped. He was afraid of Ethan Park but not Zhang Biao, who was just a driver.

"Well..." Zhang Biao hesitated. These street thugs might not be much, but they could still be troublesome. He glared at Ethan Park and walked away in a huff.

"Wait!" Ethan Park called out to Aiden Cole as he was leaving.

"Is there something else, Ethan Park?" Aiden Cole asked reluctantly.

"Do you know that guy in sunglasses?" Ethan Park pointed to Zhang Biao.

"Oh, him? No, he contacted us through a friend to help teach someone a lesson... If we knew it was you, Ethan Park, we'd never have come!" Aiden Cole said meekly.

"Alright, I get it. You guys can go." Ethan Park waved them off. He actually owed them for the special contact lenses he got because of the beating they gave him.

Ethan Park pondered who might be out to get him. Apart from Aiden Cole, he hadn't made any enemies recently. Judging from today, it wasn't Aiden Cole. But who else could it be?

Logan Carter! Ethan Park suddenly thought of him. Could a student like Logan Carter really hire people to deal with him? Maybe, out of jealousy over Ava Bennett.

Ethan Park decided to confirm his suspicion by talking to Logan Carter indirectly.

Ethan Park returned to the classroom, where Logan Carter was nervously holding his phone, waiting for a message from Zhang Biao. Seeing Ethan Park walk in, Logan Carter was shocked. He thought Ethan had gone home for lunch and wondered why he was back.

"Class monitor, why aren't you going for lunch?" Ethan Park asked, noticing Logan Carter's mixed expression.

"I... I'm not hungry. Ethan, don't you usually go home for lunch? Why are you back?" Logan Carter stammered, surprised and anxious that Ethan hadn't left the school grounds.

"Oh, no one's home today, so I'm not going back," Ethan Park lied.

"Not going back?" Logan Carter was stunned. Zhang Biao and the others were waiting outside the school gates for him.

"Why? Is there a problem?" Ethan Park asked deliberately.

"No... no problem!" Logan Carter quickly shook his head. "Well, I'll go get my lunch then. Bye." Logan Carter wanted to call Zhang Biao to check on the situation.

Ethan Park continued, "I heard there's a great dumpling shop across from the school. I was going to ask you about it, but if you're in a hurry, never mind. I'll just grab a boxed lunch from the school canteen."

Logan Carter turned back quickly. "Oh, no hurry! The school canteen isn't great. I hear there are often stones in the rice. The dumpling shop you're talking about is Oriental Dumpling King, next to the big warehouse across the street. Their pickled vegetable dumplings are amazing!"

Something's definitely wrong! Logan Carter had never been so helpful. Ethan Park was now convinced Logan Carter was behind the attempted attack.