It Was Him After All

"Really? Thanks! I'll go there now!" Ethan Park said, slapping Logan Carter's shoulder heavily. It seemed like a friendly gesture, but Ethan applied a lot of force.

Logan Carter winced from the pain. Normally, he would have gotten angry, but right now he just wanted Ethan Park to leave the school. He forced a smile, pretending to be happy. "You're welcome!"

Ethan Park laughed heartily and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as Ethan Park left, Logan Carter's phone vibrated.

Logan Carter glanced around to make sure no one was watching before answering.

"Hello, Brother Biao, are you there?" Logan Carter whispered into the phone.

"Young Master, I'm sorry!" Zhang Biao immediately apologized.

"What do you mean? Didn't you find anyone?" Logan Carter asked, puzzled by Zhang Biao's sudden apology.

"No, Young Master, it's not that. Ethan Park isn't simple. The two local thugs I found refused to touch him when they saw who it was. Instead, they greeted him with smiles!" Zhang Biao explained.

"How can that be!" Logan Carter was shocked. "Wait, are you sure it was Ethan Park?" He suddenly realized Ethan Park had just left the classroom.

"Absolutely. Oh, and Young Master, Ethan Park went back to the school afterwards. Be careful!" Zhang Biao didn't know Logan Carter had already seen Ethan Park.

"Damn it!" Logan Carter hung up, realizing that Ethan Park had figured out he was behind this and had come back to mock him.

Logan Carter almost smashed his phone in anger. Now that things were out in the open, he decided to go all out. If he couldn't handle it directly, he'd use underhanded methods. He didn't believe Ethan Park could dodge every attack.

Humming a tune, Ethan Park headed home and ran into Nathan Drake, who was coming out of a pool hall.

"Hey there, buddy!" Nathan Drake's sudden greeting startled Ethan Park.

"Hey what?" Ethan Park was confused.

"Don't play dumb. Your grades have shot up recently. Ms. Amelia praised you several times in our class, and even the usually stern Mr. Li commended your improvement!" Nathan Drake said.

Mr. Li, known as "Iron Face Li," was Ethan Park's biology teacher and homeroom teacher. He always had a stern expression, hence the nickname. Class 7 and Class 8 shared the same set of teachers.

Since the last biology test, where Ethan Park had successfully cheated multiple times, his grades had soared, making him a model of a struggling student making progress.

"Of course! Do you know who I am?" Ethan Park boasted.

"Got any tips for a friend?" Nathan Drake asked.

"Just study... There's no secret to it," Ethan Park replied evasively.

"Ugh, I'm too dumb. Studying is torture for me. I'll just get through high school and find a job," Nathan Drake said, feeling dejected.

Seeing his friend's expression, Ethan Park almost told him about the glasses but then thought better of it. This secret couldn't be shared with anyone, as it could bring a lot of trouble.

For Ethan Park, the glasses were just a tool for cheating, but in someone else's hands, they could be used for crime. The thought made him break out in a cold sweat.

"It's okay. Everyone has their own path. There are successful people in every profession. Look at Mason Black; he's doing well, earning more than some college graduates!" Ethan Park reassured him.

"True!" Nathan Drake patted Ethan Park on the shoulder. "Thanks!"

Ethan Park was confused. He had just offered a few words of comfort. How could he know that Nathan Drake felt enlightened, his worries lifted?

"Going to Mason Black's place this afternoon?" Nathan Drake asked.

"No, I need to focus on studying until the college entrance exams!" Ethan Park said with a smile.

Thinking of Ava Bennett and Amelia's expectations for him, Ethan Park smiled even wider.

"Da Ming, your grades have improved a lot recently," Ethan Park's father said with a loving expression, watching Ethan devour his meal. "You go to Ms. Amelia's place every evening for math tutoring. Your mom and I were thinking of visiting her to thank her."

"No need, Dad," Ethan Park said, swallowing a mouthful of food. "Ms. Amelia isn't that kind of person."

"That won't do. Your progress is thanks to her. We must thank her," Ethan's father insisted.

"Really, it's not necessary!" Ethan Park wanted to say that Amelia was already like a sister to him but decided against it, worried about his father's reaction. "Dad, I'll just take Ms. Amelia out for a meal one day."

"That works too," his father nodded, taking out 100 yuan from his wallet, then adding another 100. He handed the 200 yuan to Ethan. "Take her somewhere nice."

That afternoon, Logan Carter didn't cause Ethan Park any trouble. He realized he had underestimated Ethan Park's abilities. He still wanted revenge but was now waiting for the right opportunity.

Failing to teach Ethan Park a lesson only fueled Logan Carter's determination. He didn't want to rely on small-time thugs anymore, knowing it wouldn't work. He planned to deliver a decisive blow to ruin Ethan Park's reputation permanently.

Of course, this didn't mean killing Ethan Park—Logan didn't have the guts for that. He wanted to find a way to completely disgrace him.

Suddenly, Logan Carter's furrowed brow relaxed into a cold smile.

Although Ethan Park knew Logan Carter was behind the incident, he didn't have concrete evidence and didn't take it too seriously. However, Logan Carter soon did something that would shock Ethan Park immensely!