Logan Carter's Strange Behavior

The last class in the afternoon was evening self-study, with a half-hour break in between. Ethan Park planned to use this time to ask Ava Bennett about some problems he didn't understand today and maybe bond with her a little.

Just as Ethan Park was about to stand up and leave his seat, he saw Logan Carter walking toward him.

He must know that his scheme was exposed at noon. What does he want now? Ethan Park frowned. He wasn't afraid of Logan Carter in a fight, but he did worry that Logan might use his authority as class monitor to cause minor troubles.

"Ethan Park!" Logan Carter greeted with a smile.

Of course, he was coming for him. Ethan Park looked at Logan Carter's smiling face, feeling a bit puzzled. Was this guy's facial nerve malfunctioning? Why was he greeting him with a smile?

"Oh, it's the class monitor. What can I do for you?" Ethan Park didn't want to engage with him, but as they say, one does not slap a smiling face, so he casually responded.

"Ethan Park, I'm here to apologize to you!" Logan Carter's words left Ethan Park stunned.

Apologize? Ethan Park looked at Logan Carter with interest. What was wrong with this guy today? First, he was smiling strangely, and now he was apologizing? Did he mishear? Was Logan really stupid or did he have some other motive?

"Apologize? What do you mean by that, class monitor? I don't understand," Ethan Park asked.

"Actually, it's like this. I was the one who arranged for those guys at noon!" Logan Carter got straight to the point. "Here's what happened: I saw you bullying Ava Bennett that day and got a bit resentful. In a moment of impulse, I hired a couple of guys to teach you a lesson. But then I immediately regretted it. We're all classmates, after all, and any conflict shouldn't escalate to physical fights. That would only make things worse! Once I realized this, I called the guys and told them not to come, but they said they had to do the job since they took my money. I couldn't dissuade them no matter what I said. Luckily, they knew you, otherwise, I wouldn't have known what to do!"

Ethan Park was genuinely surprised that Logan Carter admitted to his face that he was behind the incident at noon. Had he really had a change of heart and grown a conscience? Impossible! Ethan Park wasn't dumb. From Logan Carter's contradictory words, he could tell that Logan was definitely trying to deceive him!

The incident with Ava Bennett happened over a week ago, and Logan Carter only arranged for the guys today. How could that be an impulsive act? Even if it were, why didn't he tell Ethan at noon instead of trying to get him to go to the school gate?

"Oh, I see. No problem, I didn't really take it to heart," Ethan Park said. In fact, he hadn't.

"Ha, Ethan Park, you're really magnanimous. Even though you didn't take it to heart, my conscience is troubled. To apologize, I'm treating you to dinner tonight to make amends!" Logan Carter said sincerely.

Ethan Park squinted at him, trying to discern his true intentions. But Logan Carter maintained a look of utmost sincerity.

Logan Carter had planned this thoroughly while sitting at his desk, making sure there were no flaws in his act. Naturally, he couldn't be easily seen through.

But Ethan Park was already certain that this guy had ulterior motives. Something was definitely up!

"Sorry, I have math tutoring with Ms. Amelia tonight, so I can't make it. I appreciate the gesture, but it's really no big deal," Ethan Park said, waving his hand.

"If tonight doesn't work, then tomorrow!" Logan Carter quickly said.

"I have tutoring every night," Ethan Park added.

"Then how about the weekend? You must have some free time then," Logan Carter persisted.

"The weekend? I've already said it's not necessary," Ethan Park smiled wryly.

"It's absolutely necessary! Let's settle it: this Saturday evening, I've booked a table at the Heaven on Earth Hotel. You must come!" Logan Carter said firmly.

"But..." Ethan Park tried to refuse.

"No buts, Ethan Park. Are you looking down on me, the class monitor? If you respect me at all, you'll come! If you don't want to forgive me, then forget it," Logan Carter declared emphatically.

"Well... alright, I'll go. Is that okay?" Ethan Park agreed. For one, he was curious about why Logan Carter insisted on this dinner. What was he up to? Secondly, Heaven on Earth was a high-end hotel in the city, known as a luxurious haunt for the city's elite. Normally, Ethan Park wouldn't have the chance to go there. With Logan paying, he was curious to see what it was like inside.

Logan Carter was pleased when Ethan Park agreed. He patted Ethan Park's shoulder and said, "It's a deal!" Then he returned to his seat, satisfied.

Ethan Park shook his head and checked his watch. He had wasted over ten minutes with Logan Carter, and half of the break was already over! He quickly grabbed the problems Amelia had given him and headed towards Ava Bennett.

Ethan Park, Ethan Park, enjoy your last couple of carefree days. Just wait until I make you utterly humiliated! Stealing my woman without knowing your own limits! Logan Carter thought bitterly as he watched Ethan walk towards Ava Bennett's seat.

However, on the surface, he maintained a calm demeanor, even nodding friendly as Ethan Park passed by.

Ethan Park scratched his head. Was it possible that his good luck had activated some kind of aura, making his adversaries surrender without a fight?

But thinking realistically, Ethan Park dismissed this. After all, this wasn't some fantasy novel. People's hearts are hard to read. Who knew what Logan Carter was really thinking!